Saturday, 23 November 2013





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Dedicating Hindi poem penned by Makhanlal chaturvedi "Pushp Ki Abhilasha" to all the soldiers. The soul stirring poem accurately represents the pride, passion, dedication and patriotism towards our country. This is one of the best poems I still remember from my schoolbook, not because of its contents but because of its feel.


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Chah Nahin Mai SurBala Ke Gehnon Mein Guntha Jaaon
Chah Nahin Premi Mala Mein Bindh, Pyari Ko Lalchaon
Chah Nahin Samraton Ke Shav Par, He Hari Dala Jaaon
Chah Nahin Devon Ke Sar Par Chadhon, Bhagya Par Itraoon
Mujhey Tod Lena Banmali, Us Path Par Tum Dena Phaink
Matru Bhoomi Per Sheesh Chadhaney,Jis Path Jaayen Veer Anek



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When Translated in English:

I do not wish to be a part of the ornaments of the daughter of Gods.

I do not wish to lure sweet love being a part of lover's garland for her.

I do not wish O God, to be offered on the dead-bodies of great kings

I do not wish to adorn the foreheads of Gods and be proud of my luck.

O Gardener! Please pluck me and throw me on the street
where the brave men offering their head for the motherland tread!


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An all time childhood favourite poem, and I am sharing as a tribute to all the soldiers who lost their lives in one of the most atocious terrorist attack in our nation, that on of 26/11 in Mumbai.An attack so brazen that left the country reeling in shock for days afterward.

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They do everything for country, yet time and again we forget they too are normal people just like you and me.People who have shed their luxuries for their country and lead a tough life that is beyond our Imaginations.They are our soldiers. The protection and warmth we feel, the securityof living in our country is noticed but not the sacrifices that it cost.Unlike the politicians bureaucrats or any other common people, the solidiers cannot get away with the excuse, we try our best.They just win or they lose.


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If you worship cricket idol or bollywood star think for a moment there are thousands of people who sacrificied their lifes for our country who deserve much more than them.We must salute them for their sacrifice and let their deaths not to go waste unacknowledged and unnoticed.




Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"

Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran

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[] Fwd: Commitment Ruins Love [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Murli dhar Gupta included below]

Pamela quote love has left its fury
 November 18, 2013
Fearful love demands commitment to assuage the ego of insecurity. 'Commitment' is a trap word promulgated by males, particularly those dressed in a gown of black, postulating to the innocent 'believers'. Society has been conditioned to accept the word as necessary to show love. Love that is insecure is one that demands commitment to satisfy the fears of survival. If that's your 'cup of tea', good luck. You can experience more than surface love that melts with innumerable challenges!

Is 'commitment a prison? Then why is it called 'committed to prison' when a convict goes to prison? All arrangements are temporary, and subject to changing times that include changing minds. To be committed to what amounts to an arrangement with no possibility of 'parole' or 'out' is simply an imprisonment, and a 'lock on freedom'. Love, 'real love', has as one of its attributes a sense of freedom where each automatically loves the other so much that even if it means being without them in the physical, it always is in compassion for the others wishes. Real love involves communication from the heart that supports, and gives caring for the others moment and future.

Where love is filled with doubts, commitment on a practical level may be necessary, but why place yourself in that position? For those unevolving, and stuck in not actualizing an evolving of love, that notion of commitment serves as a kind of obligation. Obligation is not love nor required of real, deep love. What for? Love again is only a 'prison' if you allow it to be, and are not dedicated to continually growing in love. A 'cook' in a restaurant is not a chef, nor is just a chef qualified to orchestrate the 'fine art of culinary skills' in the finest gourmet restaurants.

Conversely, just because you have some love in your heart, and a feeling of commitment to the recipient of that love, it does not mean that you qualify for being a 'godly actualization' of love's deepest expressions. Trying to roll a giant boulder up a hill is best left to Homer's Iliad for 'Sisyphus' who tried and failed to do it. Falling is 'failing' as is 'falling in love' meaning letting a temporary or unreliable love take over your rational sensibilities that keep you from 'rising or evolving in love'. Love that is not total or consciously evolving in a relationship is a 'trap' that ruins 'love's beauty'. Real deep love does not require a promise or commitment. That's needed for a type of love that isn't total from both. Love yourself, or focus with totality on the journey to love of self. Real love always is in tune, and in compassion for the other with full empathy. Love is not just of another, but of yourself. Love is a door to freedom.



Attachment(s) from Murli dhar Gupta

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[] RBI BBS: Mobile Phone Identity


[] Fresh Quotes !


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Staying at the back, giving Power Support
to those who are in Front Still being Ego less
This is what we should learn from digit 'ZERO'

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Being part of the natural world reminds me
that innocence isn't ever lost completely;
we just need to maintain our goodness to regain it.

~   Jewel

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"Ideas are like rabbits.
You get a couple and learn how to handle them,
and pretty soon you have a dozen."

~   John Steinbeck

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"Rest when you're weary.
Refresh and renew yourself,
your body, your mind, your spirit.
Then get back to work."

~   Ralph Marston

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"You can tell the character of every man
when you see how he receives praise."

~   Seneca 
Speak less, think less, 
listen more, forget more, 
do more, achieve more.




Most people would succeed in small things, 
if they were not troubled with great ambitions.

~   Long Fellow

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For the love of money, is the root of all evil

~   New Testament

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By constant practice of meditation and renunciation, 
one can realize self.

~   Geeta

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Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

~   English Proverb

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The men who have no care for the future, 
will have to soon sorrow for the present.

~   Richa

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The great end of the life is not knowledge, but action.

~   Thomas Huxley.

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