Wednesday, 6 June 2012

[] 13 Things Not To Share Or Discuss With Your Colleagues


"It's a social environment as well as a work environment. However, you must
remember while you can be friendly and develop a good rapport, business is
business and friendship is friendship."

Most workers don't realize that what they say has as much impact on their
professional images as what they wear, Lopeke says. People who say too much,
about themselves or others, can be seen as incompetent, unproductive and
unworthy of professional development.

To avoid your next case of verbal diarrhea, here are 13 things to never
share or discuss with your co-workers.

*1. Salary information*
What you earn is between you and Human Resources, Solovic says. Disclosure
indicates you aren't capable of keeping a confidence.

*2. Medical history*
"Nobody really cares about your aches and pains, your latest operation, your
infertility woes or the contents of your medicine cabinet," Lopeke says. To
your employer, your constant medical issues make you seem like an expensive,
high-risk employee.

*3. Gossip*
Whomever you're gossiping with will undoubtedly tell others what you said,
Solovic says. Plus, if a co-worker is gossiping with you, most likely he or
she will gossip about you.

*4. Work complaints*
Constant complaints about your workload, stress levels or the company will
quickly make you the kind of person who never gets invited to lunch, Solovic
warns. If you don't agree with company policies and procedures, address it
through official channels or move on.

*5. Cost of purchases*
The spirit of keeping up with the Joneses is alive and well in the
workplace, Lopeke says, but you don't want others speculating on the
lifestyle you're living –or if you're living beyond your salary bracket.

*6. Intimate details*
Don't share intimate (personal/private) details about your personal life. Co-workers can and
will use the information against you, Solovic says.

*7. Politics or religion*
"People have strong, passionate views on both topics," Solovic says. You may
alienate a co-worker or be viewed negatively in a way that could impact your
career. If you and your co-workers belong to same religion then it is always nice
to have fruitful discussions. In case you have different regligion, speak for the positive
side of religion only. Never say lose sentences which may harm the image.

*8. Lifestyle changes*
Breakups, divorces and baby-making plans should be shared only if there is a
need to know, Lopeke says. Otherwise, others will speak for your
capabilities, desires and limitations on availability, whether there is any
truth to their assumptions or not.

*9. Blogs or social networking profile*
What you say in a social networking community or in your personal blog may
be even more damaging than what you say in person, Solovic warns. "Comments
online can be seen by multiple eyes. An outburst of anger when you are
having a bad day … can blow up in your face."

*10. Negative views of colleagues
*If you don't agree with a co-worker's lifestyle, wardrobe or professional
abilities, confront that person privately or keep it to yourself, Lopeke
says. The workplace is not the venue for controversy.

*11. Hangovers and wild weekends*
It's perfectly fine to have fun during the weekend, but don't talk about
your wild adventures on Monday, Solovic advises. That information can make
you look unprofessional and unreliable.

*12. Personal problems and relationships – in and out of the office*
"Failed marriages and volatile romances spell instability to an employer,"
Lopeke says. Office romances lead to gossip and broken hearts, so it's best
to steer clear. "The safest way to play is to follow the rule, 'Never get
your honey where you get your money.'"

*13. Off-color or racially charged comments*
You can assume your co-worker wouldn't be offended or would think something
is funny, but you might be wrong, Solovic says. Never take that risk.
Furthermore, even if you know for certain your colleague wouldn't mind your
comment, don't talk about it at work. Others can easily overhear.

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[] Forgiveness


Re: []Trinity: A Brief Study


Jesus not Son of God : Global Islamic Platform

Quran 4: 171:Christ Jesus the son of Mary was no more than an Apostle of Allah and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a Spirit proceeding from Him. So believe in Allah and His Apostles. Say not "Trinity. Desist it and: it will be better for you, for Allah is One Allah, glory be to him far Exalted and He is above having a son.

Chapter 112:4Quran it is stated -He( i.e. Allah) is neither born nor given birth to any.

Gospel of John- 20:17Jesus to Mary:-Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren and say unto them. I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and your God.


Matthew 5:45That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he make his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and send rain on the just and on the unjust.

Romans 8: 14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Exodus 4: 22Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn: (Jacob = Izrael)

2 Samuel 7:14I will be his father, and he shall be my son. (Solomon)

1 Chronicles 022:10and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; ((Solomon)

Jeremiah 31:9 for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

Psalms 2:7I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. (David)

Deuteronomy 14:1You are the children of the LORD your God:

On 6 June 2012 08:06, Jeevan For you <> wrote:
Trinity: A Brief Study

Trinity 2Throughout the bible we see that it says God is One. (Deut. 6:4, 1 Cor. 4:7)We also find this God revealing Himself as existing in community of three persons namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, writesPankaj J Parmar.

You believe in Three gods.

How can God be Three and One?

Philosophers, Skeptics, Non-Christians specifically Muslims, Jehovahs Witnesses and other Cult group people often raise such objections pertaining to Christian understanding of God as Trinity.

Often our answer is it is a mystery or such questions comes from satan and try to avoid the questions and objections. ?

Apologist L.T. Jeyachandran says We all believe in the Trinity but we pray to the Trinity than nobody would question us about the Trinity.Are there answers to this questions? Is it possible to respond to this objections and silence the critics ? My answer is yes.As we approach to understand the nature and being of God, Firstly, we have to remember God is Infinite and Man is Finite and the gap between Infinite and Finite is always infinite. That means we will never know God unless God reveals himself to us. We can know about God only as much as he reveals to us. In other words only God can tell us what He is like. No human being by virtue of his intellect or experience can know About God. Revelation precedes knowledge. Secondly, We can know about God TRULYbut not EXHAUSTIVELY.

Because God is Infinite, finite human mind is incapable to fully comprehending God, so God reveals himself to us only to that extent, where we can grasp him. We have to expect mystery in relation to the knowledge of God. Now Mystery is not an absurdity. Mystery is not something which goes against reason but beyond reason. Now let us explore to the nature and being of God as revealed in the bible.


Throughout the bible we see that it says God is One. (Deut. 6:4, 1 Cor. 4:7) Along with, we also find this God revealing himself as existing in community of three persons namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Old Testament we find reference to plurality of persons implicitly present in verses like Gen. 1:26, 3:22, 19:24, Psalms 110 :1, 45: Isaiah 48: 12-15, Zechariah 2:8-11. 6: 12-15.

When we read New Testament, after the advent of Jesus, find explicitly further revelation and confirmation of God existing as Father, Son and Holy spirit in verses like Matthew 3:16, 28 :19, 2 corn 13:14, John 1: 1-3, 14 :16, 26, 15 :26

When Muslims or other people think of God as One, the understanding of ONENESS gets limited to one person unity, or singular unity. But in our casual language we use many words which are taken as one but refers to plural unity. Words like Group, Couple, Family, Army, community, Church, Nation etc. though taken in singular form refers to unity of comprising more than one person and nobody says to such unity or oneness as absurdity or contradiction. Similarly, when we Study Hebrew language we find there are two words for ONE or UNITY

1) Yachid : refers to Singular unity,

2) Echad : refers to Plural unity

When God says to Abraham in Gen 22 : 2 Take Your son, your ONLY son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Here the word for one (ONLY) in Hebrew is Yachid, thus refers to singular unity.

While, in Gen 2 : 24 for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Here the word for one is Echad, which refers to plural unity.

This same word Echad is used in Shema : Here O Israel: The Lord our God, The Lord isone.(Echad) .


1)God, according to Old testament, Jehovah, exists as three persons, namely Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons are distinct from one another. Father is not Son, Son is not Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit is not Father, but Father is Jehovah, Son is Jehovah and Holy Spirit is Jehovah. These three persons are Co-equal and Co-eternal. God was always Trinity, is Trinity and will be Trinity forever.

2) God is One in one sense and three in another sense, not in same sense. The oneness pertains to ESSENCE and three ness pertains to PERSONS. In other words there is one What (essence) or Three Who (persons). The Essence unites the three persons; Person is that which distinguishes them. Thus the unity of the Trinity does not mean aloneness, nor does the distinction with the Trinity mean dividedness. If we say God is one essence and three essence or God is one person and three person, at the same time, it would be a contradiction. As three angles in a Triangle are inseparably united to form one Triangle, in the same way the three persons are united inseparably in essence to form one God.

3)God is Jesus & Jesus is God both statements had different meanings and are not identical in meaning. When is is used in Jesus is God it is used in predicate sense, means Jesus is divine who shares the same one divine nature (essence) which other two persons father and Holy Spirit shares. To say God is Jesus will be inappropriate because Jesus does not exhaust what it means to speak of God. Jesus and God are not identical, as other persons too share the same divine nature and therefore are divine.

4)God is a being in relationships. The three persons of trinity are deeply interrelated and mutually indwell one another (perichoresis) and thus have a necessary and unbreakable oneness. Even though three will exists, yet only one will is expressed. Whatever they do, they do together. Because the members of trinity share the same essence and mutually indwell one another, they also act as one rather than in isolation from one another. The acts of God are always the acts of each member of Trinity, one or more initiating the process and the others backing it. There is no conflict, competition, confusion between them due to self giving love which exits between them.

5)God the Son, takes incarnation and not God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. So, lets not pray thank you father for dying on the cross. Father did not die on the cross, it was God the Son. . In incarnation there is no subtraction of deity but addition of humanity, therefore, God the son became man without ceasing to be God, and hence three persons remains united in essence. While crying from the cross my God, my God why have you forsaken me, there is no separation or brokenness in Essence but only temporary brokenness of fellowship and relationship which existed between three persons of trinity. Even death of God the Son on cross does not mean cessation of God the Son. Death according to bible is separation of Body and Soul. God the Son, in his divine nature was united with human nature in person of Jesus Christ. During death the human spirit of Jesus remains unified with Divine nature of God the Son and is separated from the body, which again reunites with glorified body after resurrection and remains forever in that state forever in submission to God the Father.


When we look at the universe, we observe that it is made up of so many diverse things like plants, animals, humans, stars etc. Sunlight which appears white to naked eye, viewed through prism appears to be made of seven colors. We are made, physically and chemically, of the same elements yet we are so different from other human beings, things and animals. A word is made up of many Alphabets; A painting of many colors produces a harmonious mosaic. An orchestra of many musical instruments produces a symphony, instead of cacophony. If there is unity in diversity in the creation, is it not reasonable to expect unity and diversity in the creator.

Bible says God is love. If God is unipersonal, He will not be love. For God to be love there must be Subject-Object duality, without which loves will not be a possibility. In absence of plurality of persons within the being of God, love will remain as potential and not an actuality. So in one sense, we (creation) would have helped God find His perfection by being the object of His love! This of course is absolute nonsense. We have to reach the unavoidable conclusion that within God there has to be a plurality - a Subject (Father) Who loves, an Object (Son) Who is loved (John 1&:24) and a Medium (Holy Spirit) through Whom that love is communicated (Romans 5:5). This combined with the unity of the Essence of God is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

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Re: Re: []Trinity: A Brief Study


Why we are arguing, to know the GOD.  Here trinity or else is not a problem.  We, all are trying to reach GOD.  GOD has set some rules for human beings as he set for universe.  Follow them strictly.  We are in almost at the end of this world, also in the well advanced world.  Nothing can hide or an unbelievable formula can exist now.  GOD can not have a son.  He is the creator of all universe.  Sin is a sin, that will be punished.  That is what every country has rules to punish it.  God also will have court to punish it.  Nobody can take others sin.  Or do as many sin and think that a man can take it and I am free of sin.  It it believable.  Then everybody will do sin.  Then what will happen. 

All the rules are for human beings for a better life.  Nothing GOD will benifit out of it.  All our life are counted and accordingly benifited or punished.  This is the basic rules set by GOD throug all religion.  So, stand for human beings to make this world a paradise.  GOD is GOD, nobody created HIM.  HE created us.  So be behind him and follow his rules.  Read all Holly Books and find the truth.  Dont compell anybody, let them think freely.

Discussion is a good thing.  Explain what ever knowledge you have.  But dont argue.  Try to be a good teacher.  Accept the good things and work for human beings.  That is what the society want from you.  And be honest with GOD.

Let us be together to build the world a paradise.  GOD will be with us.



Dear Mr.Koya: 

Pls. read the brief article below written by Jeevan for You and understand the doctrine of is for all Kerala Net people to understand. This is the most difficult doctrine in Biblical theology out of 250 plus doctrines of the Bible.........But of all we have to have some faith, child like Faith to understand it....Natural man (unsaved) cannot understand it because he/she is spiritually BLIND, the Bible says... A saved person has  3 natures (divine nature) to understand the things of God by hearing the word and studying the word....I am studying the Bible for 38 years and fully convinced that there is no contradiction in the bible which is the WORD (LOGOS), Jesus Christ Himself....the REVEALED GOD.....Jehovah/Elohim...

The first passage in GENESIS itself shows in HEBREW language the plurality of God that is "ELOHIM"....But One three persons with different functions....Then search the whole Bible and put all those wordings together and shuffle it. You will find three PERSONS, but in essence ONE person, the ALMIGHTY GOD Lord JESUS CHRIST

who revealed Himself to us (IMMANUEL)....Our finite mind cannot understand fully, but it is true and that is how HE operates....He is not a created one ( King James version and few other translations made an error by using the word "BEGOTTEN" which means created one....In fact HE is the creator Himself....The NIV translation is the right one.

Read John 3:16 which says 'His One and Only Son'....He is known as SON to indicate the close, intimate, harmonious, loving relationship that exists in TRINITY....I studied this trinity thoroughly and I can write dozens of pages and still I cannot fully understand the mystery behind it....But by faith I accept it....In heaven we will only see ONE person literally and Physically and that is the central person of the TRINITY, the Lord Jesus
Christ....It is in the Bible...we must have faith and divine eye to see it in the Bible itself.

The whole Bible is the UNIVERSITY of the GOVT. of God and we have to research it and study it under the ILLUMINATION power of the Holy Spirit...Otherwise no body will understand the mysteries of God....I am not here to debate with any one as I wrote you earlier few months ago, not through Kerala Net, but personally. Ok.

Now read the explanation given by mr. Victos,V....He did a good job. God bless him.

God bless you too. He is telling the truth!


--- On Wed, 6/6/12, Jeevan For you <> wrote:

From: Jeevan For you <>
Subject: Re: []Trinity: A Brief Study
To: "Keralites" <>
Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 12:06 AM
Trinity: A Brief Study

Trinity 2Throughout the bible we see that it says God is One. (Deut. 6:4, 1 Cor. 4:7)We also find this God revealing Himself as existing in community of three persons namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, writesPankaj J Parmar.
You believe in Three gods.

How can God be Three and One?

Philosophers, Skeptics, Non-Christians specifically Muslims, Jehovahs Witnesses and other Cult group people often raise such objections pertaining to Christian understanding of God as Trinity.

Often our answer is it is a mystery or such questions comes from satan and try to avoid the questions and objections. ?

Apologist L.T. Jeyachandran says We all believe in the Trinity but we pray to the Trinity than nobody would question us about the Trinity.Are there answers to this questions? Is it possible to respond to this objections and silence the critics ? My answer is yes.As we approach to understand the nature and being of God, Firstly, we have to remember God is Infinite and Man is Finite and the gap between Infinite and Finite is always infinite. That means we will never know God unless God reveals himself to us. We can know about God only as much as he reveals to us. In other words only God can tell us what He is like. No human being by virtue of his intellect or experience can know About God. Revelation precedes knowledge. Secondly, We can know about God TRULYbut not EXHAUSTIVELY.

Because God is Infinite, finite human mind is incapable to fully comprehending God, so God reveals himself to us only to that extent, where we can grasp him. We have to expect mystery in relation to the knowledge of God. Now Mystery is not an absurdity. Mystery is not something which goes against reason but beyond reason. Now let us explore to the nature and being of God as revealed in the bible.


Throughout the bible we see that it says God is One. (Deut. 6:4, 1 Cor. 4:7) Along with, we also find this God revealing himself as existing in community of three persons namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Old Testament we find reference to plurality of persons implicitly present in verses like Gen. 1:26, 3:22, 19:24, Psalms 110 :1, 45: Isaiah 48: 12-15, Zechariah 2:8-11. 6: 12-15.

When we read New Testament, after the advent of Jesus, find explicitly further revelation and confirmation of God existing as Father, Son and Holy spirit in verses like Matthew 3:16, 28 :19, 2 corn 13:14, John 1: 1-3, 14 :16, 26, 15 :26

When Muslims or other people think of God as One, the understanding of ONENESS gets limited to one person unity, or singular unity. But in our casual language we use many words which are taken as one but refers to plural unity. Words like Group, Couple, Family, Army, community, Church, Nation etc. though taken in singular form refers to unity of comprising more than one person and nobody says to such unity or oneness as absurdity or contradiction. Similarly, when we Study Hebrew language we find there are two words for ONE or UNITY

1) Yachid : refers to Singular unity,

2) Echad : refers to Plural unity

When God says to Abraham in Gen 22 : 2 Take Your son, your ONLY son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Here the word for one (ONLY) in Hebrew is Yachid, thus refers to singular unity.

While, in Gen 2 : 24 for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Here the word for one is Echad, which refers to plural unity.

This same word Echad is used in Shema : Here O Israel: The Lord our God, The Lord isone.(Echad) .


1)God, according to Old testament, Jehovah, exists as three persons, namely Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons are distinct from one another. Father is not Son, Son is not Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit is not Father, but Father is Jehovah, Son is Jehovah and Holy Spirit is Jehovah. These three persons are Co-equal and Co-eternal. God was always Trinity, is Trinity and will be Trinity forever.

2) God is One in one sense and three in another sense, not in same sense. The oneness pertains to ESSENCE and three ness pertains to PERSONS. In other words there is one What (essence) or Three Who (persons). The Essence unites the three persons; Person is that which distinguishes them. Thus the unity of the Trinity does not mean aloneness, nor does the distinction with the Trinity mean dividedness. If we say God is one essence and three essence or God is one person and three person, at the same time, it would be a contradiction. As three angles in a Triangle are inseparably united to form one Triangle, in the same way the three persons are united inseparably in essence to form one God.

3)God is Jesus & Jesus is God both statements had different meanings and are not identical in meaning. When is is used in Jesus is God it is used in predicate sense, means Jesus is divine who shares the same one divine nature (essence) which other two persons father and Holy Spirit shares. To say God is Jesus will be inappropriate because Jesus does not exhaust what it means to speak of God. Jesus and God are not identical, as other persons too share the same divine nature and therefore are divine.

God is a being in relationships. The three persons of trinity are deeply interrelated and mutually indwell one another (perichoresis) and thus have a necessary and unbreakable oneness. Even though three will exists, yet only one will is expressed. Whatever they do, they do together. Because the members of trinity share the same essence and mutually indwell one another, they also act as one rather than in isolation from one another. The acts of God are always the acts of each member of Trinity, one or more initiating the process and the others backing it. There is no conflict, competition, confusion between them due to self giving love which exits between them.

5)God the Son, takes incarnation and not God the Father or God the Holy Spirit. So, lets not pray thank you father for dying on the cross. Father did not die on the cross, it was God the Son. . In incarnation there is no subtraction of deity but addition of humanity, therefore, God the son became man without ceasing to be God, and hence three persons remains united in essence. While crying from the cross my God, my God why have you forsaken me, there is no separation or brokenness in Essence but only temporary brokenness of fellowship and relationship which existed between three persons of trinity. Even death of God the Son on cross does not mean cessation of God the Son. Death according to bible is separation of Body and Soul. God the Son, in his divine nature was united with human nature in person of Jesus Christ. During death the human spirit of Jesus remains unified with Divine nature of God the Son and is separated from the body, which again reunites with glorified body after resurrection and remains forever in that state forever in submission to God the Father.


When we look at the universe, we observe that it is made up of so many diverse things like plants, animals, humans, stars etc. Sunlight which appears white to naked eye, viewed through prism appears to be made of seven colors. We are made, physically and chemically, of the same elements yet we are so different from other human beings, things and animals. A word is made up of many Alphabets; A painting of many colors produces a harmonious mosaic. An orchestra of many musical instruments produces a symphony, instead of cacophony. If there is unity in diversity in the creation, is it not reasonable to expect unity and diversity in the creator.

Bible says God is love. If God is unipersonal, He will not be love. For God to be love there must be Subject-Object duality, without which loves will not be a possibility. In absence of plurality of persons within the being of God, love will remain as potential and not an actuality. So in one sense, we (creation) would have helped God find His perfection by being the object of His love! This of course is absolute nonsense. We have to reach the unavoidable conclusion that within God there has to be a plurality - a Subject (Father) Who loves, an Object (Son) Who is loved (John 1&:24) and a Medium (Holy Spirit) through Whom that love is communicated (Romans 5:5). This combined with the unity of the Essence of God is the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.

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