Sunday, 29 November 2020



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It is widely that coconut oil has many benefits, like help boost the immune system, increase energy and nourish the skin. Here we have over 100 everyday uses of coconut oil.
Even though coconut oil is known for its many uses in the kitchen, did you know you can use it in the bathroom, on your skin and around the home? There are hundreds of coconut oil uses! You can literally use coconut oil from head to toe and cook with it daily for it's health benefits. Here is a list of over 100 everyday coconut oil uses!
100+ Coconut Oil Uses
1. Can be used on dry, sore nostrils for relief
2. Natural Lip Balm
3. Applying to dry elbows can soften them
4. Cooking with Coconut Oil
5. Homemade Toothpaste
6. Add to smoothies for energy boost
7. Add to coffee or tea to boost metabolism
8. Oil Pulling
9. To promote thyroid health
10. Skin Moisturizer
11. Used to make Lotion Bars
12. Deodorant
13. Moisturizing Body Scrub
14. Treat athlete's foot
15. Used in Magnesium body Butter
16. Polish Furniture
17. Helps to inhibit cold sores
18. Hair Treatment
19. Makeup remover
20. Boost Immune System
21. Shaving
22. Carrier oil when using essential oils
23. Use to make Coconut Oil Fudge
24. Frizz tamer
25. Use in place of Cuticle Cream
26. Replace with Crisco/butter in baked goods
27. Use to make healthy Coconut Oil Chocolate
28. Use to make Natural Mascara
29. Use in Homemade Cough Syrup
30. Helps to fade age or sun spots
31. Use in Homemade Cough Drops
32. Use in Homemade Mayonnaise
33. Sunscreen (natural SPF of 4-6)
34. Used as leave in hair conditioner
35. Homemade Coconut Oil Soap
36. The occupational health fried food like Coconut Oil French Fries
37. Aids Weight Loss
38. Add 1 Teaspoon to Bath Water to Moisturize your Skin
39. Wood Polish
40. Treat Lice
41. Helps with Alzheimer's
42. Diaper Rash
43. Use on scalp to reduce flakes or dandruff
44. Improves Digestion
45. Popping Popcorn
46. Lubricates snow shovels to ensure snow slides off
47. Natural Lubricant (should not be used with latex)
48. Belly Balm (helps to increase elasticity of skin during pregnancy)
49. Hair Detangler
50. Fight Parasites
51. Applying to eyelashes encourages growth
52. Treat Dandruff
53. Massage Oil
54. Oil Cleansing (for some skin types)
55. Use to make Homemade Magic Shellfor ice cream and treats
56. Leather polish
57. Use to help remove sticky stuff off furniture or household items
58. Soothes Cracked Skin
59. Grease pans
60. Use to make Natural Eye Liner
61. Healthy Chips
62. Mix into Coconut Oatmeal– It tastes amazing!
63. Season Cast Iron Cookware
64. Mix into Homemade Coconut Butterto make it creamier
65. Rub on cuts and scrapes to help heal
66. Helps lower "bad" cholesterol (LDL)
67. Soothes bug bites
68. Replace the creamer in your coffee for a health alternative
69. Consumed for constipation relief
70. Removes rust
71. Can be used to sooth a dry dog's nose
72. Helps to fight acne
73. Can be used to sooth a chapped nose or lip
74. Soothes cradle cap
75. Feeding it to your dog can give them a shiny coat
76. Consuming can minimize heartburn symptoms
77. Can be used on horses as a mane and tail conditioner
78. Clean excess make-up from make-up brushes
79. Breath freshener (add a drop of peppermint oil with coconut oil and swish in mouth!)
80. Prevents and fixes split ends
81. Used in Beach Body Polish
82. Reduce cracked heels
83. Reduces the swelling and inflammation of rashes
84. Removes chewing gum
85. Dust repellant when used on household items
86. Grease a bike chain
87. Bath Oil
88. Lubricate zippers to help get them unstuck
89. Get rid of soap scum in the bathroom
90. Use in Homemade Hand Scrub for soft hands
91. When put on an eggshell, it preserves egg quality and shelf life
92. Used in Sunscreen Bars
93. Reduce dandruff
94. Can be used as an anti-aging cream to reduce fine lines
95. Helps ease symptoms of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
96. Use on cracked dogs paws to help them heal
97. Lubricates kitchen appliances
98. Tattoo healer or moisturizer
99. Applying under the eyes can help reduce dark circles or "bags"
100. Main ingredient in homemade Vapor Rub
101. Soothes bee stings
102. To help kill yeast infections
103. Prevent hangnail
104. Fix squeaky and sticky hinges
'HUGE LIST 100+ COCONUT OIL USES..It is widely that coconut oil has many benefits, like help boost the immune system, increase energy and nourish the skin. Here we have over 100 everyday uses of coconut oil.Even though coconut oil is known for its many uses in the kitchen, did you know you can use it in the bathroom, on your skin and around the home? There are hundreds of coconut oil uses! You can literally use coconut oil from head to toe and cook with it daily for it's health benefits. Here is a list of over 100 everyday coconut oil uses!100+ Coconut Oil Uses1.  Can be used on dry, sore nostrils for relief2.  Natural Lip Balm3.  Applying to dry elbows can soften them4.  Cooking with Coconut Oil5.  Homemade Toothpaste6.  Add to smoothies for energy boost7.  Add to coffee or tea to boost metabolism8.  Oil Pulling9.  To promote thyroid health10. Skin Moisturizer11. Used to make Lotion Bars12. Deodorant13. Moisturizing Body Scrub14. Treat athlete's foot15. Used in Magnesium body Butter16. Polish Furniture17. Helps to inhibit cold sores18. Hair Treatment19. Makeup remover20. Boost Immune System21. Shaving22. Carrier oil when using essential oils23. Use to make Coconut Oil Fudge24. Frizz tamer25.. Use in place of Cuticle Cream26. Replace with Crisco/butter in baked goods27. Use to make healthy Coconut Oil Chocolate28. Use to make Natural Mascara29. Use in Homemade Cough Syrup30. Helps to fade age or sun spots31. Use in Homemade Cough Drops32. Use in Homemade Mayonnaise33. Sunscreen (natural SPF of 4-6)34. Used as leave in hair conditioner35. Homemade Coconut Oil Soap36. The occupational health fried food like Coconut Oil French Fries37. Aids Weight Loss38. Add 1 Teaspoon to Bath Water to Moisturize your Skin39. Wood Polish40. Treat Lice41. Helps with Alzheimer's42. Diaper Rash43. Use on scalp to reduce flakes or dandruff44. Improves Digestion45. Popping Popcorn46. Lubricates snow shovels to ensure snow slides off47. Natural Lubricant (should not be used with latex)48. Belly Balm (helps to increase elasticity of skin during pregnancy)49. Hair Detangler50. Fight Parasites51. Applying to eyelashes encourages growth52. Treat Dandruff53. Massage Oil54. Oil Cleansing (for some skin types)55. Use to make Homemade Magic Shellfor ice cream and treats56. Leather polish57. Use to help remove sticky stuff off furniture or household items58. Soothes Cracked Skin59. Grease pans60. Use to make Natural Eye Liner61. Healthy Chips62. Mix into Coconut Oatmeal– It tastes amazing!63. Season Cast Iron Cookware64. Mix into Homemade Coconut Butterto make it creamier65. Rub on cuts and scrapes to help heal66. Helps lower
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[] Fitness After Pregnancy By Exercise: What to Expect


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Fitness After Pregnancy By Exercise: What to Expect

By Aradhana Pandey.
When people tell you that things won't be the same after you become a mother, they aren't referring just to your life decisions and choices. They also mean to highlight the physical changes that are a part and parcel of motherhood. You enter this beautiful phase with the hope of making many lasting memories and bringing many positive changes in your life, but things may not be as rosy as you wish they'd be.
Sure being a mother will do a lot to enrich you as a person, but it may also pull down your spirits when you realize that your body's nothing like it used to be before. It may seem like a herculean task to get back your old body, but it's not entirely impossible, either. Here are a few body changes that you can expect immediately after pregnancy and ways to deal with them:
1. The Wait Before Exercising After Delivery - With the arrival of your little one, you may be so consumed in your motherly endeavors that getting back in shape may seem like a far fetched dream. As per many Ayurvedic doctors, it is best to start exercising 2-3 months after natural delivery and 4 months after cesarean section.
Hurrying up with exercise and other weight reducing activities may lead to –
a. Reduction of breast milk production
b. weak ligaments, less immunity and probability of uterine prolapse due to weak ligaments, after 40+ years of age.
How to Deal - 3 – 4 months after delivery, you can begin with low-intensity exercises like walking andkegel's exercise earlier, based on your doctor's recommendation. These exercises will expedite your recovery as well as the time taken for you to lose your pregnancy weight. The important thing before you begin a full fledged exercise routine is to listen to your body; wait until you think you've healed completely before you get on with a heavy-duty workout plan. While it is important for you to get back in shape, it is also important that you take care of your body..
fitness after pregnancy
2. Loosened Joints, Ligaments and Weakened Core -There's a reason doctors tell women to be careful with their movements during and after pregnancy. The activity of the hormone relaxin increases during pregnancy and continues even a few weeks after delivery. This hormone is responsible for widening of pelvis muscles and loosening of ligaments to help aid childbirth.
How to Deal - Practicing excessive stretching, or intense cardio workouts can worsen this problem. The best solution to ease it is by practicing strengthening exercises throughout your pregnancy and postpartum period. You can also take the help of stabilization belts to steady your hips and pelvis joints. If you experience separated stomach muscles (diastasis recti), practicing regular pelvic floor exercises, gentle stretches, and deep stomach muscle exercises will help reduce the size of the separation. You must also make sure to maintain a good posture after pregnancy.
3. Incontinence And Prolapse - Don't be surprised if for a few weeks even after delivery you experience a little leakage while coughing, laughing, exercising or sneezing. The activity of the hormones relaxin and progesterone along with the weight of the baby on the pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy are the primary causes of incontinence and prolapse. It usually takes between a few weeks to a year for your body to recuperate.
How to Deal – Practicing pelvic floor muscle exercises will help strengthen the muscles around your bladder, vagina and back. These exercises help reduce the incidence of leakage (incontinence) and sagging of the uterus (prolapse).
4. Belly Pooch - Your belly is that part of your body which is most impacted by pregnancy. Your once flat and taut belly turns wiggly and flabby during pregnancy and may remain that way for a couple of months even after pregnancy. It takes up to six weeks for the uterus to contract to its original size that may help decrease the size of your belly.
How to Deal - Practice deep breathing stomach exercises that will help you tone your stomach muscles. Opt for abdominal crunches after 3 – 4 months after delivery. Avoid it within first 3 months, as they can further increase the gap between stomach muscles if you have diastasis recti.
Sagging Breasts - Another common body change that you may experience while nursing owing to hormonal fluctuations is expansion and sagging of breasts.
How to Deal - Exercises like push-ups, chest presses, and chest flies help tone the muscles around the breasts and lift them. Make sure to check with your doctor before your try these exercises.
In an attempt to get rid of your pregnancy flab quickly, don't opt for extreme measures like crash diets. This will only deprive you and your baby of essential nutrients and can turn out to be hazardous for both of you. Give yourself enough time to recoup from the pregnancy before you turn on the weight loss mode, full throttle. Breastfeeding can also help you lose some weight and burn up to 300 calories per day. Avoid starting any exercise plan without consulting your doctor. If you experience symptoms of postnatal bleeding, vaginal discharge (lochia) and infections, rush to your doctor without any delay. Remember, you need to stay healthy not just for yourself.
Action points – step by step guidance:
Listen to your body, consult your doctor and decide when exactly to start your fitness routine.
Start with walking and very minor exercise for first 2 weeks.
Pelvic floor muscle exercises along with walking and stretching for next 2 weeks.
Chest and upper arm exercises, Pelvic floor exercises, walking / jogging stretching for next 2 weeks.
Abdominal crunches, chest exercises, pelvic exercise, walking / jogging
Full fledged exercise routine  of minimum 30 minutes per day, 6 months after childbirth.
Aradhana is from India. She is a veteran writer on topics concerning parenting, child nutrition, wellness, health and lifestyle. As a regular contributor to popular sites like Huffington Post, Natural news, Elephant journal, Thehealthsite, Naturally Savvy, curejoy and MomJunction, Aradhana writes to inspire and motivate people to adopt healthy habits and live a stress-free lifestyle.




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[] : What Makes Guggulu An Amazing Remedy For High Cholesterol


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What Makes Guggulu An Amazing Remedy For High Cholesterol


Found your cholesterol levels too high?

Sworn to switch onto a diet rich in soy proteins, fiber, almonds and other cholesterol lowering foods? Well, along with the above steps here comes another rescue medicine from Ayurveda that you must know.
A yellowish gummy resin is produced from the Mukul Myrhh tree called Guggulu (Guggul) that has a remarkable cholesterol controlling action. Guggulu is an extensively used Ayurvedic herb.

Guggulu is an amazing herb used in Ayurveda to scrape off toxic deposits from the joints and tissues.

What are Triglycerides?
Fatty compounds that circulate in the bloodstream and get stored in the fat tissue are called as Triglycerides (TG). Individuals with a condition called hypertriglyceridemia (who have elevated blood levels of TG) appear to be at an increased risk of developing heart disease. Standardized guggul extracts are available for lowering elevated serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
How Guggulu works
Guggulu in Sanskrit means "one that protects against diseases" and it has been considered a very important herb for many disease conditions. It contains resin, volatile oils and gum. It has ketonic steroid compounds which are known as guggulsterones. The compounds E- and Z-guggulsterones are responsible for lowering LDL and VLDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, by approx 25%. It also simultaneously works to raise the HDL levels. Through both these activities it helps prevent atherosclerosis (clogging and hardening of blood vessels). An additional benefit of Guggul is that it reduces the stickiness of the blood platelets. This benefits by lowering the risk of Coronay Artery Disease.
The Use of Guggulu
Traditionally, guggulu is used in a combination with different herbs to enhance its effects. It detoxifies the body while removing excess Kapha from the body. It is hot in nature and is excellent for vata conditions. It is contradicted or unsuitable in pitta conditions. Therefore, people with high pitta must use guggul mixed with some other herbs and not take it alone as a medicine.
How to Take Guggulu Safely
Daily recommended dosage of guggulu is based on the amount of guggulsterones present in the extract. Common intake of guggulsterones is 25 mg three times per day. Most extracts contain 2.5–5% guggulsterones. It can be taken for 12-24 weeks daily in order to reduce high cholesterol and/or triglycerides.
Purified guggulu can be taken for a long time without any ill effect. Guggulu if not purified has side effects like diarrhea, upset digestion, burning sensation in the stomach and skin irritation.
There are possible drug interactions and side effects with the use of guggulu. Hence it is advised to speak to your doctor before starting to take this supplement. If you plan to take guggulu anew, mention it to the doctor specially if you are on a prescription medication for high cholesterol.



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[] 30-11-2020 திருச்சி நா.பிரசன்னாவின் இன்றைய குறுந்தகவல்


Subject: 30-11-2020
திருச்சி நா..பிரசன்னாவின் இன்றைய குறுந்தகவல்


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