Tuesday, 7 July 2020

[www.keralites.net] : 11 MISTAKES YOU MAKE THAT AGE YOU


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

 11 Mistakes You Make that Age You


Aging gracefully comes easier to some, while not so easy to others. Sometimes it's a factor of just having good genes, but often they are the decisions we make during our lifetime that determine how fast we'll appear to age. You may not realize it, but most people commit mistakes every single day that make them age faster than they should, harming their skin and quickening the appearance of old age.

Here 11 mistakes we all make that age us. 

1. You try to do too many things at once (Multitasking)

If your to-do list is longer than your arm and you are dealing with the stress of juggling many projects or tasks at once, you're doing yourself a disservice, says Raymond Casciari, Chief Medical Officer at St. Joseph Hospital. Several studies have shown that day-to-day stress triggers the release of free radicals in the body, which damage cells and quicken the ageing process. The good doctor suggests focusing on one task at a time.

2. You rarely pass on dessert.

Other than being an obviously unhealthy habit, having a sweet tooth may be adding years to your face, as sugar molecules attach themselves to protein fibers in our cells, a process known as glycation. This can lead to an ashen look, dark circles around the eyes, a loss of facial contours, wrinkles, puffiness and bigger pores. So if you want to hold on to that youthful glow, don't over-do the sugar.

3. You get less than 5-6 hours of sleep a night.

Not getting enough sleep doesn't only give you black bags under your eyes, but has been linked, through several studies, to a shorter life span. According to Dr. Casciari, the founder of a sleep lab at St. Joseph Hospital, getting about 7 hours of sleep is optimal. So if you find yourself nodding off, low on energy or finding it hard to focus, you're probably not sleeping enough, and it may age you faster than you'd like.

4. You spend most of your day sitting.

Sitting and leading a sedentary lifestyle are some of the worst problems for aging people in the modern world. Most people do very little physical activity, and the result is an increased risk of kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer and of course obesity.

Studies show that people who exercised 150 minutes a week or more lived 10-13 years longer on average.

5. You don't use any eye creams.

The skin around your eyes is thinner than the rest of your face, and that is why it usually starts showing signs of aging sooner. Keeping the eye area moisturised can take years off your face. The best creams contain Retin A, which is a form of vitamin A. But you can also add antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C.

6. You only use sunscreen when on vacation.

If you only use sunblock at the beach, you may actually be doing more harm to your skin while running errands and driving than a whole day spent on that beach. Skin damage accumulates, and the sun's rays are the #1 reason for ageing skin. Dr Taylor, associate professor of dermatology, recommends that you use an SPF between 30-50 for daily protection.

7. You wear too much makeup.

This is not a judgement, just a fact. Many make-up products are oil based, and can clog your pores and cause outbreaks. Overusing skin products with fragrances, alcohol agents and chemicals that irritate may cause premature lines and wrinkles.

8. You sleep with your face against the pillow.

Sleeping on your stomach of side with your face mashed into the pillow may create wrinkles and make your aging process look like it's going faster. Our facial skin gets less flexible with time, and so as we lay on the pillow night after night, our skin may not spring back and smooth the lines you had, and so the pillow can leave permanent marks on our face. So sleep on your back or invest in a satin pillowcase that'll keep your skin smooth.

9. You keep your house very warm.

When you turn up the thermostat or light a fireplace because it's cold, it's tempting to making it hot and toasty inside. But the problem is that the thermostat, and also the fireplace, suck moisture out of the air in the house, which leads to dry skin. If this goes on, as indeed in cold climates it may, it will lead to damaged skin with ageing effects. 

So invest in a humidifier, and set to 40-60% humidity. This will free your skin from the itching, scratching and even flaking that comes with dry air. 

Another way to go is placing a wet towel over a radiator or a bowl of cold water in the room.

10. You purse your lips 

Drinking your beverages through a straw can help you avoid staining your teeth, but just like squinting can give you wrinkles around the eyes, so can pursing your lips give you wrinkles around the mouth. 

By the way, this also often happens when you smoke a cigarette.

11. You've stopped eating fat altogether.
Some amounts of fat are required to maintaining a youthful appearance and feeling, according to Franci Cohen, nutritionist and exercise physiologist from Brooklyn, NY. Heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which you can find in oily fish such as mackerel or salmon, as well as nuts like walnuts and flax seeds, will keep your skin plump and supple. This will prevent wrinkles while also boosting the health of both your brain and heart.


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

 Common Adulterants/Contaminants
in food and Simple screening tests for their detection
          Adulteration in food is normally present in its most crude form, prohibited substances are either added or partly or wholly substituted.  In India normally the contamination/adulteration in food is done either for financial gain or due to carelessness and lack in proper hygienic condition of processing, storing, transportation and marketing. This ultimately results that the consumer is either cheated or often become victim of diseases. Such types of adulteration are quite common in developing countries or backward countries. However, adequate precautions taken by the consumer at the time of purchase of such produce can make him alert to avoid procurement of such food. It is equally important for the consumer to know the common adulterants and their effect on health.

Injurious Adulterants/Contaminants in Foods and their Health Effects

Foods Commonly Involved
Diseases or Health Effects

Adulterants in food

Argemone seeds
Argemone oil
Mustard seeds
Edible oils and fats
Epidemic dropsy,
Cardiac arrest
Artificially coloured foreign seeds
As a substitute for cumin seed,
Poppy seed, black pepper
Injurious to health
Foreign leaves or exhausted tea leaves, saw dust artificially coloured
Injurious to health, cancer
Rancid oil
Destroys vitamin A and E
Sand, marble chips, stones, filth
Food grains, pulses etc.
Damage digestive tract
Lathyrus sativus
Khesari dal alone or
Mixed in other pulses
Lathyrism (crippling spastic paraplegia)

Chemical Contamination

Mineral oil (white oil, petroleum fractions)
Edible oils and fats,
Black pepper
Lead  chromate
Turmeric whole and powdered, mixed spices
Anemia, abortion, paralysis, brain damage
Alcoholic liquors
Blurred vision, blindness, death


Fruits such as apples sprayed over with lead arsenate
Dizziness, chills, cramps, paralysis, death


Foods contaminated by rat poisons (Barium  carbonate)
Violent peristalisis, arterial hypertension, muscular twitching, convulsions, cardiac disturbances


Fruit juices, soft drinks, etc. in contact with cadmium plated vessels or equipment. Cadmium contaminated water and shell-fish
'Itai-itai (ouch-ouch) disease, Increased salivation, acute gastritis, liver and kidney damage, prostrate cancer


Water, liquors
Cardiac insufficiency and mycocardial failure


Water, natural and processed food
Lead poisoning (foot-drop, insomnia, anemia, constipation, mental retardation, brain damage)


Vomiting, diarrhoea


Colic, vomiting


Colic, vomiting


Mercury fungicide treated seed grains or mercury contaminated fish
Brain damage, paralysis, death

NOTE : Safe limits have been prescribed for above metals in different food.. Continuous use of food contaminated with these metals beyond safe limits may cause these diseases


Bacterial contamination


Bacillus cereus

Cereal products, custards, puddings, sauces
Food infection (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea)

Salmonella spp.

Meat and meat products, raw vegetables, salads, shell-fish, eggs and egg products, warmed-up leftovers
Salmonellosis (food infection usually with fever and chills)

Shigella sonnei

Milk, potato, beans, poultry, tuna, shrimp, moist mixed foods
Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)

Staphylococcus aureus

Entero-toxins-A,B,C,D or E
Dairy products, baked foods especially custard or cream-filled foods, meat and meat products, low-acid frozen foods, salads, cream sauces, etc.
Increased salivation, vomiting, abdominal cramp, diarrhoea, severe thirst, cold sweats, prostration

Clostridium botulinus toxins

A,B,E or F
Defectively canned low or medium-acid foods; meats, sausages, smoked vacuum-packed fish, fermented food etc.
Botulism (double vision, muscular paralysis, death due to respiratory failure)


(Welchii) type A
Milk improperly processed or canned meats, fish and gravy stocks
Nausea, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, gas formation

Diethyl stilbestrol (additive in animal feed)

Sterlites, fibroid tumors etc.

3,4 Benzopyrene

Skoked food

Excessive solvent residue

Solvent extracted oil, oil cake etc.
Carcinogenic effect

Non-food grade or contaminated packing material

Blood clot, angiosarcoma, cancer etc.

Non-permitted colour or permitted food colour beyond safe limit

Coloured food
Mental retardation, cancer and other toxic effect.

BHA and BHT beyond safe limit

Oils and fats
Allergy, liver damage, increase in serum chloresterol etc.

Monosodium glutamate(flour) (beyond safe limit)

Chinese food, meat and meat products
Brain damage, mental retardation in infants

Coumarin and dihydro coumarin

Flavoured food
Blood anticoagulant

Food flavours beyond safe limit

Flavoured food
Chances of liver cancer

Brominated vegetable oils

Cold drinks
Anemia, enlargement of heart

Sulphur dioxide and sulphite beyond safe limit

In variety of food as preservative
Acute irritation of the gastro-intestinal tracts etc.

Artificial sweetners beyond safe limit

Sweet foods
Chances of cancer

Fungal contamination



Aspergillus flavus-contaminated foods such as groundnuts, cottonseed, etc.
Liver damage and cancer

Ergot alkaloids from Claviceps purpurea Toxic alkaloids, ergotamine, ergotoxin and ergometrine groups

Ergot-infested bajra, rye meal or bread
Ergotism (St.Anthony's fire-burning sensation in extremities, itching of skin, peripheral gangrene)

Toxins from

Fusarium sporotrichioides
Grains (millet, wheat, oats, rye,etc)
Alimentary toxic aleukia(ATA) (epidemic panmyelotoxicosis)

Toxins from Fusarium sporotrichiella

Moist grains
Urov disease (Kaschin-Beck disease)

Toxins from

Penicillium inslandicum
Penicillium atricum,
Penicillium citreovirede,
Fusarium, Rhizopus,
Yellow rice
Toxic mouldy rice disease

Sterigmatocystin from

Aspergillus versicolour
Aspergillus nidulans and bipolaris

Ascaris lumbricoides

Any  raw food or water contaminated by human faces containing eggs of the parasite

Entamoeba histolytica

Raw vegetables and fruits
Amoebic dysentery

Virus of infectious

Hepatitis (virus A)
Shell-fish, milk, unheated foods contaminated with faeces, urine and blood of infected human
Infectious hepatitis

Machupo virus

Foods contaminated with rodents urine, such as cereals
Bolivian haemorrhagic fever

Natural Contamination



Drinking water, sea foods, tea, etc..
Excess fluoride causes fluorosis (mottling of teeth, skeletal  and neurological disorders)

Oxalic acid

Spinach, amaranth, etc.
Renal calculi, cramps, failure of blood to clot


Cottonseed flour and cake

Cyanogenetic compounds

Bitter almonds, apple seeds, cassava, some beans etc.
Gastro-intestinal disturbances

Polycyclic Aromatic

Smoked fish, meat, mineral oil-contaminated water, oils, fats and fish, especially shell-fish

Phalloidine (Alkaloid)

Toxic mushrooms
Mushroom poisoning (Hypoglycemia, convulsions, profuse watery stools, severe necrosis of liver leading to hepatic failure and death)


Solanine poisoning (vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea)

Nitrates and Nitrites

Drinking water, spinach rhubarb, asparagus, etc. and meat products
Methaemoglobinaemia especially in infants, cancer and tumours in the liver, kidney, trachea oesophagus and lungs. The liver is the initial site but afterwards tumours appear in other organs.

Asbestos (may be present  intalc, Kaolin, etc. and in processed foods)

Polished rice, pulses, processed foods containing anti-caking agents, etc.
Absorption in particulate form by the body may produce cancer

Pesticide residues (beyond safe limit)

All types of food
Acute or chronic poisoning with damage to nerves and vital organs like liver, kidney, etc.

Antibiotics (beyond safe limit)

Meats from antibiotic-fed animals
Multiple drug resistance hardening of arteries, heart disease


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