Wednesday, 3 October 2018



Arthritis technically means progressive worsening of the functioning of a joint. Commonly seen in people above the age of 50, many people encounter manifestations of arthritis in some form or the other (due degeneration or age related wear and tear). As a person ages, the cartilage present in between bones start to thin, and its load bearing capacity decreases. This causes the entire load of the body to get transferred onto the bone surface, just below the cartilage, leading to the formation of osteophytes (also known as bone spurs).

The most common symptoms of this condition is pain and swelling or stiffness of the knee. Joint inflammations may occur because of poor shock absorption capacity and routine activities that cause minor injuries to the knee joint. The pain could be dull, severe, only in front, all around the knees, at the back of the knee, at the side of the knee or along the thigh or calf. The pain could also be varying in intensity with different activities – climbing up and down the stairs, sitting, getting up, sitting cross legged, walking etc.

What makes a person more susceptible to this condition?
Excess weight: This leads to an earlier wear and tear and degeneration of the joint, due to the excessive load the knees often have to bear.
Heredity: People with a strong family history of osteo-arthritis face a greater chance of developing it earlier in life. Also, this factor is seen to be a very common cause for the onset of arthritis on women.

Injury: Previous or intervening injury to the bones, cartilages, or the ligaments of the knee predisposes a person to an earlier or graver forms of osteo-arthritis.
Poor muscle tone: Existing osteo-arthritis can get worse when the muscles around the knee are not strong enough.

How you can tackle the disease: There are few factors that can make the symptoms of the condition worse and therefore, getting these things under control can go a long way in minimising the progression of the disease. Here are a few things you can do.

Lose weight: While this is far simpler said than done, you must understand that excessive weight puts a great load on the joints leading to it's further degradation.
Exercise regularly: The surrounding muscles should be strengthened by means of adequate exercises. This way there will be better shock absorption, which means lesser chance of joint injury, inflammation and minimal or no symptoms.

People with arthritic knee pain often suffer from severe bouts of pain, here are few handy tips on tiding through these phases:
The knee should be rested. An elastic knee cap should be used whenever there is swelling in the joint.

Medication should be strictly followed to relieve pain, swelling or spasms.
Short wave diathermy (heat therapy), ultrasonics, local heat, local ice application etc. Should be used whenever needed.
Once the pain settles, gentle movements and exercises should be done.

Strictly avoid massaging the joint.
Asanas that help during these stages

Yogendra Nishpanda Bhav: Also known as the no-movement pose is a great way to relax, and beat stress. It also helps beat pain and keep your joints away from any kind of strain.

Steps to do this pose:
Lean against a wall, touching your head to the wall and sit in a relaxed manner with your legs stretched in front of you
Keep a distance of 2-3 feet between your legs
Place your hands gently on your upper thighs with palms facing upwards
Listen to the sound of any vehicle passing by at a distance
Sit in this posture for 5 mins and focus on any distant sound
Savasana: Another relaxing pose, this asana helps to clam the body. It also helps in the recuperation of the muscles and joints after a lot of swelling and pain. Here is how you can do savasana or yog nidra the right way.
Sukhasana: Also known as the easy pose, 
sukhasana is meant to help your knee regain flexibility and to beat pain. If you cannot bend your knee, you can try doing this asana while sitting on a chair. 
Read more about the steps to perform sukhasana.Hastapadangusht
asana: Also known as the extended hand to big toe pose, this asana helps strengthen the muscles around the knees, therefore beating knee pain. It also helps increase flexibility thereby reducing the chances of injury. For people with arthritic knee pain, this asana should be performed as they lie down. Here is how to do the hastapadangushtasana. In supine poseYastikasana: Yastikasana or the stick pose is a great asana that facilitates maximum stretching of the body. It helps negate the ill effects of sitting in a bad posture for long periods of time, relaxes tense abdominal and pelvic muscles, and offers rest and relaxation, helping you beat fatigue and stress. For people with arthritis this pose should be done with their ankle stretched upwards. Here is how you can do this asana.Asanas to be done during phases when the pain and swelling is minimal
At such times you can try to do simple asanas like padmasana, paryankasana, bhadrasana, ardhamatsy
asana and konasana.Tips to manage arthritis during the sub-acute and chronic phases
Strengthen the musclesWhile the need for medication becomes less, the need for exercises becomes paramount. Stretching the muscles like the hamstrings and calf muscles, may be needed to mobilize the joint and increase its flexibility. Exercises that can strengthen quadriceps are also essential.Treat the symptoms
It is important that the person suffering from osteo-arthritis know that it is self-defeating to expect improvements their medical reports like an X-ray. The truth is that as years progress the joints will degenerate. However, the silver lining here is that this progression does not always correlate clinically. A patient can lead an asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic active life despite the osteo-arthritis. It needs to be well understood and accepted that there is no cure for this condition.
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[] 23 Tips from Nutrition Expert


 23 Tips from a Nutrition Expert
We asked a nutrition expert to provide our readers with some important health tips and information they may not be already aware of. This is what she had to say:
1. Defrosting, any defrosting, must be gradual. From the freezer to the fridge, and not directly to the outside.
2. Plastic work surfaces accumulate bacteria. They must be soakedf in water with vinegar, and I highly recommend using wooden work surfaces, as they contain natural disinfectant materials.
3. There is almost NO difference in milk fat %. Drinking milk is always 3%. 0% milk is only milk water (the water created in process of making cream, cheese or butter).
4. If you want to freeze fruit, it's a good idea to pour sugar on them before they are frozen to preserve their taste.
5. When preparing dough, please use cold water during winter, and ice water during summer. That way the dough will rise to its maximal height.
6. The sugar leaf is the sweetest plant in the world. It is 30 times sweeter than sugar with zero calories. 1/3 of a leaf can sweeten a cup of coffee or tea. It can be bought at health stores as an extract.
7. The difference between Margarine and plastic is one molecule! The margarine contains transfats that do not melt in your arteries.
8. Corn and lettuce are mostly undigested by the body.
9. Eggshells are 100% calcium. If you have plants, a good idea is to water them with water mixed with eggshells.
10. Wines:
Red wine: Not to use more than 8 hours after the bottle has been opened.
White wine: Keep cold and do not use 10-12 hours after the bottle has been opened.
11. Those of you who are addicted to white sugar - Eat something out of whole wheat flour slowly and the need will die down.
12. Black olives, when in cans, are not black olives but blackened olives. 10. True olive oil is golden, not green. The greener, the more food colorings in it and other food stuffs that you don't need.
14. Honey that flows is not real bee honey. Real honey hardens and stays that way until heated up.
15. Puff pastry contains huge amounts of fat - I don't recommend it. But if you do make it, do NOT freeze it.
16. Sugar and alcohol never freeze.
17. Strawberries grown in the field is a magnet for insects and pesticides, not recommended.
18. Ground black pepper you buy at the supermarket is not pepper. Only buy those that are grounded in front of you.
19. Yellow cheese is the melting down of leftover hard white cheeses, with the addition of yellow food stuffs made out of coal and considered one of the most dangerous food stuff. It causes allergies, hyperactivity (mainly for kids) and is generally bad for your health.
20. Artificial Sweetners = Poison.
21. A teaspoon of sugar holds on 13-16 calories.
22. When storing eggs, keep them away from other products and never in the origial carton. If you can't put them in the door, then put them in the top shelf of the refrigerator, where it's warmer, and away from other products, especially cooked meat, chicken or fish.
23. Do not rinse eggs unless you plan to use them immediately!

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10 home remedies for acidity that really work!
Pavitra Sampath   Acidity foodsAll of   us have suffered from acidity at some point in our lives. Either it is that extra gulab jamun at a family function or that spicy samosa during tea break. Whatever the reason may be, acidity can be quite an uncomfortable experience, and sometimes we are left with no option but to reach out for that bottle of antacid. But, did you know that there are alternative, n atural remedies that work just as well and don't leave you with the ill-effects of too much medication? Read about the new-age technique to relieve the symptoms of acidity.
Here are 10 things to treat acidity and its recurrence at bay:
Bananas: Are high in potassium which is an alkalizing mineral that has a high pH value. The higher the pH value, the lower the acidity, which is Bananaswhy the banana is a formidable antidote for acidity. They also have a component that makes the stomach lining produce more mucous. This mucous protects the inner lining of the stomach, reducing the damage caused due to acidity. It is high in fibre content, which helps speed along digestion thus reducing the further recurrence of acidity. To make this remedy even more effective try and eat overripe bananas during an attack of acidity. They have higher amounts of potassium making it even more effective. Read about the health benefits of bananas.
TulsiTulsi: Has compounds that make it an effective digestive agent. It stimulates the stomach to produce more mucous and has potent anti-ulcer properties. It also reduces the effect of peptic acids in the stomach thereby preventing excessive acidity. They also reduce gas formation. Eat five to six basil leaves after your meal to get instant relief. Read about the health benefits of tulsi.
Cold milk: Milk has a high amount of calcium that helps it prevent acid build up and absorbs the excess acid Glass of milkproduced thereby reducing the symptoms; the fact that it is cold also provides instant relief from the burning sensation one feels during acid reflux. It is essential that one has this cold and without any additives like sugar. Mix it with a spoon of ghee to make the remedy even more effective. Read about the health benefits of ghee.
SaunfSaunf: Called fennel in English and popularly used as a mouth freshener, saunf has many hidden benefits. Among them are aiding digestion reliving constipation. Rich in volatile oils containing flavanoids, plamitic acid and many others, it is known to have very potent anti-ulcer properties (find out how you can deal with mouth ulcers naturally). Apart from that saunf acts as a coolant for the lining of the stomach helping it heal faster. In fact, this is why saunf is served after meals at restaurants. In case you've a sudden bout of acidity, boil a few seeds in water and leave overnight, drink this water when you feel uneasy.
Jeera: It has properties that stimulate the production of saliva which helps in better digestion, improves Jeera metabolism and relieves gas and other gastric troubles (find out what you can do to boost your metabolism). In Ayurvedic traditions, it's believed to have a calming effect on irritated stomach nerves and helps in healing ulcers formed due to acid secretion. One can either chew on it to relieve acidity or a better method is to boil it in water and drink the water when it has cooled down. Read about the health benefits of jeera.
Cloves Clove: It is a natural carmitive and helps improve peristalisis (the movement of food down the stomach) and also increase the production of saliva. It has a pungent taste when bitten into, and the taste buds react to this taste and secrete excess saliva, which in turn aids digestion. In case you're suffering from acidity, bite a clove once so that the juice is released and then keep it in the mouth. The slowly escaping juice will immediately lower acid reflux and give you some relief.
Elaichi: In Ayurvedic traditions, cardamom is believed to be one food that balances all three doshas –Elaichi kapha, pitta and vata. It is known to stimulate digestion and relieve people of stomach spasms. It soothes the mucous lining of the stomach helping it ward off the effects of excess acid produced in the stomach. Due to its sweet taste and slight cooling effect it also relieves the burning sensation associated with acidity. To relieve acidity crush two pods of cardamom (with or without the skin), boil the powder in water and drink the cooled juice for instant relief.
Mint leavesMint leaves or pudina: These leaves have been used for ages as a mouth freshener and also for garnishing for various foods (read about the other ways to beat bad breath naturally)This humble leaf has amazing properties that make it just the medicine to treat acidity. It also lowers the acid content of the stomach and improves digestion. Plus its cool effect helps to reduce the pain and burning associated with acid reflux. If you feel an attack coming on chop some mint leaves, add them to a pot of boiling water and drink this water after it cools. Read about the health benefits of pudina.
Ginger: A regular ingredient in most Indian households, ginger improves absorption and assimilation of Gingeressential nutrients and aids in digestion. It also helps break down the proteins in your food. Ginger protects your stomach against ulcers by promoting mucus secretion thereby reducing the effect of the acid on the stomach. You can chew a piece of ginger for relief. If you find that too pungent, you can try boiling it in water and drinking the decoction. Another remedy is to crush ginger, mix it with a small piece of jaggery and keeping sucking on it allowing the juice to slowly reach the stomach. Read about the health benefits of ginger.
AmlaAmla: Is a kapha and pitta pacifier apart from having high amounts of vitamin C that helps in healing the injured stomach lining and oesophagus. Have one teaspoon of amla powder twice a day to help keep acidity way. Read about the health benefits of amla.
So the next time you feel like you might suffer from a bout of acidity, ditch that bottle of antacid, and try some effective home remedies instead, after all they've been around for centuries.
Read more about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of acidity.
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For more natural remedies, check out our natural remedies section. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates! For daily free health tips, sign up for our newsletter. And to join discussions on health topics of your choice, visit our forum.
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