Wednesday, 13 April 2016

RE: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy


Mr. Mahadevan,

Thanks for taking my remarks in a positive fashion.  I am a senior citizen enjoying my retired life.  I spend majority of my time reading and listening to anything and everything that is interesting.  I have been following for quite sometime.  I come across many things falling between "funny" to "outlandish".  There are mails that contain gems of knowledge too.  I rarely respond to any mails.  

I have been reading about urine therapy for sometime now.  A British Naturopath Dr. J.W. Armstrong has also supported this therapy.  It will not be appropriate to discuss about the efficacy or otherwise of this line of treatment here.  While reading this I also happened to read on cow's urine as a line of treatment.  Definitely urine is effective, whether it is your own or cow's, when it comes to treating external bodily afflictions.  But consuming the excrement for setting right serious internal afflictions, appears, stretching the imagination a bit.   I am sure, there are many people out there who may have an opposing view.  Human excrement is a source of food for pigs and even stray dogs.  I have seen some Sadhus consuming human excrement in the Gangetic shores long back. That does not mean we start arguing if it is good for them then why not for us.  We do not pour diesel into a petrol run vehicle because the processing systems are radically different.  But we may use diesel and petrol for cleaning the grease out of both types of engines.  

Thanks once again for your considerate stand.

H. Padmanabhan Iyer.

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 07:50:08 +0530
Subject: RE: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy


Thank you very much for this wonderful information

Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:23:42 +0530
Subject: RE: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy

A funny read.  If cow is bestowed with divine powers how do you explain 'mad cow' disease?  You visit any local animal healthcare center run by the Government and you will find cows afflicted with various types of ailments.  

Nature does not fork out differential treatment to any one creature or plant life.  Everything is created equal and has varying dates of expiry.  Animals do not worship.  They do not build temples,  churches or mosques.  They do not have any caste system.  They do not amass anything for progeny.  Man is something special. He does everything that goes counter to the nature.  

Padmanabhan Iyer

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2016 12:37:04 +0000
Subject: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy


"Cow is just an animal like a hen or goat... then why is it revered and why one should not kill and eat it?"

Cow is also an animal, but... a cow has many specialities that no other animal (not even human beings) has in this world.

This is the reason that Hindus consider cow as 'mother' after their own mother, and pray to the cow with respect calling it "go-matha".
These are some truths about go-matha.
If a cow eats something poisonous by mistake, and we drink its milk, will we fall ill? To find out, one cow was regularly fed a particular quantity of a poison every day.
After 24 hours, its blood, urine, dung and milk were tested in a lab to check where the poison could be found. In this way, the tests were done not for 1 or 2 days, but continuously for 90 days in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi. The researcher did not find any trace of poison in milk, blood, urine or dung of that cow.
Then where did this poison fed for 90 days go? Just like Lord Shiva held poison in his throat, the go-matha hid the entire poison in her throat. This is a special quality that no other animal has.
This is the only creature that inhales oxygen and also exhales oxygen.
Cow milk has the quality of countering poison.
There are diseases that medical science has not yet understood; urine of Go-matha has the power to cure them.
If cow-ghee and rice are cooked together, two powerful gases called ethylene-oxide, propylene-oxide are released. Propylene-oxide is the best gas used for creating artificial rain.
Cow-urine is the world's best killer of microbes
With medicines  made using cow dung and cow urine, stomach-related ailments can be cured. 
We can save ourselves from radio-waves by plastering the home floors and area outside home with cow-dung.
Cow-dung has the power to destroy the microbes causing cholera.
If 10 grams of cow-ghee is put in fire (yagnya), 1 ton of oxygen is generated.
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RE: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy


Mr. Thomas,


I agree with you that your opinion can be twisted and turned out of shape by anyone who is bent on doing it.  You are a Christian first and a fellow human only next.  Your honest and well meaning endeavor to correct the psyche of a Hindu will not be tolerated.  Why, even the opinion of a Hindu like me can also be twisted out of context. That is the present state of affairs.  Belief, especially religious belief, is wet clay in the hands of the believer.  He or she is free to shape it anyway it pleases him/her.


Every religion propagates Ahimsa.  Buddhism and Jainism go a step ahead and advocate Ahimsa towards animals and Plant life too.  Has anyone taken these teachings seriously?  I do not think so. These days religion is a tool in the hands of people. They use it in any way benefits them.  Cow is a sacred symbol for a Hindu.  Since cow is sacred, by natural corollary, whatever comes out of Cow is sacred too and good for consumption.  If any one questions or frowns upon it, then that is a sacrilege. 


When I was a child I was taught God protects the interests of the devout.  What I now find is 180 degree deviation from this belief.  It is the devout who are out to protect the name of the God.  They are willing to maim and even kill to uphold the name of their God. 

I am confused whether to laugh it off or bemoan the way we behave.  

H. Padmanabhan Iyer.


Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 04:18:07 +0530
Subject: RE: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy


Dear Mr. Iyer

Appreciate your candid and bold comments. I wanted to express my opinion but refrained from doing it to avoid being labelled as anti-Hindu. I cannot believe that in this century, there are people who eat cow dung and drink cow urine as medicine.

T. M

Date: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 18:23:42 +0530
Subject: RE: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy

A funny read.  If cow is bestowed with divine powers how do you explain 'mad cow' disease?  You visit any local animal healthcare center run by the Government and you will find cows afflicted with various types of ailments.  

Nature does not fork out differential treatment to any one creature or plant life.  Everything is created equal and has varying dates of expiry.  Animals do not worship.  They do not build temples,  churches or mosques.  They do not have any caste system.  They do not amass anything for progeny.  Man is something special. He does everything that goes counter to the nature.  

Padmanabhan Iyer

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2016 12:37:04 +0000
Subject: [] THe Cow, why do we deem it as holy


"Cow is just an animal like a hen or goat... then why is it revered and why one should not kill and eat it?"
Posted @

Cow is also an animal, but... a cow has many specialities that no other animal (not even human beings) has in this world.

This is the reason that Hindus consider cow as 'mother' after their own mother, and pray to the cow with respect calling it "go-matha".
These are some truths about go-matha.
If a cow eats something poisonous by mistake, and we drink its milk, will we fall ill? To find out, one cow was regularly fed a particular quantity of a poison every day.
After 24 hours, its blood, urine, dung and milk were tested in a lab to check where the poison could be found. In this way, the tests were done not for 1 or 2 days, but continuously for 90 days in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi. The researcher did not find any trace of poison in milk, blood, urine or dung of that cow.
Then where did this poison fed for 90 days go? Just like Lord Shiva held poison in his throat, the go-matha hid the entire poison in her throat. This is a special quality that no other animal has.
This is the only creature that inhales oxygen and also exhales oxygen.
Cow milk has the quality of countering poison.
There are diseases that medical science has not yet understood; urine of Go-matha has the power to cure them.
If cow-ghee and rice are cooked together, two powerful gases called ethylene-oxide, propylene-oxide are released. Propylene-oxide is the best gas used for creating artificial rain.
Cow-urine is the world's best killer of microbes
With medicines  made using cow dung and cow urine, stomach-related ailments can be cured. 
We can save ourselves from radio-waves by plastering the home floors and area outside home with cow-dung.
Cow-dung has the power to destroy the microbes causing cholera.
If 10 grams of cow-ghee is put in fire (yagnya), 1 ton of oxygen is generated.
If you feel it useful, pls share it with your contacts...


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[] Don't allow birds to die this scorching summer for want of water.


Don't allow birds to die this scorching summer for want of water.

Please keep a bowl of water for the birds.





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[] : Our song for the Seniors !!


Our song for the Seniors !!.........

As we age, our reflexes slow. 

Our face and body starts showing wrinkles. We walk, talk and 

act slower. Our memory starts to fail, especially the short-term 

form of memory. In short, the deterioration of the body and brain 

sneaks up on most of us. Like it or not, these are bitter truths! 

They say that first clue might be hearing loss!. Our eyes start aging too 

and we may be forced into bifocals, even trifocals. But the most 

serious signs of deterioration occur in the brain.

The population in almost every country is aging – in some countries 

more rapidly than in others. Here are a few examples of the aging

 populations in some countries – percentage of people over

 65 in the year 2012:

·       Japan: 23% over 65

·       Germany: 20.5%

·       Italy: 20.4%

·       U.S.A: 13% As a result, this has created a growth of "anti-aging industry," so to speak! 

The industry is focused on things like vitamins and supplements, fad diets,

 gym facilities, mind training programs and books on health and memory etc. 

The good news is that some of these things do work, if the aging people 

begin following the recommendations they are in "early middle age." 

As I said earlier, the poster child of aging, so to speak, are wrinkly-faces,

 forgetfulness and, of course, the grumpy old man! However, good thing is 

many elderly tend to become more happy, liberal and in many cases 

remain pretty darn sharp as they age. Anyway, enough said! 

Let me get to the subject of this e-mail: "OUR SONG."

The "comical" song in the link below is perfect, so to speak, 

for those of us who are now "over the hill" – people over the age of 

sixty and it is even more relevant for people in their 70's and 80's! 

The song is about the intricacies of aging. The way the lyrics are 

I think it is intended for people young at heart. While it is making fun of

 some of the things we seniors tend to do or nor do, 

the relevance is not deniable.

Make sure you listen to the wordings very carefully. While it is a 

"comical" song, it has a reassuring message at the end! The lyrics create a

 "spoof" on the intricacies of aging. Perfect for those over 50+ years. 

Great "Over the Hill" song for the young at heart! 

The song is accompanied by a hilarious video :-)

If you're over 50, you may actually see bits and pieces of yourself in 

this song/video, or it may make you think of someone else that you know! 

But, remember, 

senior citizens (including self): we ARE allowed to experience 

aches, pains, and other ailments to better appreciate our "heavenly" bodies!

Now turn on your speakers, click on the link below, listen to OUR SONG and enjoy!




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