Ekadasi is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Vishnu on the 11th day of a fortnight in a traditional Hindu calendar.Thriprayar Ekadashi is observed on the 11th day after the full moon in the Malayalam month of Vrishchikam (November – December).
In 2012, Triprayar Ekadashi date is December 9.
Triprayar temple situated in Triprayar of Thrissur district is the most famous temple in all of the ' Sree Rama' temples in kerala.The temple is noted for its architecture and for its calm and serene surroundings including a large pond. Like the river 'Sarayu' purifies 'Ayodhya', a river named ' Theevra' flows along the banks of Triprayar temple.Though there are other Sri Rama temples elsewhere, the Triprayar Sri Rama Temple is the premier Sri Rama Temple in the whole of Kerala and in India, because of the rituals and the pattern of the idol. It is the only Rama temple which has a river adjacent to it.

Tracing back to the history, the sacred idol of Rama was worshipped at Dwarka by Krishna himself. With the submergence of Dwarka, the idol also got drowned to be discovered later by fishermen who handed over it to their chief. After consulting from a number of astrologers, the chief came to know about the significance of the idol. It was suggested that it should be installed at the place where a peacock is seen. When people saw a man carrying a peacock at a place, the image was installed at that very place.
Thriprayar Ekadashi is observed on the 11th day after the full moon in the Malayalam month of Vrishchikam. It is from the days of King Ambarish that Ekaadashi gained importance. Normally, in a Vishnu temple, Ekaadashi will be observed following the Full Moon but here, it is the one following the New Moon that is celebrated in the Triprayar Temple. That is because Sri Rama is the Vishnu that has imbibed all the qualities of Shiva.

Brahma is considered the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Annihilator. But, Shiva has all the three qualities above mentioned. Shiva also has the power of the forebears. Normally, Shukla Paksha is important for Devas and Krishna Paksha for forebears. Though the basic colours are Black, White, Red, Yellow and Green, it is Black the most important of them. All other colours dissolve in Black. Maha Kalan and Maha Kali, the creators and destroyers, are dark. All human life originates from the darkness of the womb, and ends in the darkness of death. Black, thus, is the eternal colour. By observing Ekaadasi at Triprayar, not only the observer but also his forebears attain salvation.
The human personality consists of different facets functioning in different aspects of life. Only in the life of Rama, each facet of human personality is seen projected to absolute perfection. He was a perfect son, an ideal king, a true husband, a real friend, a devoted brother and above all, a noble enemy! Rama is known for his stainless personality and matchless simplicity. Shri Rama was a paragon of virtues. He was effulgent like the sun; in forgiveness like the earth.Rama is the symbol of courtesy and virtue, a man of values and morals.Rama was not only kind and affectionate but generous and considerate of feelings for all around him. Lord Rama was endowed with incredible transcendental qualities. The principle of his life was to save anyone who surrendered at his feet no matter how much harm that person had caused to him.He was eloquent, attractive and adjustable to circumstances. That is why Valmiki has symbolized Rama as an ideal of perfection.
Lord Rama is portrayed as carrying his bows and arrows all the time. This symbolizes his alertness and readiness to fight against unfairness and thus establish justice and peace. Wickedness or injustice will always be existent. By his example, Rama gives mankind the strength and conviction to fight it. Man ought not to be weak and accept passively what is unrighteous. He must rise actively against inconsistency and unrighteous or immoral actions. This is called aggressive goodness.
The greatness of Rama Nama cannot be explained in words. Lord Rama was the one whose thoughts and words never went astray. The chanting of Rama's name is so powerful and it itself soothes one's entire soul and grants liberation. The word Rama has the triple power of destroying sins, conferring peace, and dispelling ignorance.
In a devotional book a devotee asked maharshi that When to commence praying the God? The maharshi answered the question by narrating a story from Ramayana:
The story is: During the exile (vanvas) of shri Rama, lakshmana observed a Crow going to a river to drink water, but returned without drinking the water. Like this it kept on trying for innumerable times but never drank the water. Lakshman could not understand why the crow was doing like this & sought an explanation from Lord Rama. Rama said this crow is uttering "Rama Nama" and afraid to stop uttering the name if he starts drinking water. He is willing to die without water rather than stop chanting the name of Rama.Such is the greatness of RAMA NAMA.

One does not know when one's life ends. One cannot wait for that moment to arrive, to start praying God. Assuming that the life may end any moment, one should keep reciting the name of God (Rama Nama) at all times. Perhaps this could be the message one has to learn from the Crow. There is no right age or wrong age for doing Nama japa.It has to be done always, anytime and every time, that will keep you in the right path. Unfortunately we remember God only when we are in difficulties. That's why perhaps Kunti Devi (Mother of Pandavas) requested Lord Sri Krishna to give her a boon that she will always have difficulties so that she will not forget him.Never forget the Divine Name wherever you are and under any circumstances. Sarvada Sarva Kaleshu Sarvatra Hari Chintanam (everywhere, at all times, under all circumstances contemplate on God).
Lord Shankara Himself enlightened Goddess Parvati the significance of this mantra.It is mentioned in palastuthi of Vishnu sahasra namam:-
"Sree Rama Rama Ramethi Rame Raame Manorame
Sahasranama Tat Thul-yam Rama Nama Varanane."
The essence is that it is only Rama Nama which is equal to a thousand names of Vishnu. This mantra can be chanted anywhere, anytime and by anyone.
The experience of Rama Nama can only be felt but cannot be explained.We must learn to chant the sweet name of Rama with a pure heart, in a spirit of selfless devotion. Wholehearted chanting of the name of Rama even once can destroy mountains of sins. But the chanting should not be done mechanically, like a gramophone record. It should emanate from the depths of the heart. One should chant the divine name wholeheartedly, with full faith in spite of doing it for hours together. One can achieve great transformation if the mind is steadily fixed on chanting Divine Name. You must seek to redeem your lives, by living up to Rama's ideals and proclaiming them to the world. Remember the name of Rama with love. God can be realized only through love and by no other means.He alone is truly blessed and meritorious whose heart is filled with the Divine Name.
Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"
Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran
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