It is like saying 'erect a straw wall in front of your brick wall forprotection'. If the straw wall does not protect, then we mayuse a brick wall but it does not mean the straw wall is useless..SANJEEVOn Friday, 5 June, 2020, 11:56:36 am IST, vasant sardesai vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in [hinducivilization] <hinducivilization@yahoogroups.com> wrote:It is, of course, a prejudiced view.. No body has said that allopathic medicines are useless.In cerrtain cases we may have to resort to allopatic medicines for quick results but that does not mean that other ways of treating are useless.V. S. SardesaiOn Thursday, 4 June, 2020, 11:33:16 pm IST, sanjeev kulkarni jeevkulkarni@yahoo.com [hinducivilization] <hinducivilization@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Be honest to this till the last. Treat your children andfamily and yourself with Ayurveda only come what may.Don't go the way Balkrishna of Patanjali went. Neverget admitted to the hospital which gives allopathic treatment.Insist only on Ayurvedic treatment. Let us see how honestand brave you are.SANJEEVOn Thursday, 4 June, 2020, 09:05:09 pm IST, Sunil Bhattacharjya sunil_bhattacharjya@yahoo.com [hinducivilization] <hinducivilization@yahoogroups.com> wrote:This is real evidence. Just calling it anecdotal evidence is prejudiced view, just like the Britishers thought that the Indians are foolish to believe in the mythical Ramayana and Mahabharata. periods. Allopathic is effective but does have limitations.On Thursday, 4 June 2020, 4:39:04 am GMT-7, sanjeev kulkarni jeevkulkarni@yahoo.com [hinducivilization] <hinducivilization@yahoogroups.com> wrote:This is called 'anecdotal evidence' which is rejected outright.SANJEEVOn Thursday, 4 June, 2020, 01:27:25 am IST, Sunil Bhattacharjya sunil_bhattacharjya@yahoo.com [hinducivilization] <hinducivilization@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Yes, we should be unbiased. I knew a person who had Arthritis. He took Allopathic medicine and physiotherapy and had to take steroid injection. He started taking Arjunarishta privately, by taking two tablets a day. Two bottles were recommended and he, on his own, took three bottles of Arjunarishta. His problem was under control. However he fully recovered and became as fit as he was before, after he took a dose of homeopathic medicine.Sunil KBOn Sunday, 31 May 2020, 11:49:42 pm GMT-7, sanjeev kulkarni jeevkulkarni@yahoo.com [hinducivilization] <hinducivilization@yahoogroups.com> wrote:Any medicine including Ayurveda should be rigorously testedfor its usefulness. No medicine should be prescribed to showveneration to Vedas etc. Ayurveda is good as a health supplementbut once the disease catches up, Allopathy is the only authenticoption. CEO of Patanjali -having the highest Ayurvedic medicinessales in India- Mr Balakrishna had to undergo allopathictreatment in the hospital when he suffered from a heart attack.And his Company was promoting Ayurvedic medicines for thesame. It speaks volumes for the unbiased. There is nothingEastern or Western as far as medicine is concerned. It has tobe evaluated for its efficacy.SANJEEVOn Monday, 1 June, 2020, 12:06:39 pm IST, Mohan Natarajan mohannatarajan2001@yahoo.co.in [aryayouthgroup] <aryayouthgroup@yahoogroups.com> wrote:DEAR ALLAN EXCELLENT POSTING FROM ANOTHER GROUP REGARDINGAYURVEDA FOR COVID 19 CRISISN MOHAN
An appeal for Ayurveda amid COVID-19 crisis
Sheela Rani Chunkath31 May 2020[This discipline is the world's oldest scientific medical system based on a robust philosophy of Sankhya and Nyaya darshana]The debate rages on. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), which believes in Western medicine, has been given the authority to decide on how and what Ayurvedic medicines should be given to Covid-19 positive patients.
A government that bans cow-slaughter because cows are venerated in the Vedas, should on the other hand encourage Ayurveda because it has roots in the Vedas.
This discipline is the world's oldest scientific medical system based on a robust philosophy of Sankhya and Nyaya darshana..
As Dr Ninivaggi has brilliantly put, "the world view of Ayurveda is essentially unitary and dynamic... There is no part of the totality of existence that is functionally separate or disconnected from any other."
There is constant interaction among the three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. These are regulatory principles of the body's psychophysiological functioning.
Any experienced Ayurvedic vaidya would first attempt to ascertain the cause (nidana) of the disease, the premonitory symptoms (purvarupas), the symptoms (lakshanas) and attempt to treat the patient based on their desha (place), kala (season) and prakriti (nature).
Why would one expect ICMR to know about how an Ayurvedic vaidya goes about treating a patient..
There are Ayurvedic pharmaceutical companies, which have turnovers in crores, and presumably, people are buying Ayurvedic medications because it is effective.
This despite repeated attempts to plant stories in the mainstream media about how the kidneys/liver of Mr X failed because of Ayurvedic medications.
I haven't seen a single report in the media of a qualified Ayurvedic vaidya prescribing medicines to a patient, who while consuming it as per the prescription, comes to great harm..
I have also seen reports in the press that Ayurvedic medicines contain metal. But did we not make it clear that some formulations contain metal?
Ayurvedic metals are treated/purified and made into bhasmas or preparations that are assimilable by the body..
I find that in the treatment of Covid-19, zinc has been prescribed. Is that not a metal? Why is there no hue and cry about it being administered to Covid-19 patients without randomised control trials?
How is it that when the western medical establishment does such things people turn a blind eye? The only reasonable explanation is that we are still slaves to the Western white skin ethos.
All our yogas and formulations are in the public domain and nobody gets to profit if we show by treatment that Sudarshan Churana or Vyagradi Kashayam is effective in treating Covid-19 patients.
A vaccine, on the contrary, can make billions for the pharma companies which would have us believe that without it, we would all die. In India, at least so far, the mortality is something that should not cause panic.
The government of India's controls on travel, both national and international, have perhaps led to lesser spread. Maybe Indians have better immunity.
Their diet, however poor, contains immune-enhancing spices. Maybe the climate is unfavourable for the spread of Covid-19. Maybe we have a less virulent strain... We need to discuss these factors and advocate medicines from our ancient systems.
Charaka, as far back as 2,000 or more years ago, postulated yogas or combinations of drugs which could be used for treating the vitiation of each dosha.
Nagarjuna, a famous Buddhist physician, enumerated the various herbs and mineral drugs which could be used to treat fevers, respiratory infections and the likes. Nagarjuna also put down the various shodanaor purification procedures that needed to be done before metals are to be used.
I would not attempt to perform complicated heart surgery because I learnt to do an anorectal procedure in BAMS.
Similarly, a cardiologist should not presume to know what works and what doesn't in Ayurveda. And what needs to be proven for new molecules discovered yesterday, need not be proven for Ayurvedic drugs that have been in use for centuries.
That is its strength but what's being done is that Ayurvedic vaidyas are being dragged down to the level of Western physicians who have a pharmacist's approach to the treatment of disease.If it is disease A, give medicine X. It is this treatment methodology which needs medical trials, not Ayurveda.
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