If you have REAL FAITH in God Almighty miracles can happen upon your asking Him.
Paralysed student able to walk again after child in church told him the exact time he would recover - claiming it was a message from God
- Joel Haler, 20, was paralyzed from the waist down after being injured during a health class at Hope College in Michigan
- While doctors found no physical damage, he was confined to a wheelchair and couldn't walk or feel his legs
- One night he dreamt of a banner emblazoned with 'J23'
- A week later in a church a four-year-old said God had told him Haler would walk again
- On January 23, he rose from his bed and walked for the first time in three months
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 05:53 GMT, 11 February 2014 | UPDATED: 06:17 GMT, 11 February 2014
A 20-year-old college student who was paralyzed in a sporting accident says he received messages from God telling him the exact day he would walk again - and he did.
Joel Haler, who attends Hope College in Holland, Michigan, was in a health class last October when he heard a 'loud pop' in his back while performing a routine.
The next day he woke up and was paralyzed from the waist down.
While doctors found no physical damage, Haler was unable to walk and was confined to a wheelchair
'I quickly realized, ''I'm paralyzed. I'm just going to have to start getting used to this'',' he told The Blaze.
Joel Haler, 20, a student at Hope College in Michigan, was in a health class when he heard a 'loud pop' in his back. The next day he woke up paralyzed from the waist down
However, in a move the athlete describes as an act of providence, on January 23 he walked for the first time in three months
Haler saw a series of doctors but none could explain what had happened to his legs.
The son of a pastor, Haler, who moved home to Indiana, said he started to question his Christian faith, asking: 'God, why are you doing this to me?'
However in early January he said he had a dream in which he saw a big banner that said 'J23', however you couldn't work out the significance.
A week later he was at a church and a four-year-old boy named Braxton approached him and said: 'Joel, you're going to walk on a Thursday.'
'I know God told him this for a reason,' Haler said.
After some research, Haler realized that January 23 - 'J23' - was a Thursday.
'I really trusted God and I put my faith and everything in this,' he said.
'I wish that people could experience that. I have never been so confidant in something in my entire life.'
Haler didn't sleep at all on the night and said around 3am on January 23 he felt tingling in his toes.
Joel Haler has been speaking at churches about his experience since it unfolded. He believes God wants him to spread his testimony and to share the challenges he faced
He then felt some pain working up his legs.
An hour and a half later it had reached his waist.
'And that's when I pinched myself, [thinking] 'Wow this is the real deal. This is really happening right now,'" he said.
'So I swung my legs and I started walking.'
Considering he had been wheelchair-bound for three months, Haler considers it a miracle that he was able to instantly walk again.
Haler said he walked straight into his parents bedroom and excitedly woke them.
Weeks later, he is still walking and the pain has totally dissipated.
'There are people who will say this is impossible. I want to encourage them,' he said.

+5 Jumping for joy: Joel Haler said he can't believe he can walk again after spending three months in a wheelchair with no feeling in his legs
'All of these elements are coming from God clearly and science cannot back this up . . . I don't know how people can doubt this.'
Haler has been speaking at churches about his experience since it unfolded. He believes God wants him to spread his testimony and to share the challenges he faced.
However doctors are skeptical about the so-called miracle.
Dr. Levi Harrison, an orthopedic surgeon based in Los Angeles, Calif., told The Blaze that a patient confined to a wheelchair for three months would not be able to get up and immediately walk again.
'They would suffer from joint contracture (shortening of a muscle of joint) and the inability to ambulate,' he said.
'They would also have poor proprioception in their ankles, knees and feet, making gait (normal pattern of movement) next to impossible.'
Joel Haler, seen here at his high school graduation, believes being able to walk again was an act of God
But a long journey is just like few steps
when you walk with someone
who loves and cares for you.
We always look and care for the person
whom we love the most.
But we fail to look back at those
who love us the most.
Death's not the greatest loss in life..
The greatest loss is when
relationships die inside us while
we are still alive...
Life is not about the people
who act true on your face..
Its about the people who
remain true behind your back..
Time decides whom you meet in life
Your heart decides whom you want in life..
but your behavious decides
who will stay in your life...
You can win life by all means..
If you simply avoid two things...
1. Comparing - with others
2. Expecting - from other
Life will be more beautiful!!