Friday, 22 February 2019

[] Indian Spices For All Diseses


Mix a gram of dalchini/cinnamon powder with a teaspoon of honey to cure cold.
Prepare a cup of tea to which you should add ginger, clove, bay leaf and black pepper...
This should be consumed twice a day.. Reduce the intake as the cold disappears.
Ginger tea is very good to cure cold. Preparation of tea:
cut ginger into small pieces and boil it with water,
boil it a few times and then add sugar to sweeten and milk to taste, and drink it hot.
Add a gram of turmeric (Haldi) powder to a teaspoon of honey for curing dry cough. Also chew a cardamom for a long time.
For blocked nose or to relieve congestion, take a table spoon of crushed carom seeds (ajwain) and tie it in a cloth and inhale it.
Add a tea spoon of cumin seeds (jeera) and a few small pieces of dry ginger to a glass of boiling water. Simmer it for a few minutes, and then let it cool. Drink it twice daily.
This will cure cold as well as sour throat.
Boil ajwain (crushed carom seeds) in water and inhale the steam.
Rub ginger paste on the backache to get relief.
Have 1-2 pod garlic (lasan) first thing in the morning with water
Mix 1 table spoon and 1 table spoon ginger (Adrak) juice, 1 table spoon of crushed cumin seeds (jeera), and have it twice daily.
For the cure of migraine or acute cold in the head; boil a tablespoon of pepper powder, and a pinch of turmeric in a cup of milk, have it daily for a few couple of days.
A tablespoon of amla juice mixed with a cup of fresh bitter gourd (karela) juice and taken daily for 2 months reduces blood sugar.
For any cut or wound, apply turmeric powder to the injured portion to stop the bleeding.
It also works as an antiseptic. You can tie a bandage after applying haldi/turmeric.
You must do a self-massage using mustard oil every morning.
Just take a little oil between your palms and rub it all over your body. Then take a shower.
This is especially beneficial during winter. You could also mix a little mustard powder with water to make a paste and apply this on your palms and soles of your feet.
If you have a regular migraine problem, include five almonds along with hot milk in your daily diet.
You could also have a gram of black pepper along with honey or milk, twice or thrice a day.
Make an almond paste using electric grinder. Apply on forehead. Eat an apple with a little salt on an empty stomach every day and see its wonderful effects.
OR when headache is caused by cold winds, cinnamon works best in curing headache.
Make a paste of cinnamon by mixing in water and apply it all over your forehead
Turmeric can be used in treating arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property.
Turmeric can be taken as a drink other than adding to dishes to help prevent all problems.
Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder per cup of warm milk every day. It is also used as a paste for local action.
Turmeric lower cholesterol and by preventing the formation of the internal blood clots improves circulation and prevents heart disease and stroke.
Turmeric can be taken as a drink other than adding to dishes to help preventall problems...
Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder per cup of warm milk every day. It is also used as a paste for local action.GOOD FOR INDIGESTION *Turmeric can be used to relieve digestive problems like ulcers, dysentery.
Turmeric can be taken as a drink other than adding to dishes to help prevent all problems.
Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder per cup of warm milk every day. It is also used as a paste for local action.
Mix 1 teaspoon honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and have it at night.
Take a warm slice of lemon and sprinkle salt, sugar and black pepper on it.
The lemon should be eaten until the hiccups stop.
In 1 glass of water, add 2 tbsps of coriander/dhania seeds and bring to a boil.
Let the decoction cool for some time and then strain. Drink this mixture two times in a day.
Sunflower seeds are also extremely beneficial, as they contain linoleic acid that helps in reducing the cholesterol deposits on the walls of arteries.
Radish juice should be taken twice a day, once in the morning and then later in the night.
Initially drink about 1/4 cup of radish juice and then gradually increase it to 1/2 cup...
Soak 3-4 figs in a glass of water. Keep it overnight.
Consume the figs on an empty stomach, the next day in the morning.
Take 2 cardamoms/elachi and roast them on a dry pan (tava).
Powder the cardamoms and thereafter add a tsp of honey in it. Consume it frequently.
It serves as a fabulous home remedy for vomiting.
Alternatively, In the mixture of 1 tsp of mint juice and 1 tsp limejuice, add 1 tsp of ginger juice and 1 tsp honey.
Drink this mixture to prevent vomiting. *Limejuice is also an effective remedy for vomiting.
Take a glass of chilled limejuice and sip slowly. To prevent vomiting, drink ginger tea.
OR In 1 glass water, add some honey and drink sip by sip.
Apply castor oil daily over the problematic area. Continue for several months.
Apply milky juice of fresh and barely-ripe figs a number of times a day.
Continue for two weeks. OR Rub cut raw potatoes on the affected area several times daily.
Continue for at least two weeks.
Drink Cranberry juice. You can also add some apple juice for taste.
Mango serves as an effective home remedy for preventing the frequent attacks of sinus, as it is packed with loads of vitamin A. OR Another beneficial remedy consists of consuming pungent foods like onion and garlic, as a part of your daily meals. OR Fenugreek/methi leaves are considered valuable in curing sinusitis.
In 250 ml water, boil 1 tsp of Fenugreek seeds and reduce it to half. This will help you to perspire, dispel toxicity and reduce the fever period.
OR Tie a tsp of black cumin seeds in a thin cotton cloth and inhale.
Take a fresh lemon and squeeze it in a glass of water. Add 4 tsp of honey and 1/4 tea-spoon of salt in it. Drink it slowly sip by sip.
Milk has also proved beneficial in treating tonsillitis.
In 1 glass of pure boiled milk, add a pinch of turmeric powder and pepper powder. Drink it every night for about 3 days.
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[] Psoriasis


What is Psoriasis?
People with psoriasis, (pronounced suh-RY-uh-sus) have a fault in their immune systems that cause too many skin cells to be produced. Their bodies don't know how to get rid of these extra cells, and they cause build ups on the skin, resulting in red scaly patches. It is not a contagious disease. 

Plaque Psoriasis is the most common form and affects 90% of psoriasis patients. The skin features inflamed raised patches, usually seen on elbows, knees, the scalp and the lower back. These patches are typically covered with white or silver scales, which can itch and burn.
Guttate Psoriasis is more common in children or teenagers and is often triggered by upper respiratory infections. It features small pink to red spots and are located on the buttocks, upper arm, thigh, and Scalp areas.
Psoriatic Arthritis. This is a when you have psoriasis and then develop arthritis (inflammation of the joints). The symptoms include joint pain, stiffness and swelling of fingers and toes.
Inverse Psoriasis is seen in areas of the body with folds, including armpits, groin, under the breasts, and around the genitals and buttocks. These skin regions feature smooth red plaques of skin. 
Erythrodermic Psoriasis is rare and very serious. The symptoms are fiery red skin, peeling, itching, burning, an increased heart rate and changes in body temperatures. This causes protein and fluid loss, leading to infection, pneumonia, or congestive heart failure. If you have these symptoms, go to a doctor or a hospital immediately.
Pustular Psoriasis mostly occurs in adults. Pustules, which are pus-filled bumps, surround red skin and form in one area of the skin. If this skin irritation is body wide, this is a more severe condition. You should seek medical attention immediately.

Topical Medication. These are creams that can be spread over the affected areas. Usually they include steroids or vitamin D3, which aims to slow the growth of the excess skin cells. Some are available over the counter such as corticosteroid. Other well known topical medicines are calcipotriene, anthralin or tars.
Phototherapy. This is also called light therapy and employs ultraviolet light to slow down the excessive skin cells growth. Sometimes doctors use creams together with the lights to treat psoriasis.
Oral Medications. Only prescribed for more severe psoriasis cases these pills or biologics that work to slow the growth of skin cells. Doctors are cautious in prescribing these as they have dangerous side effects on the kidney and liver.

Things to Avoid
Cold dry climates. It is thought that cold weather worsens symptoms while hot and humid weather conditions are said to alleviate symptoms.
Scratching, picking or peeling skin. Be gentle with your skin by avoiding cuts or scrapes. Patches of psoriasis often form around injuries. Be careful when trimming your nails, as this is a common site for psoriasis to flare.
Stress and anxiety can worsen symptoms or causes flares. You can read tips on how to reduce stress in your life.
Smoking and alcohol cause flares. Quit smoking and limit daily alcohol intake.
Overexposure to sunlight. Sunburn can lead to flares of psoriasis, and of course skin damage and skin cancer. Shorter periods of sun exposure help relieve psoriasis
Some medications have been linked to aggravating psoriasis symptoms including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, and lithium.
medical box

Treating Psoriasis at Home
Occlusion therapy. This therapy involves applying moisturize to an area of skin, and then covering it with a wrap of fabric or plastic overnight. In the morning you should exfoliate. The occlusion keeps the skin moist and can allow for the medicated creams to work more effectively. It's best to discuss this method with your doctor as certain steroids and creams can have dire side effects.
Water Therapy & Dead Sea Salts. A 15-minute soak in a bath full of Dead Sea salts has been shown to soothe itchy skin and remove some of the scales. It is recommended to put a moisturizer on afterwards. 
Swimming in seawater can also help as the salt in the water helps remove dead skin and scales caused by psoriasis can be loosened. It is also recommended that you shower and moisturize afterwards.
Cayenne Pepper Paste. Application of this to the skin reduces pain and itching. Initially you will experience a burning sensation but with subsequent applications the burning will be diminished. Cayenne features capsaicin, the main ingredient in peppers, which produces heat and is an often used ingredient in pain relief creams. It's important to be cautious when using this method as contact with other areas of your skin or eyes can be painful.
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[] Rub Your Stomach Away


Rub Your Stomach Away
Rub Your Stomach Away in 2 Minutes a Day?
Did You Know…… that you can rub your stomach away effortlessly using nothing but your hand — for only 2 minutes a day?
After spending a lovely long weekend at Center Parcs, it was fascinating to observe just how many people seemed to be battling the bulge - especially that bulge around the middle!
I love this simple idea of "rubbing your stomach away in 2 minutes a day" – a good habit to add to your daily routine don't you think?

This may sound hard to believe, but Dr. Stephen Chang, an M.D. and Ph.D. who's trained in both Western and Chinese medicine, states that this simple 2-minute internal exercise, which does not come from Western medicine, but rather from the wisdom of ancient Chinese sages — has been used successfully as a self-healing mechanism for over 6,000 years.
Whatever you do, don't confuse this internal exercise with the external exercises of the Western world, such as sit-ups, crunches and other movements that only firm up the underlying stomach muscles … but do nothing to melt the fat surrounding those muscles.
According to Dr. Chang, losing weight is a simple matter of increasing the efficiency of the digestive system. If you've ever wondered why you fail to shed pounds even when you reduce your food and/or caloric intake — the reason is because your digestive and eliminatory systems are not functioning efficiently.
The following 2-minute exercise works like a gentle colonic irrigation that helps speed up a sluggish digestive system (which usually carries at least 5 pounds of fecal matter within it), and this elimination of useless sludge has the effect of burning off excess fat. The exercise effectively metabolizes the fatty tissues around the stomach and intestines, and flushes them out of your body through blood, sweat, urine, and feces.
Here's how to do the stomach-rubbing exercise:
1) Lie flat on your back on your bed or on the floor.. Take your top off
or pull it up so that your abdominal area is bare.
2) Rub your hands together vigorously for about 15 seconds,
or until they feel hot. Rub Stomach Away
3) Place one of your hands directly on your belly button and begin to rub in small
circles around your belly button, and gradually make the circles larger
(as shown in the diagram). Use fairly firm but comfortable pressure and rub
at a slow, even pace, approximately 1 circle per second.
4) Concentrate on the heat building up in, around and throughout your stomach.
5) Do about 40 to 50 circles, or for an approximate duration of 2 minutes or more.
Note: It is important to keep the abdominal area warm while doing the exercise,
especially during winter months when even heated indoor air tends to be cool.
For best results, do this routine twice a day for 2 minutes — first thing in the morning (before breakfast) and just before you go to bed. Most people see noticeable results within 1 week of consistent practice.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the stomach is the center of energy. Massaging the stomach in the manner described above therefore accomplishes more than just melting away adipose tissue (fat). It also …
* stimulates the abdominal organs
* helps speed up slow digestion and remedies constipation
* increases blood circulation in the abdominal area
* helps heal indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and the adverse
effects of overeating
Caution: The stomach massage should not be practiced immediately after a heavy meal.
Neither is it advisable for women who are pregnant, or have inflammation of
the uterus, bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes; and individuals who have
the following conditions: hypertension; stones in the gall bladder, kidneys
or bladder; general, femoral, inguinal and umbilical hernia; bleeding of the
stomach, lungs or brain; or ulcers of the intestines and stomach.
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