Here are some historic/memorable movements caught on film.
The photos are super photos because there are senses and sensations in them, Where is the Heaven? Where is the Hell? All are here. All are here.....Why do we not think of the little ones? We think of the adults....
A priest says prayers over the victims of the Titanic (1912). 
India's first satellite, "The Apple", being transported by bullock cart.
The filming of MGM's famous opening credits (1928). 
Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer look out on the Schwerer Gustav (Big Bertha),
one of the largest pieces of artillery in history (1941).
During the Bangladesh War of Independence, Pakistani soldiers identified Hindus
by whether or not they were circumcised (1971).
A Sikh cavalry man from the British Indian Army fits a mule with a gas mask (1939 – 1945).

This is only known photo of a living Quagga, taken at the London Zoo (1870). 
These cars are being raced on the roof of the Fiat Factory in Italy (1923).

Che Guevara and Fidel Castro fishing together in 1960. 
A "walking machine" for testing shoes in 1937. 
Pretty small crowd for the first international tennis match at Wimbledon in 1883.
The pair of glasses John Lennon was wearing at the time of his assassination (1980).

A beggar running up to King George V's carriage (1920)
Marilyn Monroe in President John F. Kennedy's apartment on his 45th birthday

This woman, Hannah Stiley, was the very first person to be captured on film. 
Al Capone and his son get a baseball signed by Gabby Hartnett (1931).

Computers didn't always have screens. 
Roads were so empty that people could have a picnic on the highway during the Oil Crisis of 1973

The seal on the Tomb of Tutankhamun has been unbroken for over 3,000 years (1922).
Douglas Fairbanks Jr. holds up Charlie Chaplin at a Wall Street rally to promote liberty bonds in 1918.

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg playing with water pistols in Sri Lanka (1983). 
The transport of the first 5 MB computer hard drive. 
A photo captures the ruins of Hitler's bunker shortly after his suicide 
Muhammad Ali and the Beatles at the peak of their careers 
1963- Members of the American Navy say their last goodbyes to their wives
before they prepare to depart for duty in Vietnam 
The burning monk of Saigon
Waiting for death

Waiting for death by firing squad 
A typical relaxation at work in New York- 1932

Auschwitz gas chamber with nail marks on concrete 
The first elephant to water ski

Xavier William
"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymous
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