"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future" – Oscar Wilde
News of the week…
Delhi rape case rocks the country.
(Me: The best way to stop rape cases is to castrate the rapists caught in the act or rather with their pants down. This original idea came from Khushwant Singh some time ago – and I am in complete agreement. The country would never ever enact such a law coz. we are better known for our IMPOTENCE, at least in matters justice delivery!)
Preeti says: "The doctor said he would put me back on my feet in a week."
Sanjay asks: "Did he succeed?"
The distraught girl said: "Yes, dear, I had to sell my car to pay the bill!"
"Na, bhai, Gujarat knows no Modiration" – Bachi Karkeria in TOI
(Me: pun at its finest best: Na stands for No and Narendrabhai)
Weird world…
To avoid excess luggage fees, he wears 70 dresses.
In a bid to skip the exorbitant excess luggage fees at the airport, one passenger decided to pull out 70 items of clothing and wear them all. The passenger, not identified, faced the dilemma at Guangzhou Balyn International Airport in China. So he decided to pull out more than 60 shirts and nine pairs of jeans and struggle to squeeze them all on. He eventually ended up looking like a sumo wrestler.
(Me: The extent people go to to save a few dollars.. it takes your breath away).
Bisarre news..
Woman fined for insulting dog named after nieghbour..
Hu Lin had fallen out with her neighbor, Wang Sun, after the butted heads over a building extension to his home six years. It seems she was so angered she decided to call her pooch after him and whenever he was in the vicinity she alleged started cursing her pet loudly. "To get her own back she named her dog Wang and then whenever she saw me she would start swearing and insulting the dog using my name," Want said. The judge agreed Wu's actions had caused Wang 'mental anguish' and punished her with a Pounds sterling 500 fine and also told her to apologize.
(Me: She did pay the fine, but the report doesn't whether she apologized to the man. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned or spurned…. An old saying).
Taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate. After an hour-long wait, it finally took off. A concerned passenger asked the flight attendant, "What was the problem?"
"The pilot was bothered by a noise he heard in the engine," explained the flight attendant, "and it took us a while to find a new pilot."
Health news..
What is our 'second brain'?
Your body has a 'second brain' in your intestinal tract. There are neurons in your intestines just as there are neurons in your brain. The produce serotonin just as your brain does. In fact, your gut produces more serotonin than your brain, affecting your mood and feelings. Thus the term 'gut feeling'.
(Me: this indeed is news to me and no gut feeling, there..)
The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
Tongue in cheek…
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
Line Maro
You look like a dream.
(Me: keep dreaming..)
Weird world…
California condo listed for $1 find's no takers.
A California condo being offered for just $1 is proving hard to sell due to its location in a retirement community. Cathy Flores, the listing agent for the property I Laguna Woods, said the sellers want $1 for the 500-sq.ft. condo and are ready to pay $1500 for new paint and carpeting, but she has yet to receive an offer.
(Me: A Mumbaiwalla would have snapped it up for 4 or 5 millions of rupees… even if it were located in Timbuctoo)
Think it over..
"Passivity is the same as defending injustice: - Deepak Chopra
Deft definition…
Dread Merchant: A person who makes a living by predicting disasters and worst-case scenarios..
(Me: Like December 21..)
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