Thursday, 1 October 2020





     Disclaimer : This is General Health Advice.Consult Family doctor

7 Amazing Benefits of Ashwagandha Root for Women

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is an Ayurvedic herb commonly used in traditional Indian medicine. Investigations into the herb's powerful effects on the body have sparked an explosion of interest, and research has reported exciting potential for human health, specifically its effects on mental, physical, and emotional health.

Benefits of Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha may enhance energy, support aging, and stimulate sex drive. Here are 7 benefits women may experience with ashwagandha.

1. Promotes Graceful Aging

Stress, both metabolic and emotional, dramatically affects aging. Cortisol, the body's stress hormone, contributes to muscle loss and weakness, wrinkles, and cognitive impairment. Research has found that ashwagandha improves resistance to stress, possibly decreasing cortisol production. [1] One study of 64 individuals observed a reduction in stress and a significant decrease in cortisol levels in individuals taking ashwagandha compared with placebo.

2. Menopausal Support

Ashwagandha acts on the endocrine system by encouraging hormone balance. A study involving 51 menopausal women supplementing with ashwagandha noted a significant reduction in symptoms such as hot flashes, anxiety, and mood. [2]

3. Sexual Potency

The Kama Sutra, one of the oldest surviving texts on human sexuality, mentions ashwagandha in its literature as a potent sexual stimulant. Research indicates that the herb supports sexual health and vitality by increasing blood flow and reducing bodily tension. Women taking ashwagandha typically experience an increase in sexual desire and satisfaction..

4. Memory Support

Recent research has shown that ashwagandha reduces memory impairment in animal models. The herb may also protect the brain from the oxidative stress that leads toneurodegeneration. Relaxation, a benefit derived from the herb's stress-fighting effects, also improves long-term visual memory. [3] [4]

5. Revitalization

Another benefit many women report after taking this herb is in regards to energy levels. This anecdotal evidence is supported by scientific investigation; a recent study reported ashwagandha's benefits for improving energy while reducing stress-related disorders. [5]

6. Mood Booster

Ashwagandha is a known mood-boosting herb, and research suggests that the therapeutic plant may play a potential role in fighting mood imbalance[6] Women battling mood swings may benefit from supplementing with ashwaghanda.

7. Fertility

Stress, illness, hormone imbalance, and nutrient deficiencies — all of these issues threaten female reproductive health and make it difficult for a woman to conceive. Research shows that ashwagandha supports thyroid function, an organ responsible for regulating hormones. [7] Also, by decreasing stress, ashwagandha may encourage a situation that is optimal for fertility. [8] More research is needed to clarify whether or not ashwagandha is effective for helping infertile females struggling to conceive.

Using Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha can be found in liquid and capsule form, sometimes with other herbs designed to promote female health. Always look for an organic supplement that comes from a trusted, high-quality source.
What have your experiences been with ashwagandha supplementation? Let us know in the comments!
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Chandrasekhar K1, Kapoor J, Anishetty S. A prospective, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of safety and efficacy of a high-concentration full-spectrum extract of ashwagandha root in reducing stress and anxiety in adults. Indian J Psychol Med. 2012 Jul;34(3):255-62. doi: 10.4103/0253-7176.106022.
  2. Modi MB1, Donga SB, Dei L. Clinical evaluation of Ashokarishta, Ashwagandha Churna and Praval Pishti in the management of menopausal syndrome. Ayu. 2012 Oct;33(4):511-6. doi: 10.4103/0974-8520..110529.
  3. R Archana, A Namasigayam. Antistressor effect of Withania somnifera. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Volume 64, Issue 1, 1 January 1998, Pages 91-93.
  4. Nava E, Landau D, Brody S, Linder L, Schächinger H. Mental relaxation improves long-term incidental visual memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 2004 May;81(3):167-71.
  5. Narendra Singh, Mohit Bhalla, […], and Marilena Gilca. An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and Alternative Medicines. 2011; 8(5 Suppl): 208-213.
  6. Bhattacharya SK, Bhattacharya A, Sairam K, Ghosal S. Anxiolytic-antidepressant activity of Withania somnifera glycowithanolides: an experimental study.Phytomedicine. 2000 December;7(6):463-9.
  7. Panda S, Kar A. Changes in thyroid hormone concentrations after administration of ashwagandha root extract to adult male mice. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 1998 September;50(9):1065-8.
  8. Wasser SK, Sewall G, Soules MR. Psychosocial stress as a cause of infertility.Fertility and Sterility. 1993 March;59(3):685-9.


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[] : Help Your Child Cope With Stress and Anxiety



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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

 Help Your Child Cope With Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are, unfortunately, a big part of this modern era. many of us may experience anxiety every day, but it is important to remember that many of our children experience it too. They may feel that they have too many commitments, clash with their peers, or feel that they do not live up to your expectations, all of which can make them anxious. Although it is normal for children to be stressed about something, it's important to control their anxiety as much as possible.

Here are some ways to help your children manage their stress levels that will make their lives, and your lives, much easier.

1. Don't Overschedule

Much of the time, we will do anything in our power to keep our children busy so that they don't sink into a spell of boredom. Yet as a result, many parents overschedule activities and events for their kids, when in fact all the child may need is a bit of downtime.

According to many child psychologists, having too much on their plate is actually one of the major stressors for children. Kids really do need downtime to rejuvenate their brains and bodies to stay focused and ready for whatever's next. It is best to try and get your kids to spend their downtime away from the television or computer, because this is just further stimulating their brains. Try reading a book with them or sitting down to play a family game - these kinds of activities will help them feel relaxed and at ease.

2. Playtime Is Important

Just as over-scheduling can be dangerous for a child's stress levels, so can forced play. Forcing them to play will make them feel stressed or even make them feel like an annoyance.

With smaller children, it is easier to remain disengaged from their playtime and finish what we need to get done. However, as they grow, it is important that the parent become more involved in the child's playtime as they need that extra encouragement. Try going for a bike ride with your child after work, or finding a sport that you both enjoy and can pursue together. Also, there shouldn't be a lesson at the end of the playtime, so that the child does not get stressed out by the competition.

3. Get Your Rest

While this is probably not news, a good night's sleep is essential for keeping children feeling relaxed and ready to take on the day. It may be that your child is not getting enough sleep because they are oversburdened with too many sports practices or birthday parties, so it is important to put your foot down and demand that they get their rest, even between fun activities.

Unlike us adults, it is recommended that children get about 8-9 hours of sleep each night, so even if they aren't ready, try and get them to bed before 9 pm. It's also a good idea not to allow a television or other electronics in the child's room that will stimulate and keep them up at night. Encourage them to read a book (or read to them) until they fall asleep.

4. Help Them Listen to Their Bodies

Stress is not only apparent in our mental states, but is also clearly expressed in how our bodies function. Some of the most common signs of stress in children are constant stomach aches (which should be checked by a doctor to make sure they aren't ulcers), repeated headaches, and even extreme eating patterns of over or under eating.

If your child experiences these symptoms of stress, explain to them that the body reacts to heightened stress and that they should be aware of their bodies. This means regularly seeing a doctor when needed, and making sure they eat healthy, energizing foods full of vitamins that will keep them alert and healthy. In general it is best to cut out the junk entirely.

5. Keep a Hold On Your Stress

This tip may be obvious to some, but your stress levels play an important role in your child's anxiety levels. If you are feeling stressed and begin to express it, your child may soon start to feel anxious and confused. If you thought that kids don't pay attention to your state, when you were wrong.

If you are an impatient parent that tends to be stressed out, it is important to try and collect yourself when you are in front of your child. Raising your tone or acting too stressy will discourage your kid from discussing their problems and sharing things with you, which could have a serious detriment on your relationship.

6. Wake Up to an Uncluttered Household

Mornings are generally the most stressful time in every household, as the parents need to ready the kids (most of the time) as well as ready themselves for the day ahead. If the house is cluttered, that may also make you and your children feel stressed in the morning. A famous phrase - An uncluttered house leads to an uncluttered mind. Same goes for your children, even if they seem to relish the clutter.  So try and schedule cleaning duties for evening times.

7. Mistakes Happen

One of the hardest lessons for kids to learn is that they, like every other human being, makes mistakes. The thought or idea of making a mistake can haunt some children and stress them out. It is important to remind them that no one is perfect and that not everyone knows how to do everything right.

Make an effort to teach your children about good decisions and give them the confidence that they are on the right path. If you are over-critical with your children, they may begin to develop anxious behavior, which can backfire later on. So relax and don't fret over spilled milk.

8. Listen To Your Child

When your child expresses a feeling or wish, no matter how outlandish or non-relatable, make sure that you address it. Ignoring your child or belittling what they have to say will make them feel nervous or stressed.

Open your ears to your child's comments and feelings, and even try to get them to express the way they are feeling or what they have to say in different ways. This will trigger your child's desire to express and give them a feeling of peace in that they know that they have someone to talk to, and someone who will listen.

9. Patience Really Is a Virtue

Although you've heard it a million times, when it comes to raising children, patience really is a virtue. It may hurt your or even stress you out to see your child anxious and unsettled, but that is exactly that your child does not need to see. Don't try to fix every problem, but instead, try to help your child become a solid problem-solver.

The battle against child and adolescence stress can be a tough one, but truly the most important advice we can give you is to be patient and teach coping strategies that will help your child manage their stress now and in the future.


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[] Get Rid Of Pimples with this easy home made toner


Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

Get rid of pimples with this easy homemade toner!
Try this effective and cheap home remedy for banishing those pimples for good!

Battling against recurring acne can be an uphill task, especially because of the amount of money you end up spending on the right face wash and toner for your sensitive skin. Instead of shelling out a lot of money on expensive toners, here's how to make one with basic kitchen ingredients – organic apple cider vinegar, green tea and peppermint essential oil. This home remedy has proved to be very effective for me in getting clearer skin and preventing future acne breakouts! Here are ten reasons why you should use peppermint essential oil.
Here's how it works
Apple cider vinegar helps balance the natural pH balance of your skin by clearing away excess oil and opening the pores. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe your skin and reduce redness. Peppermint oil has strong anti-bacterial properties to fight against pimples and prevent bacteria from spreading. Here are 6 home remedies to get rid of acne scars.
What you need
A large cup of green tea made with two tea bags
Organic or raw apple cider vinegar
An empty spray bottle
5 drops of peppermint essential oil or tea tree oil
Once you have brewed the green tea, set it aside and allow it to cool down. After that, fill 3/4th of your spray bottle with green tea and add 1/4th of that portion of apple cider vinegar. Then, add not more than five drops of peppermint essential oil or tea tree oil to it. Tightly close the spray bottle and mix well. You can spray your face with this homemade toner twice a day. You could also use a cotton ball to apply this toner. Here are 5 face packs for acne you could try at home. Make sure to refrigerate this toner so it lasts longer and has a cooling effect on your face. Here's another easy home remedy to banish pimples


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