Thursday, 21 February 2019

[] Nirjala Upavas ( Water less fasting ) can kill Cancer cells.


Nirjala Upavas ( Water less fasting ) can kill Cancer cells
Please watch the attached video - In English
( As per this video )


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[] Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels


 Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels
Diabetes is one of the leading concerns among health professionals today, as more and more individuals fall prey to this life-long and dangerous disease. It is caused when the blood sugar levels rise to an excess and a resistance to insulin results. Once this happens, the diabetic individual can no longer control their blood sugar levels, and they can rise and fall with serious consequences. Yet whether you are diabetic or know someone diabetic or not, it is important to implement measures to control blood sugar levels and to stop the spread of the diabetes in its tracks.

1. Consume More Dairy Products dairy
The protein and fat in dairy products helps improve blood sugar levels, and if the products are low in fat, it has been shown that they can also decrease the chances for developing insulin resistance. 

2. Choose the Right Kind of Bread
Avoid white flour based products at all costs! These simple carbohydrates are full of sugar that spike up your blood sugar. Instead, you should consume whole wheat or rye products that are high in fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates which control blood sugar levels and keep you full longer. 

3. Maximize the Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral known to help prevent the onset of Type II diabetes and should be consumed as much as possible. It is best to consume natural sources of magnesium such as spinach, fish, nuts, leafy greens and avocados. All of these foods have been proven to lower the risk of diabetes and can even aid in weightless. 


4. Cardamom is great!
Cardamom originates in the ginger family of spices and comes from Asia as well as South America. The spice is known to regulate Type II diabetes and can be sprinkled on coffee, tea, yogurt and even cereal. The spice is known to help decrease blood glucose levels by eighteen to thirty percent.

5. Buckwheatsoba
Buckwheat is an excellent source of fiber that you may never have heard of. It also does wonders for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Buckwheat comes in the form of soba noodles, which are a delicious substitute for rice or pasta as well as in a number of powders that can be added to baked goods or even on top of a slice of (whole wheat) bread.

6. Drink in Moderation
Alcohol contains huge amounts of sugar, and anyone trying to watch out for their blood sugar should definitely moderate the amount of alcohol they consume. It is best to occasionally drink wine with dinner, and not after dinner when the same glass of wine could alter insulin levels in the blood.

7. Watch Fat Intake
It is important to watch the amount of saturated fats entering the body because these can seriously increase the chances of contracting diabetes. Saturated fats are usually in fried and junk foods as they are cooked in unhealthy oils. 

8. Exercise Daily
Getting in exercise each day is critical to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, even if it's a brisk walk in the park. 

9. Laughing
Yes, this is really one of the tips that will prevent your chances for diabetes. It was found that those who laugh have lower blood sugar levels than those who don't laugh enough (this means you should keep reading our jokes!).

10. Eat Grapefruit
Grapefruit has been proven to aid in weight loss as it affects the glucose metabolism, keeping insulin levels steady.

11. Do Resistance Training
Building muscle mass is important for burning more glucose out of your system and training once to twice a week could significantly aid in preventing the occurrence of diabetes.

12. Drink Decaf, Not Regularcoffee
Decaffeinated coffee slows down the rate at which the intestines absorb sugars and speeds up the absorption of sugar by the muscles. 

13. Eat Smaller Meals
It is best to have a small meal every half hour and then another small meal (or a second half of the regular sized meal) later on. It is also important to eat regularly so that insulin levels don't spike, but remain stable throughout the day.

14. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation can affect blood sugar and insulin levels so it is important to get enough sleep each night. It is also essential to stop snoring because according to some studies, those who snore are more likely to develop diabetes (because snoring is often tied to being overweight). 

15. Learn Relaxation
Listen to soothing music or read an interesting book, whatever you need to do to relax. Meditation and yoga can also help if they are done properly and on a regular basis.

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[] Superb Message - Sri Ravi Shankar


 Superb Message-Sri Sri RaviShankar-Interesting-Highly Enlightening-Useful in Life 
Thought Provoking-Action Oriented-
Please read the entire message...
Someone asked Sri Sri Ravi Shankar How to develop our personality?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
To develop your personality, you have to spend five days to have these five experiences to really blossom in your life.
You can develop your personality with these five experiences.
You have to sincerely play these five roles:
1. The first role which I would recommend to you is to be a School Teacher.
To teach lessons to children who are not learning, you need a lot of patience.
Being a nursery or primary school teacher, even for one day, you will see how you have to increase your patience.
2. Be a Gardener or spend a day with a Farmer.
If you are sowing the seeds,
if you are watering the plants,
you will know how you must care for water, earth and the environment.
You will have a feeling for the environment.
You will value food and you will not waste food.
You know, what we do?
We bring so much food, and we put it in the fridge and, after a few days in the refrigerator, we throw the food.
We are wasting millions and millions of tons of food every day.
We should not waste food.
This we will learn if we spend one day being a farmer or a gardener.
3. You should spend a day in the mental hospital.
Whatever people talk in the mental hospital, you don't mind.
If they scold you,
if they blame you,
if they curse you,
will you mind?
You don't mind because you are aware that this person is mentally sick.
You know that many people are outside the hospital, but that does not mean they are mentally well.
So, in life, you come across people who blame you for nothing, who are jealous or angry, who say things that make no sense. Then, you know, you will have the patience to deal with them with a smile. You will not take the garbage inside and spoil your mind.
So one day if you spend in a mental hospital, you will know how to save your mind.
You will stop being a football of others' opinions.
4. One day you must go to a prison. Maybe it is shocking to you.
You don't have to do a wrong thing to go to a prison.
Just go visit a prison, spend a little time with the prisoners.
You will understand what compassion is.
What helplessness is.
Those people did a mistake without awareness.
So you will know how you must have a say on your emotions.
5. There are terminally ill people in the hospital.
One day with them, and you will realize how precious life is..
And you will start valuing health.
You will eat better,
you will exercise.
You will do all that is needed to be more vibrant in your life.
With these five days what would be the outcome?
I guess from these five days you will become
More Vibrant,
More Alive,
More Loving,
and Active
Enjoy your Life
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[] Physical Evidence of Reincarnation


 There is Physical Evidence of Reincarnation
> The idea of life after death has captivated human beings from the beginning of their history, when the most primitive forms of spirituality came into existence. Questions of the soul, heaven, a light at the end of the tunnel, God, and our purpose on earth have never lessened in abundance. Thousands of major and minor religions have attempted to answerthese questions to provide for an explanation for the world's mechanics and a meaning of humanity's placement in the world. Each has produced its own interpretation as to what will occur when our eyes close for the final time. And while none of these beliefs have been universally proven or shared, each has managed to acquire its own following of believers. 
> Today, after the Scientific Revolution and the rationality to which it has given birth, many are uncertain as to which "Universal Truth" holds the true set of rules governing the workings of the universe. Several religions have been denounced, especially the major ones (Christianity, Islam, etc.), for being monopolies on people's minds and guiding them down a narrow, tunnel-vision path. Therefore, with the great variety of voices and the presence of doubt linked to anything spiritual, it is difficult to form any assumption about what lies beyond the borders of life.
> An Answer After All?
> There are a series of fascinating occurrences which may finally provide an explanation to the most popular question in human history. This phenomenon revolves around the idea that human beings will live or have lived other lives after dying. Reincarnation, or being incarnated into another body, is central to the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, but is a part of a number of other belief systems as well. Some think that there are references to reincarnation in Christianity, although the majority of Christians do not agree. But the evidence does not come from religious sources; ordinary people and events serve as possible examples.
> Verified Personal Accounts
> Literally thousands of children across the globe have recalled detailed past lives.. While critics claim that the accounts might be influenced by parents and other sources, some have been checked out and proven to be quite accurate recollections of deceased persons' lives.
> James Leininger – Obsessed with airplanes from the age of 2, James fascinated his parents by recalling very specific information about aircraft, from the names of different war planes to the names of specific parts on the vehicles. He had frequent nightmares of crashing his plane into a mountain that would wake him up in panics. The Leiningers became very engaged when their son began to tell them about his life as James M. Huston Jr., a fighter pilot who was supposedly killed in air combat. His parents did some research only to find that Huston really did exist and that his plane was shot down at Iwo Jima during the Second World War. The child was taken to Anne Barron, sister of the killed pilot, who verified the boy's details about her brother.
> Numerous accounts verified by Dr. Ian Stevenson
> Born in Delhi, India, Gopal, a three year old boy, spoke about living in a city called Mathura which was 160 miles from where he lived. Among other details, he claimed to have owned a medical company and to have been shot by his brother. It was researched and found that the name Gopal had provided as that of his company, Sukh Shancharak, was in fact the very name of the shot man he had been describing.
> In Beirut, a young boy described in detail his past life of being a mechanic killed by being thrown from his car. The specific facts he provided, including his age and family members' and friends' names, checked out to be true. He was even able to recall the exact location of the accident which took his life. There was no reason to suspect the two families had ever come into contact with one another. 
> Dr. Stevenson's well known Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation contains such investigations, and is a very convincing source for anyone interested in pursuing further research on the topic.
> .
> .
> Matching Scars and Birthmarks
> One of the most astounding pieces of physical evidence for reincarnation lies in scars and birthmarks on children that correspond to wounds on a deceased person's body. They are oftentimes in the same shape as the wound occurring in a child's past life memory of an injury. The wounds are also verified by medical records, such as photographs and documents created for autopsy reports. According to Dr. Ian Stevenson, the leading authority on reincarnation research at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, some of the children have scar tissue too abnormally shaped and closely matching to be labeled purely coincidental. Examples of such marks include:
> scattered markings on a child's chest that match with a shotgun blast to the victim's chest
> scars on the exact area on the back of the head where the victim was knifed
> a boy born almost absent of fingers on one hand matching the described person's amputated fingers
> More examples of these findings along with photographs can be found in Dr. Stevenson's book Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect. 
> Speaking Unlearned Languages
> Xenoglossy is the phenomenon in which a person is able to speak a language he or she has never learned. For example, a fluent German speaker who has had no contact with the German language either at home or has never been to Germany displays xenoglossy. Although quite rare, this has been scientifically observed and is another possible piece of evidence supporting reincarnation. Skeptics claim that young children, whose brains are sponges for information, can learn words and phrases of foreign languages through exposure from sources outside the home environment. However, a child's intonation, the characteristic pitch and tone associated with a language or dialect, when speaking the language, is more difficult to explain. Unlearned Language: New Studies in Xenoglossy is a book entirely dedicated to the scientific study of xenoglossy.
> Past-Life Regression
> A fourth type of evidence, although less testable and reliable than the other three, is past-life regression. Past-life regression is a hypnotic technique in which the patient is put into a trance and guided by a series of questions into the vivid memory of her past-life or lives. The memory can be and often is as realistic as real life and memories in the current life. People who pursue the method are usually those with a desire for a spiritual experience or those who try it as a form of therapy. Interestingly, the majority of those who are in favor of the technique are slightly inclined to believe in reincarnation, while those who follow a religion in which it is preached do not advocate its undertaking.
> Learn more about past life regression
> .
> The typical session between the patient and therapist takes place in private, and lasts between about one to one and a half hours. First, the two converse about the patient's situation, expectations, and the procedure. Then, the patient relaxes and falls into a trance, in which she is still conscious to come out at any desired moment. The therapist often speaks of entering a portal, a door for example, through which the patient accesses the memories of another life. Throughout the process, the patient and therapist exchange words, the former speaking of her observations and emotions as the latter questions and guides her. After the regression, the results are analyzed.
> Past-life regression is commonly performed as a remedy to one's personal, often unexplained issues. According to regression psychotherapists such as Brian L. Weiss, M.D., recurring nightmares, anxiety attacks, and irrational phobias may be symptoms of disturbing past life experiences. While criticized for producing false, historically inaccurate, and even harmful memories, it has proven to have a therapeutic effect in many cases. Whether true or false, the experiences have shown to cure a number of problems: depression, anxiety, phobias, and other psychological and behavioral issues.
> Examples of past live regression experiences include:
> An only-Chinese speaking surgeon from China experiencing and describing in fluent English her life in 1850s San Francisco.
> A woman who drowned in her past life 4,000 years ago, after undergoing the regression, no longer having the phobia of drowning in her current life.
> A childless woman experiencing her life as a Native American being killed and leaving her children behind.
> Being overweight in her current life and seeing herself as a starving villager foraging for food and dying of starvation.
> Believers, open-minded individuals, and skeptics alike can undergo past life regression to see what results from the session. Therapists claim that it works on approximately 70-80% of patients.
> A Conclusion?
> Although some pieces of evidence, as past-life regression, can be heavily criticized for their unreliability, others are rather difficult to concretely denounce. It is strange to think how the almost-unbelievable stories of hundreds of children can be matched with real events, how the odd markings on a child can correspond to the wounds on an identified, deceased body. Reincarnation remains a topic thirsty for research. While it will never be accepted by everyone, as no belief has ever been, the phenomena surrounding the concept of life after death allows for hope that something does wait beyond the end.
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