Saturday, 26 April 2014

[] You Are The Results Of Yourself


  ....Pablo Neruda

Don't blame anyone, never complain of anyone or anything
Because basically you have made of your life what you wanted.
Accept the difficulties of edifying yourself
And the worth of starting to correct your character.
The triumph of the true man arises from the ashes of his mistakes.

Never complain of your loneliness or your luck.

Face it with courage and accept it.
Somehow, they are the result of your acts and
It shows that you'll always win.
Don't feel frustrated of your own failures, neither unload them to someone else.

Accept yourself now or you'll go on justifying yourself like a child.
Remember that any time is good to start
And that no time is so good to give up.
Don't forget that the cause of your present is your past,
As the cause of your future will be your present.

Learn from the brave, from the strong,
From who doesn't accept situations
From who will live in spite of everything.
Think less of your problems and more of your work.
Learn to arise from your pain,
And to be greater than the greatest of your obstacles.

Look at the mirror of yourself and you'll be free and strong

And you'll stop being a puppet of circumstances.
For you yourself are your destiny.

Wake up and stare at the Sun in the mornings and breathe the Sun of dawn.

You're part of the strength of your life now,
Rise up, fight, walk, be sure and you'll win in life.

Don't ever think of 'fate'

For fate is the excuse of failures.
Best of Luck

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[] The Great Power You Posses

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[] World's first Jahaj Mandir (Boat Temple) at Mandwala in Rajasthan. ( Jain Temple )

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[] The Canonization of the two popes


Pope John 23 and  Pope John Paul 2 are to be canonized today and they will then be joining the college of saints. I do not know whether they will have to wait outside the college doors until the canonization procedures are over. Anyway it might be interesting to have a look at some of their future college-mates.

1.    Emperor Charlemagne: He ruled the Holy roman empire for over four decades and was responsible for converting the Saxons to Christianity. In the process he massacred some 4500 Saxons. But that has not prevented the Church from declaring him as a saint to be emulated.  In contrast the Roman emperor Nero massacred only less than 900 Christians. However Nero is depicted by the church as one of the worst of tyrants in human history.

2.    Pope Urban 2: It was he that set in motion the Crusades in 1095 which resulted in untold misery and bloodshed. Pope John Paul 2 who is one of the two to be canonized today apologized for the cruelties perpetrated by the Crusaders and has said that the Crusades were a dark chapter in the history of the church. But he did not bother to take Pope Urban 2 off the list of saints as he did to several saints like St.George, St. Sebastian, St. Christopher, St. Brigitte et al. I wonder what Pope John Paul 2 and Pope Urban 2 will have to talk about when they come across each other in the College of saints.

3.    Another thing for which Pope John Paul 2 apologized was the crimes perpetrated by the various inquisitions. It was one of these inquisitions that burned Giordano Bruno at the stakes for saying that the earth is round and that it goes round the Sun, both of which theories went against the church's teachings that the earth is flat and that the Sun goes around the earth.  Consequently Bruno has been declared as the first martyr for science. The Inquisition which condemned Bruno to the stakes was presided over by the Cardinal Bellarmin who too has been declared by the church as a saint to be emulated. As such Pope Paul 2 will in all probability come across Bellarmin whom the former condemned by condemning the inquisitions. Will Pope John Paul 2 and Cardinal Bellarmin be avoiding each other in the college of saints or will they be slugging it out in heaven?


Xavier William

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." Hitchens

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[] Search for Love [1 Attachment]


As Eyes Can Not Hear And Ears Can  Not See That Which IS Same Is The Case With  Our LOVING Instrument And In A Way To Change Our Instrument Is Quite Easy Because Its Not Very Far Really One Just Needs To Descend Down Only One Foot From The Head To HEART And Mysteriously Our Instrument Gets Changed  Automatically Which AnyONE Can Make Talented Easily  By Sharing And Caring THIS Infinite Source Of Lovely LOVE  Awaiting Eternally WithIN EVERYONE To BurstForth BlissFully,,,,  Namaste,,,,,,,()


Lighting a match in the dark to see, will be only momentarily. Looking in the outer world of light without seeing the light within you, the heart will lead nowhere but for the momentary. Drowning yourself in anothers words of what to do or follow is only pointing to the reflection of the moon in the water.  Time is love. You do have time! Open your heart in the moment forgetting the past, and searching for the tomorrows. Now is the present, be in the moment. That's why it's called 'the present'. Leave the blocks of the past on a string like a kite in the wind, and let go!

The invisible contains the jewels to fill the self with the effervescence of love's feeling of the lightness of being. The invisible is free in the wind with no search necessary, but the openness of the heart. Love is easy but that doesn't mean it is for those who look the other way. Feel the others inner softness, and you will match that softness within you. Love is here to stay, the choice is yours to see its no where to be searched for but within the softness of your hearts beat.

Everybody's looking for love, but finding only a passing fragrance, and sometimes one that is a fading memory. Let love come to you, rather than chasing it as it is playful, and flees waiting you to let it find it's own way to you. Look around but don't get attached to the outer, for it can be a distraction. Love doesn't come to those with their mind filled with this and that. The road to follow is not one that is always turning. Stop and let go of the road of the search. There is no where to go! The sun rises and sets beyond your choice.

Be aware in the moment with an open heart and a lightness of mind! The air you breath, is filled with love for those open to discern it. In fact, the air is love! Love is a delicate affair. Those in 'clear air love', have nothing but an open heart with no past or expectations of tomorrows. Just be in the milieu. First see that 'fragrance of love within yourself' as the real you. Aloneness is godliness. To be alone with someone else who can be in tandem with you in that space is the highest reverberation reaching to the sacredness of the universe and life. Once attained, never forgotten.



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