Friday, 21 June 2019

[] Fw: Sleep Well Without Sleeping Pills


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Sent: Saturday, 22 June, 2019, 10:22:20 AM IST
Subject: Sleep Well Without Sleeping Pills

Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888
Dr Sonica Krishan
Author of 5 published Books, Speaker & Consultant: Healthy & Joyous Living through
How Ayurveda Helps You Sleep Well without Sleeping Pills!
Do you occasionally deprive yourself of a good night sleep? This is part of our lifestyle today, blame it on overwork or nightlife. But let me tell you that this is one of the most deleterious practices that you are unknowingly inuring yourself with. Problems like -general malaise, lethargy, indecisiveness, heaviness and pain in the eyes and head, lack of enthusiasm, habitual insomnia, and digestive maladies might be just round the corner.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder which is becoming common world over, and which may mainly be characterized by little or no sleep. This loss of sleep or insomnia may sometimes simply be accompanied by disturbed sleep, light sleep or simply rolling in the bed throughout the night.
Some Causes of Insomnia or Loss of Sleep
• Many times you tend to suffer from loss of sleep or insomnia due to the imbalance in diet and lifestyle and the escalating stress in day-to-day living.
• Due to exceeding cut-throat competition in our everyday life and work situations, sleep related disorders are on the rise.
• Sometimes insomnia may result from a drug reaction.
• Diseases like hypertension and anxiety etc relate to loss of sleep or insomnia as a natural sign.
Ayurveda Health Tips for Loss of Sleep
•Sleeping in a dark room with calm and quiet environment is vital for overcoming Insomnia and to get natural relaxed sleep.
•Your body works on natural clock. Therefore, fix a proper time and routine like listening to soft music, reading etc. before your everyday snooze. This helps to signal the body and makes it ready for sleep.
•Involve yourself in physical activities and mental work through the day so that it exhausts you enough to obtain a sound sleep.
•Limit your intake of caffeine rich foods like coffee, chocolates etc. as these interfere in the natural pattern of sleep.
•You need to restrict having oily, spicy and heavy to digest meals before going to bed as this also could result into disturbed sleep.
•Take care not to take a long nap during afternoons as this might keep you awake in the night.
•Try not to take worries to bed and also refrain from staring at the darkness if you're unable to sleep. It is better to go to another room and try any creative activity like reading. Go to bed only when you actually feel sleepy.
•Go in for mud nap occasionally. This is good news for all those suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia and related maladies.
•Sleeping in the mud also benefits significantly in case of nervine debility and mental instability.
Ayurveda Natural Cures for Insomnia
Imbalance and aggravation of the Vata dosha or the air body humor is believed to be the fundamental cause that impedes normal sleep pattern. Thus, for restoring Vata balance and gaining restoring sleep, there are some diet and lifestyle tips counselled in Ayurveda text.
• Heavy and nourishing diet like ghee, milk, sugarcane juice, rice, curds, jaggery based products etc.
• Lifestyle measures include self-massage (especially head region and mildly on ears and closed eyes), bathing with perfumed herbal soaps, local application of perfumed pastes or lotions on the body and head, soft pressing of the weary limbs etc.
• Mental relaxation is also considered vital for the commencing of relaxed sleep. Ayurveda text mentions to be sparing some time with your kids and agreeable alliances and family members, before going to bed.
•Ayurveda Massage therapy, mainly Shirodhara provides with wonderful Stress relief, deep mind and body relaxation helping you to have a better and relaxed sleep.
• Ashwagandha and Tagara are some of the well-known Ayurveda herbs recommended for loss of sleep. Another herb by the name of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a body and brain rejuvenator and good for intellect. All the more, it helps undo the everyday strain and induces sound sleep.
Sleep well with Ayurveda Dosha Healing Tips
You need to be more specific regarding the basic sleep pattern which would be highly suitable for the particular dosha which is dominant within you. AyurvedaDosha Healing provides relevant details about this arena. For example, if you are Vata type, sleeping on your left side aids in right nostril breathing, which is warm and thereby balances the cold Vata. For Pitta types, having a nap in the moonlight or amidst cool air and showers, or in cool dark shade will do you good. Also, if you have more of Phlegm or Kapha in your system, sleeping during the daytime is a strict no-no for you.
Sleep Recommendation for Vata Dosha Types
Of the three doshas, Vata is most easily affected by sleep inadequacy. This is mainly because Vata is light and erratic by nature. Also, a Vata person is generously a frivolous thinker with often fluctuating mental states—thus also a light sleeper. This condition could be aggravated in case the individual sleeps less or ignores/delays the call of sleep. Sleeping on your left side aids in right nostril breathing, which is warm and thereby balances the cold Vata.
Vata types may sleep on their left side. For the Vata dominant types, it is strongly suggested that you be more persistent and serious with your everyday sleep pattern. Lest it could make you more prone to insomnia, disturbed sleep and also physical attributes of excessive gas and belching. A sleep routine is incredibly amicable for the Vata individual because the frequently dodging mind has to be kept under control.
Sleep Recommendation for Pitta Dosha Types
In case the pitta dosha is dominant in your system, you need to understand that your sleep can be easily affected by external stimuli like lights and sound. So you need to keep your room dark and mildly scented with rose petals, lavender oil drops or henna leaves. Sleep on your right side so as to encourage the cool left nostril breathing. Also, having a nap in the moonlight or amidst cool air and showers, or in cool dark shade will do you good.
Sleep Recommendation for Kapha Dosha Types
Kapha dominant individuals are of a steady and relaxed type. Therefore as Kapha is largely stable and motionless [both physically and mentally], all factors that enhance relaxation like leading a sedentary life, sitting or resting for too long and especially sleeping for long causes dosha imbalance. Sleeping during the daytime is a strict no-no for you, in case you're Kapha type. As you already have the tendency to sleep more than average, over-sleeping and daytime sleeping are sure to result into Kapha aggravation and imbalance. On the contrary, early rising from the bed would be supportive. It is alright if the bedtime is delayed sometimes. You are also advised to be sleeping on your left side, which aids in warm right nostril breathing.
Detoxification for Insomnia
Ayurvedic remedies for detoxificationhelps to thoroughly cleanse body systems so as to balance and reduce the accumulated toxins within the body. As these toxins cause imbalance in the three doshas of the body, timely detoxification of the body helps restore the natural balance of the doshas. Ayurvedic science believes that one can only enjoy the fruit of health if all the three doshas are in balanced state. Ayurvedic remedies for detoxification help to re-create the balance in the doshas.. Removing of build-up toxins and impurities in the system interfere with sound health of an individual both physically as well as mentally. Thus, so as to relieve the symptoms of insomnia and loss of sleep, the Ayurvedic doctors stress on applying the parameters of holistic health with the process of thorough detoxification. Therefore, when taking up the Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia, it needs to be understood that the accumulation of toxic matter prevents proper nutrition from reaching the tissues and blocks the processes that cleanse them of impurities. Detoxification is therefore considered as must for insomnia patients.
Improving Digestion
For getting rid of most of the ailments, acute as well as chronic, Ayurveda lays emphasis on strengthening the gastric fire. Similar is recommended in case of sleep disturbances or insomnia. When the food is properly digested, this will leave very little chances of formation of toxic matter that forms the cause for a number of diseases, including insomnia. The focus of treatment in the Ayurveda for improving digestion and also for treating the digestive disorder is:
•Eliminating the Ama from various parts of the body (Dhatus) and balancing the Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
•Correcting the Agni (The digestive fire)
•Rasayana and Rejuvenation Therapies would be provided.
Panchkarma Ayurvedic Treatments for Insomnia
Panchkarmas are the Ayurvedic detox procedures which greatly help to remove both the physical and mental toxins.. Panchakarma, in Ayurveda, has a deep philosophical meaning of healing. It is the ultimate detoxification process. As the name suggests, 'Pancha' in Sanskrit means five and 'Karma' means actions, so literally translated 'Panchakarma', a set of five systematic actions or treatments used for purification of the body. It is employed to balance doshas and to flush out the toxins from the body through the normal modes of elimination like the intestines, sweat glands, blood vessels and the urinary tract. Thus, it restores internal balance and harmony in the body. Mainly for treating insomnia, the Panchkarma Ayurvedic procedures that we generally recommend are Basti, Virechana and Nasya.
Rejuvenation Ayurvedic Therapies for Insomnia
The Rejuvenation therapies are designed mainly to revitalize the body tissues, remove accumulated stress and toxins from mind and body, which are usually the result of unhealthy lifestyle. Rejuvenation therapies ensure optimum strength and good health. Bring calmness, improve concentration, memory and makes skin look radiant. As the rejuvenation Ayurvedic therapies aid to increase Ojas, thus providing immunity boost, they work wonderfully well for curing the ailments of insomnia and disturbed sleep. Some of the rejuvenation Ayurvedic therapies for insomnia are Shiro Abhyanga, Shiro Dhara, Shiro Basti, Shiro Pichu, Pada Abhyanga, Abhyanga, SSPS, and we highly recommend these to be taken on the purified body after taking up detoxification and Panchkarma Ayurvedic treatments for long lasting results. Padabhyanga is highly effective for insomnia and it includes massage of the foot and leg, stimulates all organs of the body and increases Ojas and induces a state of deep relaxation. Shirodhara is another highly beneficial External Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia and sleep disturbances.
Stress Management Essential for Insomnia
When you take up Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia, you would appreciate that generally the Ayurveda doctors also tend to provide you thorough counselling regarding stress management. This is because stress and anxiety are closely related to insomnia and sleep disturbances. Ayurveda believes that stress affects Agni, dosha, dhatu and Ojas. These imbalances eventually start affecting your physical and mental health in so many ways, that it becomes difficult to even identify that the stress has been the primary cause for your disturbed sleep.
Yoga and Pranayama
Yoga asanas and Pranayama deep breathing techniques are great supportive therapy for sleep disorders and insomnia. Yoga Nidra and Shavasana are the yoga therapies that are particularly helpful. In yoga nidra, one appears to be sleeping but the unconscious mind is functioning at a deeper level and it is sleep with a trace of deep awareness. This process of Yoga nidra involves aimless and effortless relaxation.
Many a times thorough mental relaxation and self-awareness of your mental state creates wonders for recovering from insomnia. When meditation is practised regularly along with other recommended therapies for insomnia, it particularly provides with relaxing and rejuvenating experience for the mind. Meditation is not really putting efforts on the mind, rather it is simply allowing the mind to have its own way and not interfering in any way what so ever, just being remaining watchful and witnessing . Therefore, practicing meditation technique twice a day is a powerful mind-body healing approach to the problems of insomnia.
Ayurvedic Herbs for Insomnia
Ayurvedic herbs and herb combinations for insomnia like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Brahmi (bacopa monneri), Jatamamsi (Nardostachys jatamansi) provide substantial relief in the ailment of insomnia. These Ayurvedic herbs not only work as brain tonics, but also help in balancing the doshas and nourish the ojas. Tagara is another recommended Ayurveda herb for insomnia. Also, another herb by the name of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a body and brain rejuvenator, good for intellect and also helpful in the condition of insomnia. This is because this herb helps undo the everyday strain and induces sound sleep. Ayurveda herbs for insomnia work well on your system once you have undertaken the programmes of thorough cleansing and detoxification.
Ayurvedic Diet Suggestions for Insomnia
As for relieving the ailment of insomnia, the recommended diet is focussed on dosha balancing. You could be advised to take a cup of warm milk with cardamom, cinnamon at bed time. Also, heavy and nourishing diet like ghee, milk, sugarcane juice, rice, curds, jaggery based products etc. are recommended for curing insomnia. Ayurveda recommends nutritious diet that nourishes the Ojas especially to those who are suffering from insomnia or sleep disorders.
Necessary Rituals before Bed Time
Drinking a glass of warmed and sweetened milk [preferably buffalo milk] with a pinch of balancing herbs like cardamom, turmeric, saffron or dry ginger powder helps you sleep sound.
Have a fixed routine before bedtime, like listening to soft music or reading. This signals the body to get ready for sleep. Activities like reading and meditation promote tranquillity and peace of mind, a great aid for restful sleep.
Limit your intake of oily, spicy and heavy-to-digest meals before going to bed as this interferes in the natural pattern of sleep.
Massage your scalp and the soles of your feet, with a little oil [preferably sesame oil] just before you sleep.
Spend some time with your kids or family members, before going to bed.
About the Author: Dr Sonica Krishan is Author and Speaker in the areas of Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices. She is a leading Ayurveda Professional in India. She is also Health Writer, Columnist, Editor, Ayurveda Consultant and Holistic Healing Coach. Dr Sonica is open for National as well as International Collaborations with interested people / institutions in fields of Ayurveda, Meditation and Yoga.

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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[] 14 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain


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14 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain

arthritis and joint painWe take the freedom of movement for granted, until it becomes limited. The cause of this for many people comes in the form of arthritis, or the inflammation of one or more of your joints. There are two main kinds, osteo and rheumatoid, both of which affect the joint in different ways. Osteo arthritis is when the cartilage between bones wears down, until bone grates on bone. Rheumatoid is little less straightforward, being caused by an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation of the synovial membrane (a soft tissue that protects joints in the body) and that can lead to bone loss. Whichever you experience, there are natural remedies for arthritis to manage the pain and ease the symptoms.
1. Turmeric & Ginger Tea
Turmeric and ginger are both anti-inflammatorys, and will help with oseto and rheumatoid arthritis. Turmeric in particular has gotten a lot of attention lately. Its active ingredient is something called curcumin, which is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, it lowers the levels of 2 enzymes responsible for causing inflammation (which is what we're often fighting with arthritis.) You can take these in a capsule form or make a nice spicy tea to enjoy daily.
You will need…
-2 cups of water
-1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
-1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
-Honey to taste

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil, and had ½ teaspoon each ground ginger and ground turmeric. Reduce to a simmer and let it be for 10-15 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste, and enjoy twice daily. This yields 2 servings.
turmeric for arthritis
2. Epsom salt soak
Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate which sounds kind of scary, but it's really quite a wonderful substance. A naturally occurring mineral, magnesium sulfate has been used to get relief from pain for years, namely because of its high levels of magnesium (more on magnesium below.)
You will need…
-1/2 cup of Epsom salt
-A large bowl
-Warm water
Fill a large bowl with warm water and add ½ cup of Epsom salt. Stir it around, and then submerge your sore joints in the liquid. If you are experiencing pain in a less convenient place to soak, such as your knees, try taking a bath with Epsom salts. Run a tub full of warm water and add 2 cups of Epsom salt. Soak for 15 minutes (at least.)
epsom salt soak
3. Get more magnesium (seriously.)
Magnesium is something our bodies need, but we can't make it ourselves. It is used in over 300 different biomechanical responses in our body. It relaxes all our muscles and nerve endings, relieving stiffness and pain. It is even part of what makes our heart beat. Not only does it relax muscles and ease pain (this goes for arthritis pain too, of course) it helps bones to mineralize. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition conducted one of many studies on magnesium that showed people who had a diet high in magnesium/took supplements had higher bone density, and overall stronger bones. There are several ways to get more magnesium and utilize it for arthritis in particular.
magnesium supplements
Supplements: Magnesium capsules are a good thing to add to your day-to-day life, but they work best when used in conjunction with an improved diet.
Diet: Really this is the clincher-as great as supplements are, they can't do everything. Eat foods that are high in magnesium, which include dark leafy greens (like spinach), nuts, and legumes (beans.)
Oil: There is magnesium oil that can be applied topically and absorbed through the skin. Try rubbing it on sore joints to relieve pain.

4. Lubricate With Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The very consistency of olive oil makes it seem like something that would lubricate your joints and ease arthritis pain, and it turns out, it actually does. A main compound in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) called oleocanthal inhibits inflammatory enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, just like Advil or aspirin does. The study showed that 1 ½ tablespoons is equal to 200-mg of ibuprofen. However, not every oil is created equal. Heat destroys oleocanthal, so it is necessary to use extra virgin olive oil or "cold-pressed." The ripeness of the olives at the time they were pressed also determines the level of oleocanthal-generally the stronger tasting the oil, the higher the level there is present. It can be taken internally to reap the benefits, but being high in calories consider replacing any fats, such as butter, with it in cooking instead.
You will need…
-2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Rub a bit of olive oil onto your sore joints twice a day, massaging in to each one gently. You can also take 2-3 tablespoons daily, but be sure to give up some other form of fat due to the high calorie count in the oil (rest easy, these are good calories.)
olive oil arthritis remedy
5. Dandelion Leaves
Incredibly high in vitamins A and C, dandelion leaves can help repair damaged tissue and help the liver clear toxins out of the blood. Studies, although limited, have also shown anti-inflammatory properties due to the linoleic and linoleic acid in them. Linoleic is an essential fatty acid required by the body to produce prostaglandin-which basically regulates immune responses and suppresses inflammation. Because of its involvement with immune responses, dandelion shows great potential when it comes to treating rheumatoid arthritis in particular. You can enjoy dandelion leaves in nice salad, or brew tea with them.
You will need…
-3 teaspoons of fresh dandelion leaves, or 1 teaspoon of dried
-1 cup of boiling water
-A handful of fresh leaves (if making a salad)
-A dash of extra virgin olive oil (if making a salad)
For fresh dandelion tea, step 3 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon dried in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain and drink twice daily. Dandelion tea is very bitter…you have been warned! You can add honey to sweeten it up if you'd like. To make a salad, simply toss the greens in with another recipe, or eat them plain with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. Older leaves can be gently sautéed to soften them up a bit.
6. Blackstrap Molasses Drink
High in valuable minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, blackstrap molasses has been a cherished home remedy for arthritis for a number of years. Blackstrap molasses is what remains after the 3rd boiling of sugar syrup, and is nothing like the nutrient lacking refined sugars used today. As a dietary supplement (easily consumed as a drink) blackstrap can help relieve symptoms of arthritis and joint pain, thanks to its vital constituents that regulate nerve and muscle function, and strengthen bones.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses
-1 cup of warm water
Heat 1 cup of fresh water until warm, but not hot. Stir in a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses and drink once daily. Do note that it can sometimes have a laxative effect.
molasses drink
7. White Willow Tea (the original aspirin)
Before there was aspirin, and I mean way before aspirin, there was white willow bark. The Greek physician Hippocrates wrote about it all the way back in 5th century BC. It wasn't until 18-something or other (1829, I believe) that it was found that white willow was so effective because it contained an active ingredient called salicin. Salicin is converted in the body into salicylic acid-similar to acetyl salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin. But because the naturally occurring salicin is converted after it passed through the stomach, it resulted in less irritation/side effects. While it can be taken in a capsule form, I usually opt for the tea version of just about everything.
You will need…
-2 teaspoons of powdered or chipped white willow bark
-1 cup of water
-Honey or lemon to taste
Bring 1 cup (8 oz.) of water to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Add 2 teaspoons of powdered or chipped white willow bark and let it infuse for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and let it steep for 30 more minutes.. Drink twice daily-it's bitter, so honey and lemon are usually welcome here.
white willow bark tea joint pain remedy
8. Exercise
When it's painful and difficult just to move, the last thing you feel like doing is getting up and exercising. As unpleasant as it may sound though, exercise is vital for those who suffer from any form of stiffness, joint pain, or arthritis. Exercise will help control weight (an excess of which puts more strain on your joints) strengthens the muscles that support the joint, even when the cartilage is thinning, and lubricates the joints, allowing them to move more freely. When we are inactive the synovial fluid in the joints is the consistency of a thick gel, but once we get moving and warming up, the liquid becomes more viscous and can do a better job of lubricating our joints and keeping them going smoothly. Just imagine if you were to be sedentary every day, pretty soon you'd be so stiff it'd be just about impossible to move. But if you get up and move around every day, you'll get stronger and will loosen up as well.
-Going for a brisk walk-start with 15 minutes and work your way up into a solid daily routine.
-Doing joint-targeted exercises-certain stretches and exercises specifically target joints to help rid them of stiffness and pain.
-Getting a dog-doing so backs up the first point, because you'll have no choice but to walk!
arthritis tips
9. Peppermint Eucalyptus Oil Blend
Peppermint and eucalyptus don't change the course of the arthritis itself, but they do have analgesic, or pain-relieving, properties. The cooling sensation that they produce can temporarily override your discomfort, and create a soothing sensation that can ease the pain of arthritis.
You will need…
-5-10 drops of Peppermint oil
-5-10 drops of Eucalyptus oil
-1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil (olive, almond, grape seed, etc.)
-A small dark glass bottle
Blend 5-10 drops of eucalyptus and peppermint oil together, and then mix into 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil. Carrier oil is needed to dilute the essential oil so that it does not irritate the skin, and can be olive oil, grapeseed oil, or something of the like (not oil.) Store the oil blend in dark glass bottle away from direct sunlight, and rub into your joints when they ache.
essential oils for joint pain
10. Juniper Berry Tea
A 2009 research trial published in the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" found that juniper berries do indeed help with arthritis pain thanks to a component called terpinen-4-ol. Terpene suppresses a type of white blood cells called monocytes which, as a part of our immune system, respond to signals of inflammation. In rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks normal joint tissue for no reason, leading to inflammation, pain, and loss of function. If taken daily, juniper may be able to reduce the uncomfortable inflammation thanks to its terpene content. Only prickly juniper and common juniper varieties were effective.
Note: Do NOT drink juniper berry tea while pregnant.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries
-1 cup of fresh water
-Honey (optional)
Bring 1 cup of fresh water to a boil, and place 1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries in a mug. Pour the boiling water over the berries and let them steep for 20 minutes before straining. Drink 1 cup twice daily, and add honey to taste if you like.
juniper berry tea
11. Golden Raisins & Gin
First off I am not recommending that you go and drink gin, but I thought this was an interesting old home remedy for arthritis. Gins flavor is derived from juniper berries (see #11 for a more in depth explanation of juniper berries) which contain anti-inflammatory properties. Golden raisins (only golden can be used in this recipe) require sulfides in their processing to give them their characteristic color. Sulfides are found in both glucosamine and chondroitin, which many people have found to be helpful remedies for arthritis. This remedy stretches back at least 20 years, and some people swear by it, while others have had limited success.
You will need…
-Around 1/2 cup of gin
-1 cup of golden raisins
-a shallow dish
The amounts will vary depending on how big of a batch you are making, but basically you just need raisins and enough gin to just cover them, and the above amounts are just to give a general guideline. I am one of those people who, even if it is a loosely interpreted recipe, like to have some numbers to start with. Anyways, place 1 cup of golden raisins in a shallow dish, and pour in enough gin to just barely cover them. Cover with a towel and store them away in a dark place until the gin has evaporated (around 2 weeks.) Eat 9 of the raisins daily, keeping in mind the results may take several weeks to show.
12. Bosweilla supplements
Also known as Frankincense, Bosweilla is a flowering plant native to Africa and Asia. The gum resin or extract of the plant works as an anti-inflammatory and pain-killer. It works against inflammation by 'disabling' white blood cells that would cause swelling, and also helps shrink tissue that has already become inflamed and painful. I am afraid I don't have a tea recipe for this one, as it is generally taken in a tablet supplement form, much like a vitamin. It is sold at many health stores and online, and is fairly reasonably priced compared to what some other supplements cost.

13. Pectin & Grape Juice
Pectin is a water soluble carbohydrate substance found in the cell walls of plants, where it helps keep cell walls together, and gives fruit firmness as it ripens. It is extracted from fruit to use as a setting in jams and jellies, and has become popular as a home remedy for arthritis when combined with grape juice. It has been tentatively hypothesized that it helps return the synovial tissue to a more elastic and lubricated state, which results in pain-free movement. Despite the fact that more studies are needed on pectin and connective tissue many people have found, for whatever reason, great relief from their arthritis with it. The grape juice is the liquid of choice due to the fact that it can help with inflammation.
You will need…
-1 tablespoon of liquid pectin
-8 oz. of grape juice
Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid pectin with 8 oz. of grape juice and drink 1-2 times daily. It will take a week or two for the effects to show.
grape juice and certo for arthritis
14. Cayenne 'Capsaicin' Ointment
A common OTC pain reliever for joint pain contains capsaicin, a component in hot peppers that inhibits something called Substance P. Substance P is involved in transmitting pain signals to our brain, and when the capsaicin interferes with it, it minimizes the alert to the discomfort, and therefore the discomfort itself. It has been one of the more effective topical treatments for arthritis, and you can make your own at home with humble cayenne. Keep in mind, however, that it is only a temporary fix and should be used sparingly if possible.
arthritis cream

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[] Businessman-turned-lawyer Mr Hari Om self-funds a slum school for street children in Ludhiana-


Businessman-turned-lawyer Mr Hari Om self-funds a slum school for street children in Ludhiana, Punjab, providing education and support for whole families! 

Hari Om can be contacted here:
video in the link below 

video 1 min 18 seconds
Child rag pickers to teachers


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