When you let little problems get you down, then you give the
big problems the power to overwhelm you.
When you constantly cpomplain about things that don't really matter,
you compromise your ability to successfully handle the things
that do matter.
Whenever your day get interrupted by an unexpected annoyance,
you have a choice to make.
You can let it poison your whole attitude, or can actually use it
to make you more positive and powerful.
Decide to laugh at little problems, and see each one As an oppotunity
for growth. Every minor annoyance that you quickly and successfully
handle will strengthen your confidence.
That strong confidence will be extremely valuable
when a major problem comes along.
Even more importantly, that same confidence enables you
to reach whatever goals you set for yourself.
If you're already in the habit of moving forward through the little challanges,
that momentum will serve you well when the big challanges arrive.
Every small problem provides you with a way to increase your positive momentum.
A day that is filled with little annoyances is a day that is rich with opprtunities
for real and lasting growth.
Welcome those opprtunities with a smile, and one by one
they will make you stronger.
~Ralph Marston~
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