Friday, 24 August 2018




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Four Ayurvedic Herbs to Enhance Brain Power Naturally.

In this age of day-by-day increasing mental stress, strain and cut-throat competition, we are finding it more and more difficult to cope with the pressures of day to day life. Ayurveda claims at not only increasing the powers of the brain but also at keeping the mental diseases away, along with helping to cure them desirably.

It is believed that a number of the diseases have their root in the brain of an individual. That is one of the reasons why the number of psychological and neurological cases is on the increase.

Ayurveda Dosha Healing and Mental Balance:

According to Ayurveda text, the balance of the three body humors viz. air, fire and phlegm or the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas when gets disturbed, tends to manifest itself both in somatic as well as psychic spheres..

Vitiation of the Vata dosha destroys mental sense and gives rise to grief and infatuation.
When the Pitta dosha or the fire humour of the body gets aggravated beyond its normal limits, may lead to mental states of fear, lust and grief.

Similarly, imbalance in Kapha causes lethargy and in-discrimination.
These dosha imbalances disturb both the body as well as the mind. Although the predominant factor in case of mental disturbances is believed to be an increase and imbalance in the two mental states of the brain viz. Rajas and Tamas. These two states are ascribed to Iccha (Desire) and Dwesha (Repulsion).. It is believed that when these states of mind tend to cross the limits set by social norms and values; they tend to excite the basic humours of the body resulting into degeneration of the brain powers and birth of mental diseases.

Ayurveda Herbs as Brain Tonics:

1. Shankhpushpi
There is a herb named as Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) which is one of the nature's precise answers to the brain weakness. It has been used since ages in Ayurveda therapy to sharpen intellect and increase the mental powers, as it has a cooling, calming and subsiding action on the brain. Shankhpushpi is believed to be a Medhya Rasyana (Brain tonic) in Ayurveda and it is a rejuvenator par excellence. One teaspoonful of the powder of this herb is to be taken twice daily along with a cup of milk. It could prove beneficial in maladies like insomnia, anxiety, everyday stress, and loss of memory, anorexia nervosa and lethargy.

2. Brahmi:
Brahmi (Centella asiatica) is another useful brain tonic. It can be taken in powder or paste form along with milk. You could also extract juice by pounding the fresh herb and take it once or twice in a dose of 20-ml approx. Though useful for all ages, it is a boon for students as it increases the intellect and helps undo stress and strain. Powder of this herb taken along with powdered herbs of Shatavari (Asparagus) and Ashwagandha (Winter Cherry) aids in reducing the aggravated Pitta or fire in the system and thus gives a calming effect to the brain. It is also a good cure for bilious headaches.

3. Jatamansi:
Roots of the herb of Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi) helps to tone up the brain and stabilizes mental abilities. It is another excellent restorative as it helps to subside all the three body humors. It thus has a specific action on the nervous system and aids in curing a number of mental diseases like hysteria, depression, insomnia, epilepsy and loss of memory. It has also shown results in hypertension.

4. Shatavari:
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Another herb by the name of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a body and brain rejuvenator and good for intellect. All the more, it helps undo the everyday strain and induces sound sleep. This can be taken in powder form in a dose of 3 to 5 grams along with milk or mixed into equal amount of honey. Also, some medicinal preparations of the herb are available like Shatavari Gritha, which can be taken a teaspoonful at bedtime along with warm milk. Regular use of the same for sometime helps fight mental stress, exhaustion and fatigue. It aids in increasing the eyesight and mental faculties as well.

Ayurveda Recommends Lifestyle Modifications:

The daily diet intake should be regularised in means of proper timing as well as nutritional balance. Try avoiding oily, heavy and spicy meals in your routine. Fresh juices, fibrous foods, raw green vegetables and garden herbs provide with ample supply of anti oxidants and resistance boosters. A good amount of water intake is also a must.

A sound mind dwells in a sound body. It is therefore essential to keep the body fit and healthy in order to develop better intellect. A regular exercise schedule or walks in fresh air especially in the early sunrise could do wonders.

Sound sleep for eight hours is your daily rest requirement for the proper
 functioning and recharging of your brain powers.

Make a daily work list and try to handle problems one by one, 
as it would be rather difficult to cope up with the accumulation.

It is equally important to stay involved and seek for counselling whenever required.
Massage of the scalp and soles of the feet with sesame seed oil is also suggested.
Cow's ghee is quite beneficial for the brain. It should be included in daily diet and can also be inhaled through the nostrils.
So fresh and so clean.
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How to Get Rid of Leg Cramps!
In addition to causing you searing pain, leg muscle cramps can wake you up in the middle of the night and disturb your sleep. Research has found that these spasms tend to increase during the warmer part of the year. Most of the time, this is caused by dehydration and the loss of electrolytes, which can lead to spasms. Toxins from smoking and heavy alcohol consumption can also affect the balance of electrolytes in your body and increase the likelihood of cramping.
This terrible pain associated with leg cramps can also occur due to muscle fatigue or mechanical stress on the muscles, especially if you stand for long periods or walk on hard surfaces. Sometimes the cramping is triggered by medication such as diuretics, statins, or beta-blockers.
Discuss alternative medications with your doctor to lessen this side effect. If the pain worsens and the problem continues to the point of debilitation, it's best to consult with your physician as the condition could indicate a more serious problem.
how to treat leg cramps
While there are prescription drugs available, if the problem isn't persistent, you can cure these aches with some home remedies. If you prefer to turn to the pharmacy for solutions, over the counter analgesic balms or menstrual cramp medication like Midol or Pamprin are effective. One to avoid is quinine, a commonly prescribed remedy, which is extracted from the bark of Cinchona, a rainforest tree. The FDA has found serious risks with this cure as large dosages can prove fatal.
1.. Drink water or Gatorade before bed
Heavy exercise and low fluid intake can cause dehydration. Doctors recommend drinking water or electrolyte filled drinks like Gatorade before retiring to sleep. Water naturally relieves cramps and hydrates the muscles, while the mineral filled drinks ensure your electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium are not depleted.
2. Place a bar of soap in bed
This strange old wives' tale is surprisingly effective and medical authorities even endorse it. Place a bar of soap between the mattress and bottom sheet. Experts speculate that it might be effective due to the emissions from the soap, or the gentle pressure that it puts on the muscle when you randomly toss and turn during the night.
soap leg cramp
3. Stretching exercises 
You don't need to do a whole workout before bed, but three minutes of stretching can prevent mid-sleep leg cramp disturbances. You can try a standing calf stretch. Place one leg in front of the other and bend the knee while extending the back leg. You should feel a relieving pull in the muscle. If you are prone to cramping in the upper leg, try a hamstring stretch. Put your feet together and do a standing forward bend at the hips. Hold this pose for 20 seconds.
4. Potassium and magnesium
When your body has a mineral deficiency, it makes it difficult for the heart to push enough blood down to your legs. Magnesium regulates the muscle and nerve functions, blood pressure and blood sugar levels; while potassium has a similar function but also plays a part in water regulation. Combined together, these two minerals can encourage effective prevention against cramping and certain foods are rich in one or the other.
Bananas are an easy and healthy source of potassium while magnesium can be found in nuts, lentils, and quinoa. It should be noted that if you have kidney problems, extra magnesium can exacerbate the condition..
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[] Dear Lord....


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 Dear LORD
I am so weary, Lord...
I am tired and I need You to give me the courage to carry on with the life that You have so generously given to me. 
Make me understand that this world is an imperfect place, but someday You will make all things right.
Please give me strength for I am afraid, and please dont let me suffer alone. 
You tell me to hold on, and that you will never leave me to walk alone, nor to carry these burdens by myself but sometimes I cannot hear your voice and I stand in
I am weak and sometimes i am scared.
Please help me to keep my faith through these trials and doubts of life, stay close to me. 
Help me to depend on my faith in You, and give me hope, for I need You more than ever.

Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888
Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray
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