Express your opinion regarding the performance.
Value the employee. When giving performance feedback, it is critical that you clearly describe the behavior that is inappropriate, or needs to change.It is important to value the employee's other contributions when providing feedback that addresses a particular concern.
Encourage input. With the right approach, employees should feel encouraged to talk about their view of the problem and more importantly, ideas they have to address the problem. In some cases, the manager will need to be direct about how the employee should change his or her behavior. In most cases we find that employees can generate their own solutions to behavior that has been identified as inappropriate or counter productive. Employees are always more motivated to try their own suggestions for improved performance.
Listen. Leadership is based on a relationship. You can't build a solid relationship based on trust and respect if you don't listen. Listening says, "I care." Listening helps you identify, from the employee's perspective, why there might be a problem. Listening gives you time to begin thinking about solutions that might work to fix the problem. A great coach asks questions, listens to the response, and acts accordingly. It's no coincidence that the best coaches are also the best listeners.
Outline future behaviors. After you have clearly identified the problem and had a dialogue with the employee about what will change, it is important to clearly outline the behavior you expect to see in the future.
Project outcomes, both positive and negative, related to the performance you are discussing. Sometimes there are positive consequences for the poor performance.
Like every other skill you've acquired, coaching takes practice. Work hard to help your employees D.E.V.E.L.O. P. The payoff is improved performance, better morale, greater retention of team members and less stress