Sunday, 25 November 2018

[] Could eat cheese give you Diabetes?


 Could eating cheese give you diabetes?
Research suggests too much of certain foods can make the body unhealthily acidic
By Rachel Ellis
Could eating a diet rich in meat and cheese cause your body to go into acid-overload and increase your risk of type2 diabetes?
That was the suggestion last week from French researchers. They found that women who consume higher quantities of meat, cheese, eggs, fish, bread and soft drinks are around 50 per cent more likely to develop the condition, even if they also ate lots of fruit and vegetables.
The researchers said the problem was that foods such as meat and cheese are acid-producing.
Like all living things, our bodies have a pH (power of hydrogen) level - a number between zero and 14 which tells you how acidic or alkaline it is. Zero is completely acidic, 14 is completely alkaline. Our body pH should be neutral, at seven, in order for the cells and tissues to function properly.
Women who consume higher quantities of meat, cheese, eggs, fish, bread and soft drinks are around 50 per cent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes
Women who consume higher quantities of meat, cheese, eggs, fish, bread and soft drinks are around 50 per cent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes
When foods are broken down by the body they naturally produce acids or alkalis, a process known as the acid load. 
But it's not just a case that foods which seem to be 'acidic' add to the acidic load, says Marie Murphy, a nutrition scientist with the British Nutrition Foundation. It depends on how the body processes it. 
'For example, an orange has a low pH due to its citric acid content, yet once ingested it is thought to have an alkali effect upon the body. This is to do with the nutrients it releases in the body,' she says.
Meats, fish, seafood, cheese, eggs, bread, oats, pasta and rice, processed foods and fizzy drinks all produce acids when broken down, while coffee, fruit and vegetables are alkaline.
When you eat a balanced diet of fibre, protein, carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, the acidic and alkaline foods neutralise each other.
However, the theory is a Western diet rich in foods that produce acid when broken down can lead to an acid load on the body that is not compensated for by fruit and vegetables.
It is thought this may cause metabolic complications including type 2 diabetes - this occurs when the body stops producing sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin or doesn't use it properly. 
A Western diet rich in foods that produce acid when broken down can lead to an acid load on the body that is not compensated for by fruit and vegetables
A Western diet rich in foods that produce acid when broken down can lead to an acid load on the body that is not compensated for by fruit and vegetables
Insulin helps mop up blood sugar and convert it into energy. If insulin is not doing its job properly, blood sugar levels can become dangerously high and lead to diabetes. Untreated, the condition can cause nerve damage, loss of sight and death. Diabetes also increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and amputations.
The new French study - published in Diabetologia, the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes - is the first to look at the possible link between a high-acid diet and type 2 diabetes, a condition that affects at least three million people in the UK.
So could reducing your intake of high-acid foods protect you against type2 diabetes? 
For some years, cutting out high-acid foods has been a popular approach to weight loss. 
The Alkaline Diet, as it's known, is said to have won the backing of svelte celebrities such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Moss.
It is based on the idea that acid-producing foods can take the body's acid levels to dangerously high readings and this can build fat and, in the long term, lead to an increased risk of cancer and osteoporosis. Eliminating or reducing these foods - following a mainly vegetarian diet - prevents this from happening, say supporters. However, experts have robustly dismissed the diet. 
'The study found that those eating a high-acid diet were 56per cent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared with those eating a low-acid diet'
'There is no plausible mechanism that shows the acid/alkali properties of foods would influence weight loss or weight gain,' says Marie Murphy.
But does this new diabetes study suggest the alkaline dieters may be on to something after all?
There is no doubt that foods have an impact on the body's pH. But British experts say the body maintains its pH level regardless of diet, either through the lungs expelling carbon dioxide (this is one of the body's main ways of regulating its pH balance), or through the kidneys flushing out any excess acid or alkali through urine. 
'Nutrients within foods have the potential to influence the acid-alkali balance of the body by increasing or decreasing the pH levels,' explains Marie Murphy. 'However, the body has very effective mechanisms of maintaining its acid-base balance and any influences from foods that disrupt this balance are corrected by the body's regulatory system which keeps everything stable, for example, the excretion of urinary acid through the kidneys. 
'There's actually very little evidence that the acid-producing properties of food have any significant impact on health.' 
Dr Tony Leeds, an obesity specialist at the Whittington Hospital, London, says that healthy people are able to cope with high-acid foods.
Further studies will be needed before Diabetes UK can be confident that there really is a link 
Further studies will be needed before Diabetes UK can be confident that there really is a link
'As long as your body has normal functioning systems, it can cope with acid products produced by metabolism and will excrete them,' he explains.
Professor Tom Sanders, head of diabetes and nutritional sciences at King's College London, says while the study suggests a link between a high-acid diet and type2 diabetes, this is purely based on statistics - so-called epidemiological research - rather than medical evidence.
It doesn't prove that a high-acid diet causes type 2 diabetes or even that there is a definite link between the two. Even if a high-acid diet did increase the chance of developing the disease, the risk would be small compared with other, more established risk factors, says Professor Sanders.
While the study found that those eating a high-acid diet were 56per cent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared with those eating a low-acid diet, being overweight or obese increases the risk ten-fold, or 1,000per cent, he says. 
'There are far greater risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes than eating red meat,' he says. 
'In Asia, where red meat consumption is traditionally very low compared with the West, diabetes rates are spiralling. 
'Diabetes levels are also high among black and Asian communities who don't eat many dairy products. The main risk factor is weight.'
Diabetes UK says more research needs to be done before a low-acid diet is recommended as a way of preventing diabetes.
Dr Richard Elliot, of the charity, says: 'Further studies will be needed before we can be confident that there really is a link between diets high in foods that increase acids in the body and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
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Acidity foods All of us have suffered from acidity at some point in our lives. Either it is that extra gulab jamun at a family function or that spicy samosa during tea break. Whatever the reason may be, acidity can be quite an uncomfortable experience, and sometimes we are left with no option but to reach out for that bottle of antacid.But, did you know that there are alternative, natural remedies that work just as well and don't leave you with the ill-effects of too much medication? Read about the new-age technique to relieve the symptoms of acidity.
Here are 10 things to treat acidity and its recurrence at bay:
Bananas: Are high in potassium which is an alkalizing mineral that has a high pH value. The higher the pH value, the lower the acidity, which isBananaswhy the banana is a formidable antidote for acidity. They also have a component that makes the stomach lining produce more mucous. This mucous protects the inner lining of the stomach, reducing the damage caused due to acidity. It is high in fibre content, which helps speed along digestion thus reducing the further recurrence of acidity. To make this remedy even more effective try and eat overripe bananas during an attack of acidity. They have higher amounts of potassium making it even more effective. Read about the health benefits of bananas. 
TulsiTulsi: Has compounds that make it an effective digestive agent. It stimulates the stomach to produce more mucous and has potent anti-ulcer properties. It also reduces the effect of peptic acids in the stomach thereby preventing excessive acidity. They also reduce gas formation. Eat five to six basil leaves after your meal to get instant relief. Read about the health benefits of tulsi.
Cold milk: Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps it prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acidGlass of milkproduced thereby reducing the symptoms; the fact that it is cold also provides instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acid reflux. It is essential that one has this cold and without any additives like sugar. Mix it with a spoon of ghee to make the remedy even more effective. Read about the health benefits of ghee.
SaunfSaunf: Called fennel in English and popularly used as a mouth freshener, saunf has many hidden benefits. Among them are aiding digestion reliving constipation. Rich in volatile oils containing flavanoids, plamitic acid and many others, it is known to have very potent anti-ulcer properties (find out how you can deal with mouth ulcers naturally). Apart from that saunf acts as a coolant for the lining of the stomach helping it heal faster. In fact, this is why saunf is served after meals at restaurants. In case you've a sudden bout of acidity, boil a few seeds in water and leave overnight, drink this water when you feel uneasy.
Jeera: It has properties that stimulate the production of saliva which helps in better digestion, improves Jeera metabolism and relieves gas and other gastric troubles (find out what you can do to boost your metabolism). In Ayurvedic traditions, it's believed to have a calming effect on irritated stomach nerves and helps in healing ulcers formed due to acid secretion. One can either chew on it to relieve acidity or a better method is to boil it in water and drink the water when it has cooled down. Read about the health benefits of jeera.
Cloves Clove: It is a natural carmitive and helps improve peristalisis (the movement of food down the stomach) and also increase the production of saliva. It has a pungent taste when bitten into, and the taste buds react to this taste and secrete excess saliva, which in turn aids digestion. In case you're suffering from acidity, bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly escaping juice will immediately lower acid reflux and give you some relief.
Elaichi: In Ayurvedic traditions, cardamom is believed to be one food that balances all three doshas –Elaichi kapha, pitta and vata. It is known to stimulate digestion and relieve people of stomach spasms. It soothes the mucous lining of the stomach helping it ward off the effects of excess acid produced in the stomach. Due to its sweet taste and slight cooling effect it also relieves the burning sensation associated with acidity. To relieve acidity crush two pods of cardamom (with or without the skin), boil the powder in water and drink the cooled juice for instant relief.
Mint leavesMint leaves or pudina: These leaves have been used for ages as a mouth freshener and also for garnishing for various foods (read about the other ways to beat bad breath naturally)This humble leaf has amazing properties that make it just the medicine to treat acidity. It also lowers the acid content of the stomach and improves digestion. Plus its cool effect helps to reduce the pain and burning associated with acid reflux. If you feel an attack coming on chop some mint leaves, add them to a pot of boiling water and drink this water after it cools. Read about the health benefits of pudina.
Ginger: A regular ingredient in most Indian households, ginger improves absorption and assimilation of Gingeressential nutrients and aids in digestion. It also helps break down the proteins in your food. Ginger protects your stomach against ulcers by promoting mucus secretion thereby reducing the effect of the acid on the stomach. You can chew a piece of ginger for relief. If you find that too pungent, you can try boiling it in water and drinking the decoction. Another remedy is to crush ginger, mix it with a small piece of jaggery and keeping sucking on it allowing the juice to slowly reach the stomach. Read about the health benefits of ginger.
AmlaAmla: Is a kapha and pitta pacifier apart from having high amounts of vitamin C that helps in healing the injured stomach lining and oesophagus. Have one teaspoon ofamla powder twice a day to help keep acidity way. Read about the health benefits of amla. 
So the next time you feel like you might suffer from a bout of acidity, ditch that bottle of antacid, and try some effective home remedies instead, after all they've been around for centuries.
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[] Death is life itself - Beautiful


Death is Life itself - beautiful -

Change your outlook and you will change your life 
Because What you call Death is Life itself 

Soul is not born, nor does it die ~ Why are you unnecessarily worrying?
Whom do you fear? ~ Who can kill you? ~ Soul is not born, nor does it die.

What has happened has happened for the best ~ What is happening is happening for the best.
What will happen will also happen for the best.

Do not brood over the past ~ Do not worry about the future ~ The present is on.

What have you lost, that you are weeping? ~ What have you brought, that you have lost?
What have you made, that has been destroyed? 

What you have, you got from here ~ What was given, was given here 
What you took, you took from this universe ~ what you gave, you gave unto this universe. 

You have come empty handed and shall go empty handed.
What is yours today was somebody else's in the past and will be somebody else's in future.
You think it is yours and are deeply engrossed in it 
Actually this attachment is the cause of all your sorrow. 

Change your outlook and you will change your life 
Because What you call Death is Life itself. 

In a moment you are a millionaire & in the very next you are poor.
Mine-Yours; Small-Big; Ours-Theirs; 
Remove this from your mind, then everything is yours and you are everybody's.

This Body is not yours, nor you are of this body 
Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Ether comprises this body and unto this shall it turn. 
But the Soul is Immortal, then why do you worry? 
Surrender unto your Lord, He is the ultimate support.

He who understands this, is completely free from Fear, Worry and Despair. 
Whatever you do, offer it unto Him. By this you shall forever experience Eternal Bliss.

Verily we are from GOD and to Him do we return.
Death is unavoidable ~ So its better we reform ourselves Before it transforms us.


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray
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