What can I do to lower my risk of cognitive decline?
Cognitive decline is reaching epidemic proportions. By age 80, your chance of suffering from severe loss of cognitive function is 50%. Vitamin B12 has been shown to be beneficial in preventing brain shrinkage, which is directly linked to cognitive decline.
Artificial skin may help heart patients.. Engineers combine flexible materials into pressure sensors to create a wearable heart monitor. The skin-like device could provide doctors with an easier way to monitor a patient's heart.
Gold is chemically inert, which also explains why it never rusts and does not cause skin irritation. If gold jewelry irritates the skin, it is likely that the gold was mixed with some other metal.
Sleeping on two pillows can help prevent swollen eyes in the morning.
The cricket spot-fixing scam: the fact no one talks about…
Our self-righteous freedom of speech/expression votaries including the entire media protest the loudest and accuse the law-enforcement agencies for illegal wire-tapping and eaves-dropping into 'honest' citizens private conversations – or rather peeping into their private life, whenever such phone-tapping instances come to light.
However, the spot-fixing that has been sensationalized by the same media and skyrocketed their readership/viewership would never have seen the light of the day, but for the hitherto-much-maligned wire-tapping. The same eavesdropping method also FIXED media mogul, Rupert Murdoch in the UK for his shenanigans several months ago.
Moral: Law-enforcement agencies routinely break/tap the phones of suspects and they are right in doing so.
Weird world…
Czech woman drinks beer through her ear.
A video that features a Czech woman drinking beer through her ear has gone viral on video-sharing websites. In this clip, the woman is seen downing a pint of beer, where one end of the straw is placed in the glass, while the other is placed in her ear. The beer miraculously vanishes. While most people have lauded the rather bizarre effort, there are a few critics who have stated that such a feat is impossible and there are camera tricks that have been employed by the ones who have filmed the video.
(Me: Not all astonishing for our countrymen who have "witnessed" several such miracles.)
Hero catches burglar by pulling down his pants..
A man from Grangetown, Cardiff, helped police get to the bottom of a crime by pulling down a burglar's pants. Chris N, 56, caught the thief, 21, in his home and clung to the burglar's clothes for dear life when he tried to escape. The thief fled in his underpants, but police arrested him after forensic officers identified his DNA on his pants. Judge Patrick C, gave Christ Pounds sterling 100 for showing "great personal courage"
Mike Tyson's new hobby
Cares for pigeons. He got into keeping the birds after he retired from the ring.
(Me: Ironical – the man guy who punches opponents into pulp at the ring has turned dove of peace…)
Man on honeymoon charged for soliciting prostitute…
New York: A newlywed husband, who solicited sex from a pro while he was on honeymoon with his new wife, has been booked on charges of soliciting prostitution.
The groom left his new bride in their luxury suit in order to meet up with the hooker. The pro turned out to be an undercover police agent…
Man finds million-dollar lottery ticket at home..
An American man who was facing a mountain of bills and eviction fro his house has become a multi-millionaire after discovering a lottery-winning ticket in a cooke jar in his house.
A kindergarten teacher handed out a colouring page with a picture of a duck holding an umbrella. She told her class to colour the duck in yellow and the umbrella green, however, Bobby coloured the duck in red. Teacher: Bobby, how many times have you seen a red duck?
Bobby: The same number of times I've seen a duck holding an umbrella.
Man to wife: "If I exercise every day, don't drink and avoid fat, carbs and sugar, I'll live long enough to be miserable for another 30 years."
(Me: So? Live a life to your heart's content and the earlier you kick the bucket, the better!).
A married couple, both avid golfers, was discussing the futureone night.
"Honey," the wife said, "if I were to die and you remarry, would you two live in this house?"
"I suppose so, it's paid for."
"How about our car?" continued the woman. "Wouldhe two of you keep it?"
"I suppose so."
"What about my golf clubs? Would you let her use them too?"
"Heck, no," the husband blurted out. "She's left-handed."
Never laugh at live dragon.
Line Maro
You're so hot, you make the sun envious.
(Me: yep, n she could cause huge holes in pocket, too)
"There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts" – M.K. Gandhi
(Me: Gandhi, who? And wot's conscience n how much does a kilo of it cost? If in doubt, hear the latest cricket scam).
Ample fodder for thought.
Gautam Adhikari, the retired ex-editor of Maharhastra Times and now settled in the US, writes in ToI
"Does the system need change?
Are we running out of ideas? Many around the world fear that Indians have lost the capacity to think afresh, are increasingly losing sight of the big picture, and have no clue about how to turn things around by renovating the edifice of governance. In a competitive world any opinion on a country's performance has to be relative. India may be doing reasonably well compared to its own performance till, say, the 1980s. But compared to powerhouses like China, Brazil or the busy economies of East Asia, India is a laggard. It has not only lost steam, if seems to lack the energy, or the will, to reinvent itself. Chalta hai, chalne do, hey, could've been worse, we shrug….."
(Me: don't know how many follow my posts, but been saying this since donkey years. We need a wholesale system change, starting with the rotten parliamentary form of democracy that seems like the fountainhead of all our ills. However, we would do nothing and would muddle on..)