Wednesday, 3 April 2019

[] 7 Secret Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil



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    7 Secret Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil
7 Secret Reasons Why You Should Be Using Coconut Oil
Although we are told that coconut oil is a harmful saturated fat, that is just a myth. It is actually one of the healthiest oils you can consume. 
People all over the world are experiencing the healthy benefits of using coconut oil. It has kept people in the tropics healthy and lean for centuries.
We are just now rediscovering the amazingly healthy benefits of coconut oil.

Here are the top seven reasons why you should use coconut oil as an alternative to other common cooking oils:
1. Coconut oil doesn't turn to fat in your body.

Unlike many other common oils, like soy (vegetable) and corn, coconut oil won't make you fat. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT),
which are an easy fuel for the body to burn, without turning to fat. Most other cooking oils and fats contain long-chain triglycerides (LCT). 
LCT's are usually stored as fat. Since coconut oil is a MCT, it is more easily absorbed
and converted to energy quicker.

People in the tropics have relied on coconuts as a traditional staple in their diet for centuries. They consume large amounts of coconut oil every day.
Instead of getting fatter, it helps them stay healthy, lean and trim. When they switch from coconut oil to our modern oils,
they develop obesity and the health problems that our modern society faces.

Some other people who have known this truth for a long time are people who are
in the animal feed business.
When livestock are fed vegetable oils, they put on weight and produce more fatty meat.
When they are fed coconut oil, they become very lean.

2. Coconut oil increases your metabolism.

Not only does coconut oil convert to energy quicker in your body, it increases your metabolism,
which promotes weight loss.
Because it boosts your metabolism, it helps your body burn fat more effectively.

Coconut oil may triple your calorie burn.. Since coconut oil is a MCT,
it is converted to energy so quickly that it creates a lot of heat. In a
study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
MCT's burn three times more calories for six hours after a meal than LCT's.

The February 15, 2005 issue of Woman's World magazine stated
that coconut oil is the "underground high-metabolism secret."

This is great news for people who have thyroid problems, since coconut oil
improves sluggish thyroids by stimulating the production of extra
thyroid hormones. Most other common oils, like vegetable (soy) and
corn have been shown to inhibit thyroid function.

3. Coconut oil contains healthy omega 3 fatty acids.  

Most cooking oils contain omega 6 fatty acids, something we get way
too much of in the United States.  Our omega 6 to omega 3 ratio should be
1:1  but it is more like 50:1.  We need to drastically cut back our omega 6 oils
and consume much more omega 3 oils to be healthy. 
And coconut oil is filled with these healthy omega 3 fatty acids.

4. Coconut oil gives you energy.  

Because of the healthy omega 3 fatty acids and the fact that it increases the
metabolism, most people that switch to coconut oil
feel a burst of added energy in their daily life.

This is because coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium-chain
triglycerides (MCT's), which increase metabolic rates and lead to weight loss.
MCT's promote thermogenesis, which increases the body's metabolism, producing energy.

This is because coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium-chain
triglycerides (MCT's), which increase metabolic rates and lead to weight loss.
MCT's promote thermogenesis, which increases the body's metabolism,
producing energy.  Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome and
fibromyalgia have found that adding coconut and coconut oil to their diet was helpful to them.
5. Coconut oil is one of the best things you can use on your skin and hair.

One of the best things you can apply directly on your skin and hair is coconut oil.
It gives temporary relief to skin problems like rashes.
It aids in healing and restoring skin to a younger appearance.
It has also been known to help with people
who suffer from yeast infections in the skin, as well as many other skin problems..

Not only does is soften and smooth your skin,
coconut oil has antioxidant properties
that protect the skin from free radical damage. 
Coconut oil makes excellent massage oil too.  

6. Coconut oil has healthy benefits that most other oils do not.

Evidence is mounting that coconut oil has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and
anti-viral effects when both consumed and used topically on the skin.

Most oils oxidize and turn rancid very quickly causing free radical damage
in our bodies.  Coconut oil is not easily oxidized and does not cause
harmful free radical damage like polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Free radical
damage is thought to be responsible for many ailments in our
body from arthritis to increased susceptibility to cancers.

Coconut oil also helps our bodies absorb other nutrients more effectively, such as Vitamin E.

7. Coconut oil is one of the best oils you can use for cooking.

It has a higher smoke point than olive oil, which means it can
take higher temperatures better.
There are several healthy omega 3 oils
we can choose to consume, such as flax and olive oil,
but they don't do well under the high heat we use for cooking.
Coconut oil can be used in higher cooking temperatures.

It is harder for coconut oil to go rancid, unlike other cooking oils, which are usually
rancid long before you even bring them home.
Rancid oils cause free radical damage in the body, which is a leading cause of cancer.
Coconut oil is stable for over a year at room temperature.  

Because of the misinformation we have been given for years,
we have lost out on the healthy benefits that coconut oil has given the
people of the tropics for centuries. But now it has been rediscovered!
Coconut oil is so effective, it won't be long before we see coconut oil
supplements promoted, but you can get the jump on the popular crowd
and start consuming and cooking with coconut oil today!



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[] How To Reduce Cholesterol Levels


How to Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels!
Before blaming family genetics, or panic over the latest blood test, it's important to first remember that cholesterol is, first and foremost, an essential molecule, without it there would be no life, and also - that we have the ability to influence the level of cholesterol in our bodies.
The level of cholesterol in our body is a result of the process of creating cholesterol by the liver. In fact, over 85% of our cholesterol is created by the liver. The rest comes from eating animal products: Beef, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy.
The body is an amazing system, and if a healthy body creates cholesterol, then it is indeed an essential material in our bodies:
- Cholesterol is used to build needed steroids.
- Cholesterol is used to build hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
- Cholesterol is vital for the creation of vitamin D.
- The membrane of every cell in our body contains cholesterol.
When there's too much cholesterol
A situation of higher than normal levels of cholesterol can be worrying, because it may build inside the blood vessels and cause coronary diseases and problems with blood flow.
As of today, the normal range of cholesterol in the body is up to 200 mg.
The common medicine to take care of additional cholesterol delay the enzyme that takes part in the process of creating cholesterol in the liver so in fact we limit the rate of building our own cholesterol. But is it logical for us to limit the internal creation of cholesterol without addressing the external source? Nutrition will always be at the forefront of dealing with a surplus of cholesterol.
How can we reduce the levels of cholesterol?
- Reducing or eliminating animal foods: Beef, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products and especially foods rich in fat and cholesterol.
- Consuming Phytosterolsthat come from vegetation. Phytosterols have a similar chemical structure to cholesterol and because of this similarity they both compete for absorption by the lower intestine, and so consuming them will reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed. A good daily amount would be 1.5-2.5 grams a day.
Best sources for Phytosterols: Sesame oil and corn oil but also grains, nuts and seeds: wheat germ, flax seed, wheat bran, peanuts, almonds and cashews, fruits and vegetables: beets, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, onions, oranges and legumes: peas and beans. Legumes and grains are a good source of proteins instead of the fat rich foods.
- Staying away from trans-fats. Trans fat also appears as vegetable oil that has gone through hydrogenation in order to make it harder. This fat is not recommended at all and you'd be best staying clear of it. It is mainly found in processed foods such as margarine, puff pastry, pastries such as croissants, and processed cakes and cookies.
A few more tips...
- Consuming anti-oxidants will help limit the oxidation of cholesterol and consuming them will help getting the cholesterol off the artery walls.
- Consuming soluble fibers, which are abundant in full wheat products, oatmeal, vegetables and fruit. These absorb conversion salts in the digestion system and the body then uses cholesterol to make new ones, thus reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood stream.
- Daily exercise. We know it's tough, but you'll thank us when you get less bad cholesterol, and more good cholesterol.
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