The Delhi rape victim dies in a Singapore hospital.
(Me: A tragedy beyond words. Of her 5 rapists in the bus, the cruelest is said to be a 17-old boy and according to reports, he cannot be punished, let alone a severe a one he deserves, once he becomes a major, at 18, just few months away. Punishment must always be commensurate with the severity of the crime for 2 reasons:
(1) The criminal meets his just deserts;
(2) The acts as a deterrent for potential evil-doers.
regardless of what the woolly-headed Human Rights' group or others of similar persuasion may say. This is an open-and-shut case, so castrate those apprehended without wasting time, and rape crimes will dramatically come down.
How many of my friends agree with me?
A super duper quotable quote on India's judicial system by Abhishek Singhvi, one of the country's top lawyers and Congress party M.P.
"In the Indian criminal justice system, major crimes are likely to remain unreported; if reported, frequently not registered; if registered, the true perpetrator not found; if found, not prosecuted; if prosecuted, not charged; if charged, usually not convicted; if convicted, frequently not adequately punished."
(Me: To all my discerning friends, please do read Singhvi's full article, "The Denial of Justice" in the Times of India dated 28/12/12)
Infosy Chairman emeritus, Narayana Murty, on CEO package in India…
"When I hear about the vulgar display of wealth in cities like Delhi and Mumbai, I get worried whether we are heading to a cataclysmic display of violence by the poor who have lost hope. This is not an outcome that any of us would wish for this country since corporate leaders have an important role in solving the problem of poverty. We would do well to remember the words of John Kennedy that a society that cannot help many who are poor cannot save the few who are rich."
How learned and logical are some members (of course, not all) of our judiciary of the Supreme Court, no less? A case story quoted by Sujata Anandan, a respected journalist, in Hindustan Times dated 26/12/12.. And, of course, one swallow does not make a summer…
"Mathura was a young 14-year-old tribal girl from the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra who had been gangraped by 3 constables in the toilet of the police station where she went to register a complaint against her brother who was harassing her for her relationship with her boyfriend. The Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court had, on her appeal against a lower court verdict, convicted the policemen for criminal misuse of their authority but that was not why she became the catalyst for change. When the suspended policemen appealed against the court verdict, Mathura did not even know why the Supreme Court (SC) reversed the high court judgment upholding the lower court verdict that had earlier given the constables the benefit of the about, going one step further in its arguments for holding her, and not the rapists guilty for her own rape!
The matter might have ended there had not some SC lawyers been looking up the records in the interest of a case they were fighting before the apex court. They were horrified to discover that the judge hearing the appeal in the highest court in the land had acquitted the policemen simply because Mathura had not been a virgin at the time of her rape. "Because she was used to sex, she might have incited the cops (they were drunk on duty) to have intercourse with her," the judge had said.
(Me: hmmm. "We get the government we deserve" is a saying which is as old as the hills. Not just that, even our democracy, our elected representatives, our law enforcement agencies, our media and everything else, too, because we are all chip of the same block, hai na?)
"A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool" – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton.
(Me: hmm maybe, but almost everyone falls flat for flattery!)
A lawyer's son went to law school and graduated with honours, then went home to join his father's firm.
At the end of his first day at work, he rushed into his father's office and said, "Father, father, in one day I broke the accident case you've been working on for 10 years!"
His father responded: "you idiot, we could live on the funding of that case for another 10 years.
(Me: doesn't look like a joke..).
There is no great agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
Tongue in cheek…
Go to Heaven for the climate and Hell for the company.
Weird world
Spicy soup burns hole through man's stomach..
A man from China was left with a burnt hole in his stomach lining after he consumed a notoriously spicy bowl of soup. He started vomiting blood before being rushed to a local hospital in Wuhan.
Drunk motorist mistakes lawn for parking lot..
Vermont State Police say a man faces a drunken driving charge after driving onto the lawn of a historic home one owned by the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Cops say Donald Blood of Mass thought he wasdriving into a parking lot, but actually it was the lawn of the Wilson House, built in 1852 in Dorset, the birthplace of AA co-founder Bill Wilson.
(Me: ironical, indeed!)
Health tip..
How can I get the nutritional benefit from lemon peel?
Simply freeze the lemon and shred the whole lemon with a grater. The peel contains 5 to 10 times the nutrients as the flesh and juice. Sprinkle the grated lemon on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereal, noodles… the list is endless.
Bitter gourd (karela/parikkai) juice has alcohol intoxication properties, and helps cleanse the liver after alcohol consumption.
Patient: It must be tough spending all day with your hands in someone's mouth.
Dentist: I just think of it as having my hands in their wallet.
A truism…
"If we can't alter the tide of events, at least we can be nearby with towels to mop up" – Peter David