Tuesday, 18 September 2018

[www.keralites.net] OBESITY


What is obesity?
Obesity is defined as a condition of excess bodyweight and fat. The size and number of fat cells increase in obese people. A person is said to be obese when the body weight is 20% or more above ideal body weight, which can be calculated by comparing his height and sex.
What are the causes?
Dietary and life style practices are directly related to obesity. The most important cause is the imbalance between the energy intake and output. Energy is obtained from the food one eats and is required to carry out the daily activities, and the body functions, which are going on even when one is sleeping. The extra energy which is not used by the body is stored as fat. Eating more than one need causes obesity because the excess energy supplied to the body gets converted into fat. On the expenditure side, if a person is physically less active then less energy is utilised and more is converted to fat.
Home, work and school are barriers to opportunities for active lifestyle. Children of obese parents are 10 times likely to be obese than those of non-obese parents. This is mostly environmental since the children and parents share the same dietary habits. Genes influence how the body burns calories or stores fat. In some rare cases, hormonal imbalance, such as overactivity of the adrenal glands or underactivity of the thyroid gland, can also cause obesity. Injury or inflammation of the hypothalamus can interfere with the appetite centre and thereby cause obesity.
What are the symptoms?
The signs of obesity include body fat and weight more than the ideal body weight.
What are the risks of obesity?
Obesity is a serious condition as it increases the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, joint pains, high blood pressure and some types of cancers such as colon, breast and uterine cancers. Obese people are also more prone to diseases and problems such as stroke, gall bladder disease, breathing problems (sleep apnoea syndrome), low back pain, swelling of the feet and ankles, imbalances and accidents. Obese people have a low self-esteem and they avoid company, which makes them insular and insecure.
How is it diagnosed?
Obesity is determined by measuring body weight and fat. There are different ways of calculating body fat. Body mass index (BMI) is one of the best methods used to measure body fat. BMI is calculated as the ratio of the weight in Kg and height in square metre. Guidelines define overweight as a BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/square meter and obesity as a BMI greater than 30. The doctor may also suggest blood test for sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides. In case insufficient thyroid functioning (hypothyroidism) is suspected, the doctor will ask for a thyroid stimulating hormone test.
What is the treatment?
The simplest and the most basic principle is to reduce food intake, especially the fat content, and increasing physical activity.
Increasing physical activity alone is not an easy way to lose weight unless one combines it with a reduction of fat intake. Physical activity includes walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics or any other household activity such as cleaning, washing, climbing stairs etc. The sense of well-being and weight loss motivates an individual to make changes in his or her diet as well. The best way of keeping a good control on ones dietary intake is to keep a daily diary, and writing down whatever one eats as one eats. Avoid high oil content in the curries and do not use butter on chappatis, which may be tasty without the fat. The doctor or health care provider evaluates the daily diet and plans a diet providing calories enough to maintain the weight below the ideal body weight.
Increase your physical; activity and reduce the intake of food. Your initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to reduce the bodyweight by 10% from baseline. With success, further weight loss can be attempted.Weight loss should be 1-2 kg for 6 months. Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing calories is not sufficient for weight loss. Reducing dietary fat along with dietary carbohydrates can help reduce calories.Weight maintenance program should be priory after 6 months.
In order to maintain one's weight, calories consumed should be equal to calories used. Energy balance is like a scale. When calories consumed are more than calories used, it results in weight gain. Let physical activity tip the scale in your favour. You can perform aerobic exercises 30 minutes a day thrice week. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
Certain medicines are also available for weight reduction. There are two main types of weight reducing drugs: one class decreases appetite while the other prevents dietary fat from being absorbed by the body. These drugs should be taken only with doctor"s advice, as there are a lot of side effects related with their use. Surgery to cure obesity should be undertaken as the last resort for people who are very obese, have tried all the other options available and have medical problems. The main surgical option is to have your stomach banded or stapled so that it cannot accommodate more food. Why not eat less voluntarily?
Few tips to bring about weight loss as well as ensuring good health:
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like wheat.
Increase the consumption of complex carbohydrates like whole wheat, millet (jowar) and barley (bajra), Restrict refined products such as flour (maida) and its products such as bread, noodles, macaronis and pastas in regular diet Restrict fat and cholesterol rich foods. Only non-vegetarian foods (like eggs and dairy products) are good sources of cholesterol, however saturated fatty acids present in butter, ghee, vanaspati and coconut get metabolised to cholesterol in our body, Reduce the amount of sugars consumed, Consume raw fruits and vegetables in form of salads and raitas in every meal.These provide adequate vitamins, minerals and fibre. Fibre is essential as it aids in digestion, has an effective role in managing obesity and cardiovascular problems
Limit salt intake
Have small portions of food at a time
Do not skip meals
Have regular meal timings
Do not eat while cooking and watching television
Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses) in a day
Exercise regularly. Do brisk walking at least for 20-40 minutes in a day
The best exercises that are sustainable and safe to loose weight are
aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises usually involve vigorous exercises sustained over a period of several minutes and their effect is to increase the efficiency of the lungs, heart and blood circulation,which are collectively known as the aerobic system. Short and sharp bursts of activity which rely on the body"s reserves of oxygen do not produce a similar improvement. Exercises should increase strength and mobility and also aid relaxation. You can choose walking, swimming,bicycling as per your fitness level and increase gradually. You should plan on 20-minute sessions at least 3 times per week. Gradual changes in eating habits will help encourage a permanent lifestyle change. A slow weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week, until the desirable body weight is reached, is best.
Follow the above mentioned tips to lead a healthy and a happy life.
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[www.keralites.net] Relieve Menopausal Symptoms


 Relieve Menopausal Symptoms with these 8 Remedies
The years leading up to menopause (the pre-menopausal years) can be a pretty challenging time for a woman - our menstruation cycle has, after all, been a big part of our month-to-month routine since our teenage years. But by the time we enter our 40s, we experience hormonal changes once again. These hormonal changes are characterized by drops in estrogen, which usually occur over a 3-to-5 year phase, after which a woman enters her menopausal years. Unfortunately though, for most of us women, the pre-menopausal years are not characterized by hormonal changes only. Rather, these years bring on an onset of other symptoms too.


Signs and Symptoms of Menopause
Mood swings tend to be especially common, and occur due to the extreme fluctuations of progesterone and estrogen. When estrogen is dominant, we may feel irritable and edgy, often flying into angry rages. And when the opposite happens - when our estrogen levels drop to low - it may cause us to feel sad, weepy and depressed.

'Hot Flashes' don't help either. Out of the blue, we suddenly feel a wave of heat in the face, neck or chest - sometimes, accompanied by redness and swelling of the skin in those areas too. Hot flashes are often accompanied by increased heart rate and sweating, and at times, heart palpitations too.

Sleep disturbances, often caused by night sweats or anxiety, tend to be quite common too. During this period, women might find it increasingly difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, until the years come to pass.

Vaginal dryness, pain and inflammation are commonly experienced during the pre-menopausal years, which may also be accompanied by itching and discomfort.

Urinary complications may also occur, leaving many women with a need to urinate more frequently than normal. Studies have also shown that menopausal and pre-menopausal women are more prone to developing lower urinary tract infections such as cystitis.

Other signs and symptoms of menopause include hair loss, changes in sex drive, accumulation of fat in the abdomen and fat loss in the breasts.

To alleviate the symptoms of menopause, there are a number of orthodox treatments available, such as Hormone Replacement Therapy and low-dose anti-depressants. Alternatively, you can opt for natural remedies, including these dietary changes and supplements to add to your regime.

Natural Remedies for Menopause
Soy is considered to be a natural of estrogen. It has also been studied for its potential to relieve muscle pain associated with estrogen loss resulting from menopause. A study in 2009 suggested that the addition of soy products to one's diet can be used effectively as an alternative to HRT.
Soy bean

Dong Quai is another great remedy, in fact, its root has been used for centuries by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. It is also used as a treatment for irregular menstrual cycles, infrequent menstrual periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and painful menstruation. Dong quai is also believed to alleviate menopausal symptoms associated with pain in the uterus. Though studies on its estrogen- effects have been conducted, further research is necessary. It is available in powder, tablet, capsule and liquid form.

Black Cohosh has long been used by Native Americans to relieve various conditions including amenorrhea and menopause, painful menstruation and painful childbirth. This herb is so potent, it has received attention in the scientific community for its potential to alleviate menopausal symptoms. It has been found to support the balance of hormone levels and lessen the intensity of hot flashes and night sweats. Though more studies need to be carried out, research indicates that black cohosh can aid in preventing and treating depression associated with menopause.
Black cohash

Green tea is said to relieve symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats and other sleep disturbances - primarily because it contains the amino acid theanine. It also helps reduce stress and pain, and a few studies suggest that it can improve brain function. Green tea is associated with improvements in the ability to concentrate and focus. It is also a great energy booster and will provide relief from fatigue and anxiety. It is often associated with relief from more severe symptoms, reducing the risk of menopause-induced overactive bladder.

Evening Primrose is a good of essential fatty acids, making it a great supplement to take in order to alleviate fatigue, headaches, mood swings, the inability to concentrate. Studies have also shown that evening primrose is an effective treatment for breast pain too. Clinical trials suggest that it may also be useful in cases of PMS (which may occur during pre-menopause). Currently though, further experimentation is necessary before confirming its effectiveness in treating other menopausal symptoms. 
evening primrose

Chasteberry has a long history of use as a remedy for menstrual problems. Today, it is still used as a natural alternative to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and pharmaceutical drugs for complications during menopause. Studies also show that it might be beneficial in cases of PMS, breast pain and infertility. Chasteberry should not be used by breast cancer patients, pregnant women or women taking birth control pills.

Valerian root is thought to be an effective means of alleviating menopausal symptoms such as sleeplessness, anxiety, hot flashes and muscle tension.
valerian root

Mexican Wild Yam has been of great importance to the development of HRT because its constituents act as precursors to estrogen and progesterone. Claims have been made about its benefits in terms of menstruation and menopause. It is said to balance hormones, regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve ovarian and uterine pains. An article published in a 1992 issue of National Geographic magazine describes the importance of wild yam as a staple food for the inhabitants of a remote island. Investigators found that the island's inhabitants tended to have a high libido, and symptoms associated with menopause were not experienced by women on the island

Maca is a root crop grown in South America. It is reported to have hormone-balancing effects, can improve the libido and also provides post-menopausal support.

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