Thursday, 22 November 2018



The ideal exercise for everyone is walking, for a longer, healthier life.
1. The safest and best form of exercise.
2. Ideal for developing long term cardiovascular fitness and improving respiratory efficiency.
3. The perfect activity for weight loss and burning away fat and unwanted calories.
II Ideal for conditioning the hips, thighs and stomach muscles.
The ideal way to beat the stress – positive approach for a healthy body and mind.
Appropriate for young and old.
Walking is cheap, flexible in time, speed and location to suit any age.
But there are some who are lazy, feel it's a hard work and put forth many excuses:
Exercise! – that sounds like hard work for me.
It seems that many people do think that exercise is too much like hard work. They may even think of it as an X-rated activity – xercise! – Something best to be avoided. This is true for many people who start out on strenuous exercise programs, injure themselves and give it all up, but if you start out with a moderate program like brisk fitness walking and build up gradually, then you will enjoy it and you won't want to give up.
Exercise! – I haven't got the time. I am too busy.
Just v20 to 30 minutes fitness walking three to four times a week will give you all the long-term fitness and cardiovascular benefits that you need, and help you keep slim. Once you start to feel the benefits, and walking becomes a regular habit, you will want to find the time to get out. Try getting up earlier on the morning to walk, walk during lunch times; walk in tour work breaks instead of drinking coffee or smoking; walk in the evening instead of settling down in a chair in front of television.
Exercise! – I need relaxation, not exercise.
Fitness walking is best form of relaxation around. It relieves stress by helping you to get away from telephones and all the noise and distractions of life, and it helps you to take your mind off your problems and rediscover an inner peace. After a session of brisk fitness walking you will feel calm and relaxed and you will want to find time regularly to get out and recapture this feeling. Indeed, studies have shown exercise such as this can lift depression and help you to sleep better.
Exercise – I'd be embarrassed.
We have all seen the ardent jogger pounding his way along the pavements, puffing and panting as though his life depended on it; and we have all seen the new jogger out with a shiny new shell-suit and training shoes – and we have thought 'rather you than me.' So why not try fitness walking? All you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes and off you go. There is no need to be embarrassed – you are going to be walking a little faster than other people, but you will look and feel better doing it. And, in the stakes of fitness and health, you will be leaving far behind. Remember fitness walking is not a sport – it's an enjoyable exercise.
Exercise! – I'm too old for it.
You are never too old to start exercising. Provided you take into account any diagnosed medical problems and consult with your doctor first, then you can start out on a program of fitness walking and build up gradually to an aerobic conditioning program that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Exercise! – I am too fat. I would rather diet.
You may not realise it, but you will benefit more from a regular program of exercise like fitness walking, together with low-fat high-fibre nutritious diet, than you will from dieting alone. Fitness walking will help you slim and stay slim by burning up the calories. If you burn more calories than you eat, your body will begin to use its own energy stores and fat will start disappear.
Exercise – That sounds boring.
It's not that we don't try to exercise – we do. We just give up too soon because we often forget that there are ways to make exercise fun. Studies show that one out of every two people who start an exercise program drop out within the first six months and half of those quit during the first week. This is where fitness walking scores. Fitness walking is fun. After a short time, you will feel great; have increased energy, improved concentration and heightened sense of well-being.

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Early Detection of Diabetes and How to Reverse

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent new epidemics in the world, and one of the fastest growing diseases. One of the main reasons for this is the unhealthy lifestyle and habits that are forming by modern living. 

It is of immense importance that everyone is aware of the signs of type II diabetes, because the best way to avoid the disease is to make an early detection and engage in actions that will prevent the diabetes from developing.

The general term for these signs is 'pre-diabetes'. The blood sugar levels are not yet on a full blown diabetes level, and can still be reversed. 

So first, know the symptoms:

* Feeling thirsty even after drinking a lot

* Feeling weak even after resting for a sufficient amount of hours.

* Urinating more frequently, especially at night.

* Gaining weight despite no change in diet and even with

* Feeling hungry again minutes after eating.

* Skin infections take a very long time to heal.

* Blurred night vision.

Image by: David Castillo Dominici / 

Tests that help in early detection:

If you recognize in yourself two or more of these symptoms, then it is crucial that you have yourself tested to see if you are indeed on the path to diabetes. There are basically 2 tests you can take:

1. Fasting Plasma Glucose Test:

This test requires you to fast for about 8-10 hours. It would be best to give your blood sample in the early morning before breakfast. This test checks your how well your body maintains glucose levels and interacts with it. If your results show that your blood glucose levels are between 100-125 ml/dl, then you are either pre-diabetic or already suffering from early diabetes. If they blood sugar levels are less than 100 ml/dl, then you are safe from the disease.

glucose test
Image by: Phaitoon /

2. Oral Glucose Test

Two hours after your breakfast or lunch, the lab technician will take a blood sample. If the test results show your blood sugar level between 140-199 ml/dl, then you are pre-diabetic. If it is less than 140 - you are free from it.

Don't panic if your test results reveal that you are a pre-diabetic, there are still ways to reverse the process.

How to Reverse the Symptoms of Diabetes:

Many will suggest you start taking medication to solve your pre-diabetes problem. While these medications will lower your blood-sugar levels, they are not a long term solution. A long term reversal of the symptoms requires:

1. Daily exercise:

If you have pre-diabetic symptoms, it's crucial that you start exercising every day. This will help your muscles to become less dependant on insulin, and will help maintain your blood sugar level. Put aside 30-45 minutes a day for exercise. 

2. Watch you carb consumption.

To reverse the symptoms, cut down on your simple carbs, as the body will break them down to fats and energy that will be converted to fat. You need complex carbs like multi-grain bread, wheat bread, brown pasta, brown rice and boiled potatos. Exclude white bread, candy, chocolate, pasta, rice, cookies and cakes from your daily consumption.

3. Drink LOTS of water.

I can't stress this enough - stay hydrated. You need to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to wash the toxins from your body through urination.

4. Change to a high fiber diet

Fiber doesn't only bring down your blood sugar levels but will also help you lose weight. A high fiber diet with plenty of water will make you feel full without raising your blood sugar levels. Legumes, raw fruit and vegetables have a high amount of fiber in them.

5. Don't Let Stress Get to You.

This may be the hardest one. You must avoid high stress levels if you wish to reverse your diabetes symptoms. Practice yoga, try meditating and get plenty of sleep. 

These are the natural ways to fight early diabetes, and have no side effects. So make sure you stick to a healthy diet, daily exercise and watch what you eat to keep diabetes away.
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