Sunday, 4 November 2018

[] BETWEEN 65 and Death



Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888
Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray
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1. It's TIME to use the MONEY you SAVED UP. Use it and ENJOY it.  DON'T just keep it for those who may have NO NOTION of the SACRIFICES you made to get it. Remember there is nothing more DANGEROUS than a SON or DAUGHTER- IN- LAW with BIG ideas for your HARD-EARNED capital. 

Warning: This is also a BAD TIME for INVESTMENTS, even if it seems wonderful or fool-proof. They only bring problems and worries. This is a time for you to ENJOY some PEACE and QUIET.

2. STOP WORRYING about the financial situation of your CHILDREN and grandchildren, and don't feel BAD spending your MONEY on YOURSELF. You've taken care of them for many YEARS, and you've TAUGHT them what you could. You gave them an EDUCATION, FOOD, SHELTER and SUPPORT. The RESPONSIBILITY is now theirs to EARN their OWN MONEY.

3. Keep a HEALTHY LIFE, without great physical effort. Do moderate exercise (like WALKING🌹 every day), EAT well and get your SLEEP. It's easy to become SICK, and it gets HARDER to remain HEALTHY. That is why you need to keep yourself in GOOD SHAPE and be aware of your MEDICAL and PHYSICAL needs🌹🌹🌹. Keep IN TOUCH with your DOCTOR, do TESTS even when you're feeling WELL🌹. Stay informed.
4. Always buy the BEST, most BEAUTIFUL items for your significant other. The key goal is to ENJOY your MONEY with your PARTNER. One day ONE of YOU will MISS the OTHER, and the MONEY will NOT provide any COMFORT then, ENJOY IT TOGETHER🌹🌹🌹.
 5. Don't stress over the little things. You've already overcome so much in your life. You have good memories and bad ones, but the important thing is the present. Don't let the past drag you down and don't let the future frighten you. Feel good in the now. Small issues will soon be forgotten.

6. Regardless of AGE, always keep LOVE ALIVE. Love your PARTNER, love LIFE, love your FAMILY, love your NEIGHBOR and remember: "A man is NOT OLD as long as he has INTELLIGENCE and AFFECTION."

7. Be PROUD, both inside and out. DON'T STOP going to your hair salon or barber, do your nails, go to the dermatologist and the dentist, keep your PERFUMES and CREAMS well stocked. When you are well-maintained on the outside, it seeps in, making you feel PROUD and STRONG.

8. Don't LOSE sight of FASHION TRENDS for your AGE, but keep your own SENSE of STYLE. There's nothing WORSE than an OLDER person trying to WEAR the current fashion among YOUNGSTERS. You've developed your own sense of what looks good on you – keep it and be PROUD of it. It's part of WHO YOU ARE.

9. ALWAYS stay UP-to-DATE. Read NEWSPAPERS, watch the NEWS. Go ONLINE and read what people are saying. Make sure you have an active email account and try to use some of those SOCIAL NETWORKS. You'll be SURPRISED what old friends you'll meet. Keeping in touch with what is going on and with the PEOPLE you know is IMPORTANT at any AGE.

10. RESPECT the Younger Generation and their OPINIONS. They may NOT have the SAME IDEALS as YOU, but they are the future, and will take the WORLD in THEIR direction. Give ADVICE, NOT CRITICISM, and try to remind them that yesterday's WISDOM still applies TODAY..
11. NEVER use the phrase: "IN MY TIME." Your time is now.... As long as you're ALIVE, you are PART of this TIME. You may have been YOUNGER, but you are STILL IN now, having FUN and ENJOY LIFE.

12. Some people embrace their GOLDEN YEARS, while others become BITTER and SURLY. Life is too SHORT to waste your days on the latter. Spend your time with positive, cheerful people, it'll rub off on you and your days will seem that much better. SPENDING your time with BITTER people will make you OLDER and HARDER to be around.

13. Do not SURRENDER to the TEMPTATION of LIVING with your CHILDREN or GRANDCHILDREN (if you have a FINANCIAL CHOICE, that is). Surely , being surrounded by FAMILY sounds GREAT, but we all NEED our PRIVACY. THEY NEED theirs and you NEED YOURS. If you've LOST your PARTNER (our deepest condolences), then FIND a PERSON to move in with you and help out. Even then, do so only if you feel you really need the help or do not want to LIVE ALONE.

14.  Don't ABANDON your hobbies. If you don't have any, make new ones. You can TRAVEL, HIKE, COOK, READ, DANCE. You can adopt a cat or a dog, grow a garden, play cards, checkers, chess, dominoes, golf. You can paint, volunteer or just collect certain items. Find something you like and spend some real time having fun with it.

15.  Even if you DON'T feel like it, try to accept INVITATIONS. Baptisms, graduations, BIRTHDAYS, WEDDINGS, conferences. Try to go. Get OUT of the HOUSE, meet people you HAVEN'T seen in a while, experience something NEW (or something OLD). But DON'T get UPSET when you're NOT invited. Some events are limited by resources, and NOT everyone can be HOSTED. The important thing is to LEAVE the HOUSE from time to time. Go to museums, go WALK through a field. Get out there.

16. Be a CONVERSATIONALIST. TALK LESS and LISTEN more. Some people go ON and ON about the PAST, NOT caring if their LISTENERS are really INTERESTED. That's a great way of REDUCING their desire to SPEAK with you. LISTEN first and answer questions, but DON'T go off into long stories unless asked to. Speak in COURTEOUS tones and try not to COMPLAIN or CRITICISE too much unless you really need to. Try to ACCEPT situations as they are. Everyone is going through the same things, and people have a LOW tolerance for hearing complaints. Always find some good things to say as well.

17.  PAIN and DISCOMFORT go hand in hand with getting OLDER. Try NOT to DWELL on them but ACCEPT them as a part of the CYCLE of LIFE we're ALL going through. Try to MINIMISE them in your MIND. They are NOT who you are, they are something that LIFE added to YOU. If they become your ENTIRE FOCUS, you LOSE sight of the person you USED to be.

18. If you've been OFFENDED by someone – FORGIVE them. If you've OFFENDED someone - APOLOGISE. Don't drag around RESENTMENT with YOU. It only serves to make you SAD and BITTER. It DOESN'T matter who was RIGHT. Someone once said: "Holding a GRUDGE is like taking POISON and expecting the OTHER person to DIE." Don't take that poison. Forgive, forget and move on with your life.

19. If you have a strong belief, savor it. But don't waste your time trying to convince others. They will make their own choices no matter what you tell them, and it will only bring you FRUSTRATION. Live your faith and set an example. Live true to your BELIEFS and let that MEMORY sway them..

20. LAUGH. Laugh A LOT. Laugh at everything. Remember, you are one of the LUCKY ONES. You managed to have a LIFE, a LONG one. Many NEVER get to this AGE, NEVER get to EXPERIENCE a FULL life. But you did. So what's NOT to laugh about? Find the HUMOUR in your situation.

21. Take NO NOTICE of what others say about YOU and even less notice of what they might be thinking. They'll do it anyway, and you should have PRIDE in YOURSELF and what you've ACHIEVED. Let them TALK and DON'T Worry. They have NO IDEA about your history, your memories and the life you've lived so far. There's still much to be written, so get busy WRITING and don't waste time thinking about WHAT OTHERS MIGHT THINK. Now is the time to be at REST, at PEACE and as HAPPY as you can be!

AND ALWEZ REMEMBER that: "Life is TOO SHORT to drink BAD WINE...

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If You Drink Warm Water With lemon For A Year Here is What Will Happen!

Lemon water is one of my favorite drinks, it not only quenches thirst better than any other drink, but it nourished our bodies so much more than you would ever believe. Unbelievable things happen when you drink it.
Upon waking our bodily tissues, are dehydrated and are in need of water to push out toxins and rejuvenate the cells.
1. Helps Balance ph
Lemons are incredible alkaline foods. They may be acidic on their own, but inside the body they are alkaline.
2. Aids Digestion
Warm water serves to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis, the waves of the muscle contractions within the intestinal walls that keeps things moving. Lemons are high in minerals and vitamins that help to loosen the ama or toxins, in the digestive tract.
3. Clears Skin
The vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges toxins from the blood that helps keep skin clear as well.
4. Boosts your Immune System
Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They are high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium helps control blood pressure. It is known to have anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms plus it enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function.
5. Provides the body with electrolytes that hydrate your body.
6. It is good for the joints, and reducing pain in the joints and muscles.
7. Produces more enzymes from water than food.
8. Help lower blood pressure.
9. Helps to prevent cancer.
10. Aids in weight loss.
11. Helps to dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits.
12. Helps to relieve heartburn.
13. Helps to dilute uric acid, the built up of which leads to pain in the joints.
14. Promotes healing
Just like what it does for the skin to be blemish-free and scar-free. It also helps in healing and maintaining healthy bones, tissues and cartilages.
Lemons are wonderful for the body, but it is very important to dilute it with water; warm water is one of the components that makes this pair so wonderful for the body. Take Half a cup of warm water and squeeze in at least half a lemon's worth of juice.
It is important to drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, I like to do this the night before and leave the water on my bedside table. This way before my feet even touch the floor I have my water, and I am ready to take on the day.
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Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888
Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray
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Carbide dose for all fruits

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Visakhapatnam: Who would not love to eat a ripe mango? Its delicious taste, unique flavour and health promoting qualities make it the king of fruits.

But beware, while enjoying the exotic fruit, the calcium carbide, being used for fast ripening, has a debilitating impact on the health of the consumer.

In fact, not just mangoes, all fruits, including papaya, banana, pineapple, apple and watermelon, are being treated with calcium carbide for anomalous ripening in Vizag. Not just fruits, even vegetables like lemons and tomatoes are not being spared. This was found during a survey by researchers of Andhra University.

Generally, climacteric fruits, those which ripe after harvest, are too delicate to withstand transportation and preferably have to be ripened near the consumption areas.

Hence, majority traders shift those fruits to the markets and apply calcium carbide for getting good colour, sweetening and ripening the fruit.

Most climacteric fruits, in India, are ripened with industrial grade calcium carbide that usually contains traces of arsenic and phosphorus, and, thus, use of this chemical is illegal in most countries.

In India too, use of calcium carbide is strictly banned. Calcium carbide, once dissolved in water, produces acetylene, which acts as an artificial ripening agent, affects the nervous system by reducing oxygen supply to brain.
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Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888
Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray
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