Tuesday, 3 July 2018

[www.keralites.net] Cow urine can cure cancer: Gujarat team Biotechnology scientists [1 Attachment]


Cow urine can cure cancer: Gujarat team

UNAGADH: Biotechnology scientists at Junagadh Agriculture University in Gujarat have succeeded in their first attempt to kill cancer cells using cow urine. They claim that cow urine can cure most types of common cancers such as those of mouth, cervix, lungs, kidney, skin and breast.

The research team that included assistant professors Shraddha Bhatt and Rukamsinh Tomar and research fellow Kavita Joshi achieved the results after a year of experiments. "This research was very risky because we directly experimented on cancer cells procured in a bottle. We found the exact quantity of cow urine required to kill particular number of cancer cells in a day," Bhatt said.

"The next step is to experiment it on a rat. Once this is successful, we will create oral pills for different type of cancers."

"Chemotherapy kills healthy cells too while cow urine only kills infected cells," Tomar said.

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[www.keralites.net] NEGATIVE EFFECT OF CALCIUM


  Negative Side Effects of Too Much Calcium

The mineral, calcium, comes from many dietary sources. Dairy products, orange juice, spinach and broccoli are a few examples of foods rich in calcium. Calcium also comes in the form of supplements and antacids. Adding vitamin D to the diet increases the body's ability to absorb calcium. The most common problem with calcium has to do with insufficient amounts. In rare cases, the body absorbs too much calcium and produces side effects.
Calcium maintains healthy teeth and bones. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, studies suggest that calcium can also lower blood pressure, help with weight maintenance and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Postmenopausal women can benefit from calcium supplements. Women with premenstrual syndrome gain some symptomatic relief with added calcium, according to the website of the Wall Street Journal.
Suggested amounts
Negative Side Effects of Too Much CalciumChewable antacids are a form of calcium supplementation. Photo Creditchildren's vitamins image by Roslen Mack from Fotolia.com
While a proper diet would supply all of the nutrients needed, the reality of regulated eating does not take into consideration the skipped meals or fast food meals that result from busy schedules. The Office of Dietary Supplements reports that the Food and Nutrition Board recommends 1,000 mg of calcium per day for males and females, ages 19 to 50 years of age and 1,200mg of calcium per day for males and females, age 50 and older. Children and teens have varying needs as their bones continue to grow. Anyone taking calcium should also take 400 IU of vitamin D to aid in absorption of calcium. If taking a multi-vitamin daily, check the label. Vitamin D may already be a part of the vitamin, making it unnecessary to add more. Too much vitamin D can harm the body.

The possibility of taking in too much calcium from food happens occasionally. More often, supplementation causes higher levels of calcium in the blood. This can result in impairment of kidney function which then increases the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphate. Kidney stones, consisting of calcium oxalate, might develop and cause pain. The increased levels of calcium, however, most often come from a condition called hyperparathyroidism, a condition in which the parathyroid glands over-produce parathyroid hormone. Supplementation with mega doses of 50,000 IU of calcium daily, when given to patients with advanced cancer, might also cause hypercalcemia.

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Too much of a good thing can sometimes prove lethal.

One wouldn't take an antibiotic without being sick, but for some reason countless individuals are taking vitamins despite having no deficiencies. While in most cases this is simply a waste of money and the extra vitamins are simply flushed out in urine, for those who take large quantities of unnecessary vitamins, the health consequences are serious. But just how many vitamins does it take to kill a person?
Vitamins are organic compounds needed in small quantities to sustain life, Medical News Today reported. We normally get the necessary amount from our daily diet, but sometimes, due to dietary restraints, individuals will develop vitamin deficiencies. However, Marissa Puleo, a registered diectian working in Pennsylvania, told Medical Daily that one needs to be careful with vitamin intake.
"Taking too many vitamins and supplements does have negative consequences," Puleo said. Although many water soluable vitamins are excreted when too much is taken, others remain in the body. "These vitamins can reach toxic levels and cause adverse side effects."

Anemia is a condition when one doesn't have enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to your tissues. It's more common among women and can cause symptoms such as fatigue and feeling weak. Do not self-diagnose your anemia and especially don't self-treat it. Unnecessary iron can accumulate in the body and even rise to toxic levels. Taking more than the recommended amount of iron over time can cause brown skin discoloration, an enlarged liver or spleen, abdominal pain, congestive heart failure, an irregular heart rhythm, and insulin dependent diabetes, just to name a few.
Excessive amounts of iron are especially common in pregnant women. A recent study by a team of doctors in India found that excessive iron dosage among healthy non-anemic women could lead to problems, including low birth weight, premature birth, and poor growth of the baby while in the womb.
Lisha Shastri, a final year MBBS student and one of the lead researchers on the study, explained to the Bangalore Mirror that her findings suggest the need for women without anemia to stay away from additional iron supplements, especially during pregnancy.
"Iron in high daily doses could be responsible for cellular damage through oxidative stress," Shastri said. "This needs to be balanced with sufficient anti-oxidants, which can be obtained from fruits rich in vitamin C. The dosage of iron varies from one individual to another, which is why there cannot be a standardized dosage that can be fixed for everyone."
Often women who are menstruating or women who partake in particularly strenuous sports, such as distance runners, are at greater risks for iron deficiencies, but there are many ways to introduce more iron into your diet without using supplements. Meat and eggs are particularly high in iron, and for vegetarians, beans and tofu are also great sources of the vitamin.
How Much Can Kill You

As reported by Livestrong, a one-time overdose of iron can kill you. The limit for iron intake is put at around 20mg of elemental iron per kilogram of body weight. Any more than this and a person may experience abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing, and coma.

A one-time overdose of iron can prove fatal. US CPSC CC BY 2..0
Vitamin C

Vitamin C is arguably one of the most popular and widely recognized of all vitamins. Deficiencies of vitamin C can cause tooth lose, acne, fatigue, and even death. Taking vitamin C to help fight off a cold is also recommended by doctors. Still, despite all this there is still such a thing as having too much of it.
Unless you have a cold or it's recommended by doctors, you're safer getting your daily dose of vitamin C in food. Citrus fruits, berries, and vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts have high levels, the University of Maryland Medical Center advises. Also, many foods such as cereal and drinks are actually fortified with vitamin C, so chances are you're probably getting the recommended amount without even realizing it.
How Much Can Kill You

The good news is that overdoing it on vitamin C will not kill you. Around 2,000mg of vitamin C is considered the limit. For those who consume this amount in a day, symptoms such as vomiting, heartburn, headache, insomnia, and kidney stones may follow. However, anything over 1,000mg can lead to diarrhea.

Eating fruit such as oranges is an easy and natural way to get vitamin C. Photo courtesy of José Luis Sánchez Mesa CC BY 2.0
Vitamin A

Vitamin A is known for promoting good vision but also helps to form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, and the mucous membrane. Medline Plus reports that individuals who do not get enough vitamin A are more likely to get infectious disease and vision problems. 
A high dose of vitamin A can cause the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, tiredness, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, poor muscle coordination, itchiness and scaling of the skin, bone pain, hair loss, irregular menstruation in women, osteoporosis, and temporary or permanent liver damage. High doses of vitamin A are also known to increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers, the BBC reported.
Acute hypervitaminosis is a severe condition resulting from consuming too much vitamin A during a short period of time. It was first documented in arctic explorers who unknowingly consumed vitamin A-rich livers of many artic animals, such as seals, husky dogs, and yes, even the polar bear. The symptoms of the extremely unpleasant condition are loss of skin and hair, liver damage, hemorrhage, coma, and even death.
How Much Can Kill You

The problem with vitamin A is that unlike other vitamins, excess amounts don't flush out in urine but rather build up in the liver.. However, unless you're eating polar bear liver, it's unlikely you'll consume enough vitamin A to kill you. According to the San Francisco Gate, 3,000mg of vitamin A a day is the limit and any more can have unpleasant consequences. To put that into perspective, that's around 79 to 115 chickens eggs, according to How Stuff Works.
vitamin A
Ingesting too much vitamin A can cause severe skin loss and even coma.

Gummy Multivitamins

In an article published by BuzzFeed earlier this year, Dr. Ken Spaeth from North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System explained that in high quantities those gummy fruity vitamin supplements are no good for your health.
"On the whole, it would be a very bad idea and potentially dangerous to take excessive amounts of multivitamins, even tasty ones such as the gummy variety," Spaeth said. "While the recommended amounts pose virtually no risk, consuming an entire bottle of vitamins can cause permanent and serious harm," Spaeth said. "The body is not able to clear excessive amounts of this type quickly, and the subsequent buildup of high levels can inflict an array of injury to various organ systems, including the brain."
How Much Can Kill You

The article noted that, theoretically, consuming the entire bottle of gummy supplements in one sitting could kill you; however, this is largely dependent on the type of vitamins present.

We know they taste good, but please don't eat the whole bottle in one go. 
In conclusion, Puleo gave Medical Daily one rule of thumb to go by when it comes to monitoring your vitamin intake: "Eating a varied nutrious diet is the best source of any vitamin or mineral. If you want to increase vitamin C, it's sggested to eat more citrus rather than take a vitamin C pill."

- .M.d. Hegde

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[www.keralites.net] BRAHMI, THE HEALING HERB


Brahmi The Healing Herb!

Herbal healing is one of the most ancient forms of holistic healing. The latest Aurvedic herb that is finding its wave in beauty and health care is none other than Bacopa. Known by different names such as Brahmi or Water Hyssop, this creeping herb with white and pink flowers grows wild across India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, China and Florida.

Best-known for its memory boosting and mood stabilizing capacities, the Bacopa or Brahmi is being extensively used in beauty treatments of the hair, body and skin because of its potent antioxidant properties.

Many centuries ago, the Bacopa herb was used as a tonic for the heart and the nervous system. The main credit for it being an ideal herb for increasing brain function goes to bacopasides, chemical compounds responsible for repairing damaged neurons in the brain.

Uses Of Brahmi
To improve memory
As a nerve and cardio tonic; helps in Alzheimer's disease
As a diuretic, to help solve urinary problems
As an adaptogenic (to adapt and adjust to a new place); helps relieve anxiety
Increases cognitive ability; helps in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Works as an antioxidant to purify the body of harmful toxins and impurities
Brahmi For Skin And Hair
It strengthens hair roots and helps in treating dandruff.
Juice extracted from the plant is used for treating epilepsy.
Brahmi oil, infused with sesame or coconut oil, has useful benefits for the hair. When massaged deep into the scalp, it helps promote healthy and strong hair, thereby preventing hair damage such as split ends and hair discolouration.
It works as a cooling agent. Massage the head with Brahmi oil and it will surely give you a restful night's sleep..
Regular use of Brahmi oil helps increase concentration, improve retention and memory.
A paste prepared from its leaves works as an antibacterial cure for
treating Syphilitic sores.
Brahmi oil, used in a warm bath, helps in treating dry and damaged skin.
Powdered organic Brahmi, added to cream cleansers, works effectively as an effective exfoliant.
Ayurvedic Recipes
Insomnia:Powdered mixture prepared from equal quantities of brahmi, vacha and amalaki; one teaspoon to be taken thrice daily. Mixture can be dissolved in water or milk.

Brahmi vati:Powdered mixture of brahmi with muskroot and rauwolfia. Increases mental capacity and reduces stress and anxiety.

Brahmi ghrita:Brahmi is boiled along with pure ghee (from cow's milk) along with some herbs; one teaspoon to be taken twice daily on empty stomach and orally for treating amnesia.

Too much of anything is bad! Brahmi should also be used in moderation. Since not much is known about its use during pregnancy and breast-feeding, its better avoided during this period.

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature, outdoor and food

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