Wednesday, 15 July 2020

[] 🌷 World’s Most Tattooed Doctor 🌷


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


Medicinal use of kutaj tree

Kutaj (Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall) is a glabrous tree or large shrub found throughout the deciduous forest areas of India at low elevations and up to 1100 meters in the tropical Himalayan tract. Kutaja seeds are known as Indrajau or Indrayava. Kutaja has bitter, pungent taste and cold in potency.
The bark of medicinal herb Kutaj has astringent, anthelmintic, amoebicidal and diuretic activities and is useful in treating diarrhoea, dysentery and amebiasis.

Natural remedies of Kutaja

The safe dosage of Holarrhena antidysenterica is as follows

  • Stem bark—20-30 grams for decoction
  • Stem bark powder- 3-6 gms
  • Seed powder-3-6 gms, 20-30 gm for Decoction

General Information

kutaja-Holarrhena antidysenterica
Latin name: Holarrhena antidysenterica, Synonym H. pubescens Wall
Family: Apocynaceae
Sanskrit: Kutaja, Girimallikaa, Kaalinga, Kalingaka, Indravriksha, Shakra, Vatsa, Vatsaka, Shakraahvya. Indrayava, Indrabija, Vatsabija (seed)
Hindi: Indraju, Kurchi, Kuraiya
English: Ester Tree, Conessi Seeds, Ivory tree,Tellicherry Bark
Bengali: Kurchi
Punjabi: Indrajau, Kaurasakh, Kura
Gujarati: Kuda, Kudo
Malayalam: Kutakappala
Marathi: Kudayache Beej
Oriya: Kurei, Keruan
Kannada: Kodasige Beeja
Tamil: Kudasapalai
Telegu: Kodisapala Vittulu, Palakodisa-Vittulu
Urdu: Tukhm-e-Kurchi, Indarjao Talkh
Unani: Inderjo talkh, Teewaaj-e-Khataai
Siddha: Kudasappaalai-pattai,-vidai (bark, seed)

Here are few remedies that can be done at home using Easter tree or Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica) to cure various ailments..

  • Sangrahani (dysentery or diarrhea of chronic ature), Dysentery
  • Kutaj is useful in treating atisaar, dast, Sangrahani and other such digestive system ailments. For treating these ailments you can take Ayurvedic medicine Kutaj Ghan Vati which is prepared from bark of Kutaj. Kutajarishta is also prepared from bark of Kutaj and can be taken in dose of 15-30 ml with equal amount of water after meal. Kutajarishta is useful in treating Grahani (malabsorption syndrome), Pravahika (dysentery), Raktatisara (diarrhoea with blood) and Jwara (fever).
  • If Kutaj bark is available then prepare its powder and take (1 tbsp) twice a day with water.
  • Arthritis, inflammation, pain
  • Boil bark in water, add salt and apply at inflamed joints.
  • Take powder of Kutaj bark (10 gm), harad (10 gm), sonth (10 gm). Take this powder (1 tbsp) twice a day. This gives relief in pain due to arthritis, gout and joint inflammation. It also improves digestive function. Kutaj causes constipation. So this combination helps in controlling that effect of bark.
  • Sexual debility, Dhatu rog
  • Collect its seed (Indrajau) clean them. Dry in shade. Grind to make powder. Mix this powder with Ashwagandha powder in 1:2 ratio. Add misri and take 1 tbsp twice a day for few days.
  • Diabetes
  • Soak Kutaj bark in water at night. Next morning drink this water.
  • Prameha, Pradar, Skin problem, Kidney stone
  • Soak bark (2 tbsp) in glass of water at night. Next morning drink this water.
  • Piles, Fistula
  • Take its bark powder (2 gms). This is helpful in stopping bleeding in Shonitarsha (Bleeding piles).
  • Skin problems, Boils, Eczema
  • Boil its bark in water and wash affected areas.


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[] Do you know the health benefits of Pranayama ?


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

You can't disagree with me if I tell you that air, the primary
requirement of all living beings and that pranayama promotes well
being by enabling us to control the movement of air inside our
body. .
Normally, we do not use more than 25% of our lung power. That's why
you pant when you climb stairs or run fast. With pranayam you make
the rest of the 75% to work ensuring thorough blood supply and
increased heart efficiency.
Certain types of Pranayama like Anulom Vilom pranayama, 
Kapal Bhati, Brahmari, Sheetkari and Sheethali are a few 
important types of Pranayama which you can practise.
The Benefits : 
1. The tangible and intangible benefits of pranayama or yoga
breathing enhances blood circulation. As you take breath slowly and
deeply you receive oxygenated blood supply all over your body.
2. Everyone knows the importance of heart health. Heart beats
100,000 times a day during its painstaking effort to keep you
alive. Heart transports blood which carries oxygen, nutrients and
chemicals to all over the body. The more the oxygen is flowing to
the heart the farther are you away from heart diseases.
3. Pranayam bestows health to your digestive system and cures any
related disorders.
4. It cleanses the body of its toxins and strengthens the immunity
5. Quick blood flow fortifies the central nervous system, increases
focus, cognitive power, memory, and also the logical and analytical
skills. It relaxes your entire system and frees the mind of its
negativities including depression.
6. Breathing exercises help to reverse conditions like arthritis,
aches etc., and improve the quality of life in old age when the
body goes through degenerative changes. 
Pranayam named Brahmari is a great remedy for insomnia.


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[] : Glaucoma


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

What You Need to Know About Glaucoma







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