Thursday, 27 June 2013

[] Digitally Adjustable Dancing Lights


Digitally Adjustable Dancing Lights

You might have come across several types of adjustable dancing lights (flickering LEDs). Most of them use presets (variable resistors) to adjust the rate of switching. Being a mechanical component, the preset easily wears out with use and also introduces noise in the circuit. The circuit presented here selects different values of resistors to control the frequency of an astable multivibrator using timer IC 555.

The circuit is built around decade counter IC 4017, quad bilateral switch IC 4066 (to select the desired resistance) and timer 555. The decade counter output selects one of the resistors at the output of IC 4066. The selected resistor changes the time period of the 555 timer circuit, whose 'on' and 'off' timings are given by:
ton = 0.693(R9+Rx)C3
toff = 0.693RxC3
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Fig. 1: Circuit for digitally adjustable dancing lights
In the present design, R9 = 1 kilo-ohm, C3 = 47 µF and Rx varies according to the output of IC1 (CD4017), which changes by pressing the switch S2 one by one.

Rx=R5=5.6 kilo-ohms, ton=0.214969 second, toff=0.182398 second
Rx=R6=10 kilo-ohms, ton=0.358281 second, toff=0.325710 second
Rx=R7=22 kilo-ohms, ton=0.749133 second, toff =0.716562 second
Rx=R8=33 kilo-ohms, ton=1.107414 second, toff=1.074843 second
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Fig. 2: Optional circuit
Whenever you momentarily press switch S2, the output of the decade counter advances to select a higher value of resistor Rx in IC 4066, which changes the switching time of the astable multivibrator. LED1 and LED2 indicate switching 'off' and 'on,' respectively, of the multivibrator.

Assemble the circuit on a general-purpose PCB and enclose in a suitable case. Fix LEDs and switches on the front panel. Connect the optional circuit shown in Fig. 2 if higher intensity of light is needed.

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[] World's Longest Mustache Measures over 4 Meters


Ram Singh Chauhan started growing his moustache in 1970, and hasn't cut it since. Today it measures over 4.30 meters, and the proud Indian man from Rajasthan holds the Guinness record for World's Longest Moustache.

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The 58-year old says one of the secrets to impressive facial hair growth is starting early. "As you grow old your hormones grow weak, so the speed slows down," Ram says, but even now he still adds a few centimetres to his moustache every year. He stopped shaving his moustache back in 1970, after being inspired by a fellow moustache enthusiast from Rajasthan, resuming to trimming the split ends every once in a while. In the early years Chauhan and his wife Asha used to fight over his abnormally long facial hair, because he used to take a long time to wash and groom it, and people stared at them every time they went out. But as soon as her husband started getting recognition for his efforts, she began to respect his commitment, and says she now considers the moustache part of the family and shares his pride in it. Thanks to his long moustache, Ram Singh Chauhan appeared in big movies like 1983's "Octopussy", starring Roger Moore, as well as numerous Bollywood productions. He has also travelled around the world, to show off his amazing whiskers.

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Ram's moustache currently stands at over 4.30 meters, and taking proper care of it is no easy task. The Rajasthan state tourism official takes between one and two hours a day to clean and comb his precious facial hair. "I massage it and oil it regularly and I wash it every 10 days which takes a long time," he told BBC News. "My wife helps me." Walking around with over 4 meters of hair hanging from your face is also pretty tough. When the moustache was shorter, Chauhan used to wrap it around his ears, but these days he has to roll both ends around his neck. But he knows there's no gain without pain and he wouldn't dream of getting rid of it. It's what makes him special, and that makes everything worth it.

Ram Singh Chauhan's biggest regret is that his son doesn't share his passion for long facial hair. He doesn't even have a tiny moustache.

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RE: [] നെല്‍സണ്‍ മണ്ടേല അന്തരിച്ചു , ആദരാജ്ഞലികള്‍


Now I am in South Africa. Where will get this message to Prasoon and this message circulated through this site also very bad.


From: [] On Behalf Of ???????? ( ????? )
Sent: 26 June 2013 15:13
Subject: []
നെല്സണ്മണ്ടേല അന്തരിച്ചു , ആദരാജ്ഞലികള്

വർണ്ണ വിവേചനത്തിനെതിരെ തീമഴയായി പെയ്തിറങ്ങിയ വിശ്വ പൌരന് ആദരാജ്ഞലികള്

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