Enlightening Morning Words !

If the Road is Beautiful then,
Worry About the Destination, But if the Destination is Beautiful,
Then Don't Worry About The Road!
We Always Feel that GOD
Never comes on Time When We Call Him... But the Truth is ~ "He is Always on Time"
But "We are Always in Hurry!
Trust the One Who can See,
These Three Thing in You ~ Sorrow Behind Your SMILE,
Love Behind Your ANGER Reason Behind Your SILENCE!
Beautiful things Are not Always Good ~
But Good things are Always Beautiful!
Never Miss the First Opportunity,
Because the Second Opportunity Will be Much More Difficult than First!
Dreams Aren't those That
You Have when You are Asleep, Dreams are Those that
Don't Let You Sleep till They are Fulfilled!
Be Strong When Going Through Many Storms
Sometimes, the people who have been through many storms often take the longest to find their path because their sensitivity is a double edged sword, at their core lies great strength but they are more susceptible to life's pains. Good thing the soul doesn't know a thing about deadlines. — Unknown
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