Saturday, 11 January 2014

[] Being A Good Leader








25 Things You Don't Want To Know About Fast Food Restaurants

Fast food restaurants are in it for the money and not the quality of food. Check out a few things that they don't want you to know about their food and restaurant.

1. Nope they don't use the 5 second rule, they use the 10 second rule...good luck.


2. Those grill marks on your burger aren't real. They were put there by the factory.


3. We load our kid's meals with extra sugar to make them more appealing to kids. Even the pizza crust is not exempt.


4. If you want fresh fries order them without salt this will force them to make a new batch. After that you can add your own salt.


5. They fill their food with high fructose corn syrup because it's a cheap sweetener. It also tricks your body into wanting more of it.


6. One way to measure the cleanliness of a fast food restaurant is to look up into the ice chute of the drink dispenser. You'll be surprised how often you can find mold up there.


7. Actually, nearly 50% of restaurant fountain drink dispensers have fecal bacteria on them.


8. One hamburger can easily contain meat from up to 100 different cows.


9. Quite often the salads are made several days earlier and just sit on a tray in the refrigerator until someone orders them.


10. Scrambled eggs are made from powder.


11. Cashiers are not allowed to tell you how many calories are in each dish even though it is posted above their heads or if it's published online. All they can say is "All that information is available online".


12. Be careful with the lemons in your drink. Everybody touches them and nobody washes them. They just get cut up and laid out.


13. In many places, just before close, all the coffee is decaf whether your ordered it with caffeine or not. This is because nobody wants to clean two different coffee pots.


14. The milkshakes can easily contain over 50 different kinds of chemicals.


15. The soft drinks are marked up by nearly 1200%. The syrup in your coke only cost us a couple pennies.


16. In 1970 only $6 billion was spent on fast food. Today it is nearly $200 billion.


17. If you look around the parking lot, dining area, or bathroom and see a lot of trash what do think the less visible places (like the kitchen) look like?


18.We're supposed to wear gloves when we prepare food but most of the time nobody follows that rule.


19. Even restaurants from the same chain can have vastly different standards and quality. It usually depends upon the management.


20. At some places, like Taco Bell, the food carries over. So guess what we serve you in the morning?


21. They throw away an incredible amount of food every night.


22. Those pictures of our food you see in advertisements are airbrushed and touched up with fiberglass. It takes two hours just to set up one hamburger.


23.Fast food restaurants are one of the biggest exploiters of cheap domestic labor. They are usually actively engaged in anti union activities.


24. Those salads you're ordering have nearly just as many calories as one Big Mac.


25. The chili is just made out of meat from old burgers.

Imagem intercalada 3   

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[] Full and Blind Faith In God



Hello God, I called tonight to talk a little while 
I need a friend who'll listen to my anxiety and trial. 
You see, I can't quite make it through a day just on my own... 
I need your love to guide me, so I'll never feel alone. 

I want to ask you please to keep my family safe and sound. 
Come and fill their lives with confidence for whatever fate they're bound.
Give me faith, dear God, to face each hour throughout the day, 
And not to worry over things I can't change in any way. 

I thank you God, for being home and listening to my call, 
For giving me such good advice when I stumble and fall.. !!!!!!! 
I am putting forth all my troubles in Your Hands, praying that You give me
the apt wisdom to overcome all adventures of life successfully.
Cleanse me from sinful thoughts ,words and deeds so as to be a righteous citizen of this world.
Your number, God, is the only one that answers every time. 
I never get a busy signal when I call You, never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening to my troubles and my sorrow. 
Good night, God, I love You, too, 
And I'll call again tomorrow

From a grieving sinner who has full faith only in You. 

P.S. Please bless all my friends and family too.

Here is a wonderful worship song to enhance your "Full and Blind Faith In God" - He knows my name   

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