Sunday, 21 February 2016



The Misunderstood Potato

All the people who don't like eating vegetables have one thing in common- their love for anything potatoes.

Potato is one such vegetable that tastes yummy in every form - mashed, baked, boiled, sweet, fried, you name it. Unfortunately, it has been given a bad reputation due to the misconception that it makes you fat, increases blood sugar, and causes heart problems and other health issues.

Like they say, 'Blame the player, not the game' same way, 'Blame the method, not the potato!' Very few realize that it's the form in which we eat potatoes that matters more. Most of us choose fried and salty variety like French fries, cutlets, chips etc. but if eaten in baked/ roasted form it can prove to be really healthy.

Energy: Potatoes are starchy carbs which provide energy instantly. It's a great snack when feeling weak, famished or tired. Since it is digested easily it is a boon for patients, babies and aged individuals who cannot eat hard food.

Digestion: Potatoes have good amount of soluble fiber and with the skin it also provides insoluble finer which prevents constipation, reduces cholesterol and helps you feel fuller longer.

Blood pressure: They are also a good source of potassium which helps control blood pressure and reduce water retention as well.

Gum problems: There is a very high amount of vitamin C in potatoes which can prevent gum bleeding. Vitamin C is also necessary for collagen formation which helps heal the skin, wounds and bone cartilages.

Cell building: The vitamin B6 content of potatoes is required for formation of new cells in the body and also for normal brain functioning.

Heart diseases: Potato skin contains lot of phyto chemicals which which help protect against cardiovascular-disease by lowering levels of bad LDL - Cholesterol and keeping arteries fat-free.

Eat them the right way and you will never disregard them.

Did you Know? A bite of Potato is eaten before a meal. This helps the tongue become clear of any taste in your mouth and let's you fully enjoy the taste of food you are going to eat!

Dr. Jatin Soni

M. D. Hegde
Think Good Do Good
number 90355 30833


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8 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
Ask most people how they feel about lemons and they will either pucker their lips or insist that the yellow fruit's only place is in lemonade. Yet little do many know, lemons are some of the most nutrient-rich and healthy fruits out there that can be used to ease a wide variety of ailments. Here is a list of a few ways that lemon juice can transform your bodily health, for the short-term and the long-term!

1. Boosts Your Immune System

Lemons are rich in vitamin C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fiber. Although vitamin C is the key to jump-starting our immune system, the rest of the nutritional benefits of the lemon can certainly do you no harm. It's good to drink a glass or two of lemon water when you are feeling stressed, because that is when your immune system is most likely to fall weak to any surrounding bacteria or viruses.

lemon water

2. A Surprising Source of Potassium

Potassium is good for your heart health as well as your brain and nerve function. It is usually found in vegetables like potatoes and spinach, but lemons are also an excellent source for a potassium boost.

3. Eases Your Digestion

Lemon water should be drunk at room temperature as warm water helps stimulate smooth movement within the gastrointestinal tract. Lemons and other citrus fruits contribute to this effect because they are high in vitamins and minerals that loosen up the toxins in the digestive tract, known as ama. Lemon is an excellent natural remedy for symptoms of indigestion like heartburn and bloating.

4. A Natural Diuretic

Lemons increase the rate of urination and therefore are able to quickly remove toxins in the digestive tract that can affect the health of the urinary tract.

5. Keeps Your Skin Clear

The potent vitamin C in lemons helps keep the skin blemish and wrinkle-free. In addition the antioxidants in lemon juice can be applied to scars and age spots in order to reduce their appearance without diminishing the skin's radiance.

6. Reduces Inflammation

Drinking lemon water on a regular basis may decrease the levels of acidity within the body, which is where disease is most likely to occur. It works to remove uric acid in the joints which is the main source for joint pain and inflammation. It's best to drink the lemon water in the winter at a lukewarm temperature to fight off the effects of cold-weather stiffness.

7. A Caffeine Aid

Lemon juice is an excellent way to cut back on caffeine in coffee or soda because it has similar rejuvenating effects. Substituting your morning cup of joe for a cup of hot water and lemon may save you from an afternoon crash and quiet your caffeine cravings.

8. Keeps You Hydrated

Starting your day off with a cup of hot lemon water can not only prevent fatigue later on in the day, but also dehydration. Dehydration is one of the major causes of toxic buildup, stress and even susceptibility to viral infections. So if you are the kind that forgets to drink water, it is recommended that you drink lemon water in order to stay hydrated throughout the day.

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M. D. Hegde
Think Good Do Good
number 90355 30833


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Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is one of the leading concerns among health professionals today, as more and more individuals fall prey to this life-long and dangerous disease. It is caused when the blood sugar levels rise to an excess and a resistance to insulin results. Once this happens, the diabetic individual can no longer control their blood sugar levels, and they can rise and fall with serious consequences. Yet whether you are diabetic or know someone diabetic or not, it is important to implement measures to control blood sugar levels and to stop the spread of the diabetes in its tracks.

1. Consume More Dairy Products dairy
The protein and fat in dairy products helps improve blood sugar levels, and if the products are low in fat, it has been shown that they can also decrease the chances for developing insulin resistance.

2. Choose the Right Kind of Bread
Avoid white flour based products at all costs! These simple carbohydrates are full of sugar that spike up your blood sugar. Instead, you should consume whole wheat or rye products that are high in fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates which control blood sugar levels and keep you full longer.

3. Maximize the Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral known to help prevent the onset of Type II diabetes and should be consumed as much as possible. It is best to consume natural sources of magnesium such as spinach, fish, nuts, leafy greens and avocados. All of these foods have been proven to lower the risk of diabetes and can even aid in weightless.


4. Cardamom is great!
Cardamom originates in the ginger family of spices and comes from Asia as well as South America. The spice is known to regulate Type II diabetes and can be sprinkled on coffee, tea, yogurt and even cereal. The spice is known to help decrease blood glucose levels by eighteen to thirty percent.

5. Buckwheatsoba
Buckwheat is an excellent source of fiber that you may never have heard of. It also does wonders for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Buckwheat comes in the form of soba noodles, which are a delicious substitute for rice or pasta as well as in a number of powders that can be added to baked goods or even on top of a slice of (whole wheat) bread.

6. Drink in Moderation
Alcohol contains huge amounts of sugar, and anyone trying to watch out for their blood sugar should definitely moderate the amount of alcohol they consume. It is best to occasionally drink wine with dinner, and not after dinner when the same glass of wine could alter insulin levels in the blood.

7. Watch Fat Intake
It is important to watch the amount of saturated fats entering the body because these can seriously increase the chances of contracting diabetes. Saturated fats are usually in fried and junk foods as they are cooked in unhealthy oils.

8. Exercise Daily
Getting in exercise each day is critical to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, even if it's a brisk walk in the park.

9. Laughing
Yes, this is really one of the tips that will prevent your chances for diabetes. It was found that those who laugh have lower blood sugar levels than those who don't laugh enough (this means you should keep reading our jokes!).

10. Eat Grapefruit
Grapefruit has been proven to aid in weight loss as it affects the glucose metabolism, keeping insulin levels steady.

11. Do Resistance Training
Building muscle mass is important for burning more glucose out of your system and training once to twice a week could significantly aid in preventing the occurrence of diabetes.

12. Drink Decaf, Not Regularcoffee
Decaffeinated coffee slows down the rate at which the intestines absorb sugars and speeds up the absorption of sugar by the muscles.

13. Eat Smaller Meals
It is best to have a small meal every half hour and then another small meal (or a second half of the regular sized meal) later on. It is also important to eat regularly so that insulin levels don't spike, but remain stable throughout the day.

14. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation can affect blood sugar and insulin levels so it is important to get enough sleep each night. It is also essential to stop snoring because according to some studies, those who snore are more likely to develop diabetes (because snoring is often tied to being overweight).

15. Learn Relaxation
Listen to soothing music or read an interesting book, whatever you need to do to relax. Meditation and yoga can also help if they are done properly and on a regular basis.

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Dr. Jatin Soni

M. D. Hegde
Think Good Do Good
number 90355 30833


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Re: [] Relieve Common Aches and Pains by Pressing These Points...


Dear M D Hedge Sir

Please give PDF format for Thyroid and Diabetes




Best Regards,

If you focus on results, you will never change.
If you focus on change, indeed you will get results.. !   

On Monday, 22 February 2016 3:28 AM, "♣ ♣ ♣M.D. HEGDE♣ ♣ ♣ [Keralites]" wrote:

Relieve Common Aches and Pains by Pressing These Points...

If you suffer from certain aches and pains, you may be able to get rid of them using reflexology and acupressure on yourself. By doing so, you'll do away with waiting for doctor's appointments or suffering in silence.

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If you're thinking of acupuncture, then you're right – the two do sound very similar and they actually work on the same principles too. The only difference is that with acupressure, there aren't any needles to deal with – you apply pressure with your fingers to certain points of your body instead.

On the other hand, reflexology is the use of therapeutic pressure massage on certain areas of our hands and feet. These massages are designed to improve energy flow, relieve pain and optimize our health. Certain areas of our hands and feet correspond to specific areas of our bodies and even specific organs. The theory is that the root cause of pain in specific areas is usually due to a blockage of energy, which is preventing us from being healthy and vibrant.

Here is a list of aches and pains that can be treated using acupressure and reflexology, at home or on the go:
For Headaches and Migraines
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Our fingertips (excluding our thumbs), with particular reference to the area at the base of the fingernails, can be massaged to relieve head pain. Do so by focusing on your index fingers, as well as the webbing between the thumbs and your index fingers. The latter is often referred to as the Valley of Harmony.
For Sinus Pressure and Pain
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Turn your palms towards you and apply pressure to the pad of your finger ( the part of your finger you use to type) using the thumb and index finger on your opposite hand. Hold the tip of each finger in turn for 1-3 minutes, lightly massaging when done. This will relieve sinus pain, headaches, dizziness, pressure, stuffy noses and congestion.
For Neck Pain and Tension

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Massage the middle part of each of your fingers in turn, and look at your fingers. While you're doing so, think of your fingertips as your head – working your way down your fingers, therefore, is working your way down your neck and shoulders.  

For an Upset Stomach

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Massage the entire length of your thumb, warming it up in the process. Once you've done so, apply direct pressure to the center of your palm using your warmed up thumb, holding it in place for a couple of minutes.
 For a Cold or Sore Throat
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Massage the entire length of your thumb, warming it up in the process. Use the index finger and thumb of your opposite hand to apply pressure to either side of your thumbnail.
For Fatigue

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Start off by massaging your whole hand, then apply direct pressure to the point on your middle finger, as shown in the photo.

For Menstrual Cramps or Abdominal Pain

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Lightly massage your whole hand first. Apply direct pressure to the side of your nail on your index finger, doing so on the side that's closest to your thumb. Once you've done that, move to the second location on your pinky finger, as shown in the picture.
Additional tips

1. Rub your hands together for one minute prior to starting any of these exercises to increase hand energy and sensitivity. Use the index finger and thumb on your opposite hand to gently massage and warm up the area to be worked on.

2. The ever-present tip - "make sure you drink lots of water and stay hydrated" in beauty and health articles - is here too. Proper hydration allows for optimal tissue health and helps your body get rid of toxins. After all, our bodies are almost entirely made up of water.

3. Avoid deep pressure to the web of the hand if you are pregnant.

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M. D. Hegde
Think Good Do Good
number 90355 30833


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