Monday, 15 August 2016




In the Ramayana, there is no 'preaching of principles' but you are taken through the Avatar's journey as a human being. Lord Rama depicts how a man should uphold virtuous ideals no matter what the conflicts within a family may be. He exercises his choices and decisions in a way that upholds Dharma. Through all the hurdles in His life, he remained as the perfect son, an ideal king, a true husband, It teaches a wife how to love, honor and respect the choices they make together as husband and wife, a real friend, a devoted brother, a perfect student, and above all a noble enemy! Each and every one of His actions is a lesson to us and thus He is the perfect teacher of humankind to this day

Typically, many people raised a question that how come Rama can be an Ideal husband as he sent sita to exile. Rama is an Ideal husband and an Incident in Ramayana is an example to this.
After killing Ravana, Lord Rama is resting on a rock. He notices a shadow approaching him. He realises that the shadow is that of a woman. He does not lift His eyes to see who it is, for, Lord Rama never looks at any woman other than Sita. As the shadow nears Him, Lord Rama pulls His feet up, and sits with His legs folded. This is to avoid even the shadow of the unknown woman touching His feet. So careful is He that none other than His wife should touch Him. Lord Rama is particular that even the shadow of another woman should not touch Him. The shadow is then seen to recede. Lord Rama wonders who it is; who had come so close to Him and had yet retreated. So He enquires who the person is. The shadow is that of Mandodari, and she discloses who she is. Lord Rama asks her why she is there. She says she heard that Ravana was killed in battle. Ravana had been a king who had struck fear in the hearts of his enemies. Everyone believed him to be invincible. And yet, he had been killed by someone. She had come to the battlefield to look at the man who killed her husband. She wanted to know what quality He had that her husband did not have. Lord Rama then asks her whether she found what that quality was. Mandodari says she has found that quality. Lord Rama is particular that even the shadow of a woman other than his wife should not touch Him. Ravana, on the other hand, was willing to sacrifice so many lives in his attempt at making another man's wife his. Therein lies the difference. That one quality of Lord Rama has led to His victory. Lord Rama was the one whose thoughts and words never went astray.

Many have a problem with the way Rama treated his wife, Sita. I don't want to approach the Ramayana as a cynic. I want to approach the story of God as the glory of the Lord, the choices He made and interpret it in the context of its divine sankalpa. The logical men and women can scoff for their loss is theirs and mine is a spiritual gain. My purpose in undertaking sadhana is and has never been material. I take pride in remaining steadfastly anchored in being spiritual.

Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"

Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran


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What happens after death ?
Most of these Sadhus and Monks, say and describe things beyond our comprehension, but Sri Sri in this description has been a good guide.
Yes-we all get scared of unknown - but once you have a guide such as Sri Sri, it becomes easy to understand. Yes-we mortals still fear the unknown, but with much lesser effect.
What happens after death?
Q: What happens after death?
Sri Sri :You will just see the body out there. Once you come out of the body, you will see your whole life flashing like a movie in a few minutes.
These will be the two questions that will stand.
1. How much love you gave? Not how much love you received, and
2. How much knowledge you gained?
This question will come and you will say, 'I will do better next time', and that is it. Then there is peace.
What happens after death is the mind gets freed from the body, the spirit. The mind has memory and intelligence, so these two things become like a balloon. The karma, the deepest impressions form a balloon.It is like in sleep .
Death is nothing but a long sleep. Before going to sleep, you review what all work you have to do the next day,see the last thought that you get, You say, 'This all as to be done tomorrow. Okay, I will do it', and then you go to bed, And as soon as you wake up, see what is the first thought that comes. Have you noticed? It will variably be the same though.
Isn't it! Same thing happens after death.
Then that intention of what you will do in the next life will bring the next body and the next birth to us. Then we choose our parents, the place, and everything else and then we come to this world!
So the physical body decays and the pranic body with all the impressions forms a balloon and leaves the body and hangs around.
Don't imagine a balloon hanging around! It is a light; an energy.
I will give you the best example. In a television station, they conduct a program and then they transmit it through the dish and the program remains in the atmosphere – it is the same way.
When you send an email from the computer, you type all the letters and then you press the send button. What happens? It goes into the space. Does your email remain in the space till it is downloaded? Even after several days you can download your email. Even one year later or ten years later you can download an email. There is no expiry date, isn't that so. It is not like those greeting cards which sometimes people send you that expire in 24 hours.
The messages or letters you send don't hang as letters in the space, it remains in the space as energy.
Like that every soul is a particular frequency and every thumb is different because a thumb is like a particular cell phone chip.
So after death, every individual energy stays, and the impressions it has taken, accordingly to that it experiences those stages there. But then after sometime that soul comes back.
The soul enters the body at three times – this is all a secret. It is called the birth secret and death secret.
So the soul enters at the moment of conception, or it enters in the fifth month, or at the time of birth. So the three sections are there, but there is no way to determine when it enters. The soul also chooses where to be born, the place to come. According to its wish it will just come there.
So if at conception time it comes then what one should do to care for that?
Keep yourself happy. Usually pregnant women are kept very happy in India. Whatever she wants is provided to her.
I would say, don't watch all these violent movies, and scary songs, and scary things. Generally light flute music would be good because it is soothing. It is good to listen to music, knowledge and wisdom. All these things would be preferable.
Knowledge of death makes you immortal. It's wrong to even say, "makes you immortal." The knowledge makes you aware that you are immortal.
Do you see there is a difference? You are already immortal. So nothing to be worried about death!
Have you noticed that something in you is not changing or not ageing? Something in you never dies. We fail to notice it. We are so busy that we take no time to notice or observe the truth that we are.
You might have noticed that when you look at people you feel they have all gotten
older, but you don't feel you have aged, does anyone feel they have become old? If you are in the normal state of mind, even though you may be eighty-years old, you never feel that you have become old. To others, you may look very old, but deep inside you, you never feel that you are old, because there is something in you that never ages.
"In one minute, death will rob all of what you have. Before death robs you, let go. Wake up and see nothing is yours. It is such freedom, I tell you! Such freedom!"
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
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Dr. Jeetendra Khatuja
DNB (Dermatology), Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), MBBS · Dermatologist · yesterday
Top 6 things that revive acne prone skin
Male or female, it affects us all at some point of time in our lives. Stress, pollution, improper diet, high blood sugar, and hormonal imbalance are the main reasons behind acne.
Amongst the external intake related causes caffeine, dairy products, fried food, sweets and cola are the foods to be avoided. Also smoking, as cigarette smoke alters skin lipids and also causes relative deficiency of antioxidants contributing to the onset and/or exacerbation of acne. Alcohol consumptions on the other hand both directly and indirectly causes acne. Heavy drinking or binge drinking does more harm than light drinking.
However, certain foods when included in daily diet, help curb acne.
1. Lots of water - One reasons of acne is when the toxins in our body start reflecting on our skins. It is advisable to drink at least eight glasses of water to flush out the toxins, ensure smooth digestion, regulate acidity and ensure that your skin glows from within.
2. Cool cucumbers - Cucumbers have high water content, along with cooling properties. It has antioxidants, vitamin c and silica which are all good for the skin. Cucumbers are also known to fight inflammation causing enzymes.
3. Nourishing carrots - Carrots are rich in beta carotene and vitamin a. They help cure acne by eliminating the oils and proteins which cause them. Broccoli and green leafy vegetable also serve the same purpose.
4. Saviour berries - Berries have high content of anti-oxidants which prevent the skin from damage within, thus preventing acne and inflammation.
5. Anti-oxidant green tea - Also a rich source of anti-oxidants, green tea is known to balance the blood sugar, which in turn protects the skin from acne.
6. Yummy yogurts - Even though dairy products are known to be bad for acne, yoghurt happens to be very good for prevention of acne. Keep in mind that it is fresh and not too fermented.

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[] வாழ்வதற்கு வழிசமைப்போம் !


வாழ்வதற்கு வழிசமைப்போம் !


                               வாழ்வதற்கு வழிசமைப்போம் !
 ( எம். ஜெயராமசர்மா ... மெல்பேண் ... அவுஸ்திரேலியா )

காந்திமகான் எனும்பெயரில் வந்துநின்ற பெருவெளிச்சம்
கருமைநிறை அடிமைத்தனம் கழன்றோடச் செய்ததுவே 
வெள்ளையரை விரட்டிவிட்டு விடிவுவந்த பாரததத்தில்
கொள்ளையரை விரட்டிவிட வருவாரா காந்திமகான் !

உண்ணாதா நோன்பிருந்து உயிருடனே வதைப்பட்டும்
கண்ணான சுதந்திரத்தை கண்டுவிடப் பாடுபட்டார்
மண்மீது மனிதர்க்கு மானமுடன் சுதந்திரமும்
என்றுமே தேவையென எண்ணிநின்றார் காந்திமகான் !

காந்தியது சாத்வீகம் கண்டுநின்ற வெற்றியினால்
கணக்கற்றோர் காந்தீய வழிநடக்கப் புறப்பட்டார் 
தேசமதைச் சிந்தைவைத்து சிறைசென்றார் பலபேரும்
தேசபிதா காந்திமகான் தெய்வமென உயர்ந்துநின்றார் !

காந்திமகான் எழுச்சியினால் கதிகலங்கி நின்றார்கள்
சாந்தி சமாதானம்பற்றி சற்றுமவர் சிந்தித்தார் 
அன்னியமாய் இருந்தாலும் அவர்சற்று யோசித்தார்
ஆதலால் காந்திவழி அவர்மனதை மாற்றியதே !

வெள்ளையனை வெளியேற்றி வெற்றிக்கொடி பறக்கவிட்டு 
விரும்பிநின்ற சுதந்திரத்தை விருப்புடனே மனமேந்தி
நல்லதொரு பாரதத்தை நாம்வளர்ப்போம் எனவெழுந்து
நாளுமே பாரதத்தின் நலங்கெடுத்தல் முறையாமோ !

பாரதத்தில் பலரிஷிகள் பலசமயப் பெரியோர்கள்
வேறிடத்தில் இல்லாத அளவினிலே வெளிப்பட்டார் 
ஆனாலும் பாரதத்தில் அரக்ககுணம் மிகுந்தோரால்
நாளாந்தம் சுதந்திரத்தை நாமிழத்தல் நடக்கிறதே !

விஞ்ஞானம் மெஞ்ஞானம் மேலோங்கி வளர்கிறது
அஞ்ஞானம் மிக்கோரும் அதைதாண்டி வருகின்றார்
அருமைமிகு சுதந்திரத்தை அநுபவிக்க வாய்ப்பின்றி
அமைந்துவரும் சூழலினை ஆர்வந்து தடுத்திடுவார் !

ஊழலும் மதுவும்சேர்ந்து உழைப்பவர் நிலையைமாற்றி
நாளுமே நொடிந்துவாழ நாட்டிலே நிலமையாச்சு 
       ஆளமாய் எண்ணிப்பார்க்கின் அனைவரும் இணைந்தேநின்று 
       ஊழலும் மதுவும்போக உழைத்திடுவோமே வாரீர் !
       பஞ்சமொடு பசியும் பலநோயும் ஒழியவேண்டும்
       அஞ்சிகின்ற மனநிலையை அகற்றியே விடவேண்டும்
        நஞ்சுநிலை நினைப்பையெலாம் நார்நாராய்கிழித்தெறியின்
        நல்லதொரு சுதந்திரத்தை நாமென்றும் சுவாசிப்போம் !
        அணிவகுப்பு கொடியேற்றம் அதுவல்ல சுதந்திரமாம்
        அறம்சார்ந்த அத்தனையும் நிலம்காணல் சுதந்திரமே 
        வளம்காண வேண்டுமெனின் வணங்கிடுவோம் சுதந்திரத்தை
        வாழ்வினிலே சுதந்திரமாய் வாழ்வதற்கு வழிசமைப்போம் !

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[] Pay check:



Think Good Do Good
& Whatsap Group +91 90355 30833

Pay check: Modi pulls Rs 1.6 lakh per month, far less than his secretary
Pay check: Modi pulls Rs 1.6 lakh per month, far lMalik/Catch News

Earlier this week, the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) divulged the salary of all top officials in the department as per the Right to Information Act and it turns out that senior IAS officer Bhaskar Khulbe's monthly salary is even higher than that of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's In 2012, even Manmohan Singh had revealed the salary of officials in the PMO.

Here are the details:
Rs 19.2
  • The annual salary paid to Modi.
  • This roughly translates into Rs 1.6 lakh per month.
  • Globally, Modi's salary ranks 12th. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev earns the highest at Rs 19.2 crore, followed by US president Barrack Obama at Rs 2.3 crore and German chancellor Angela Merkel at Rs 2.3 crore.
Rs 2
  • The monthly salary of Bhaskar Khulbe - secretary to the prime minisiter.
  • Khulbe is a 1983 batch Indian Administrative Officer and was recently promoted from additional secretary to secretary to prime minister.
  • Principal secretary Nripendra Misra gets Rs 1.62 lakh plus pensions (same as national security adviser Ajit Doval and additional principal secretary PK Mishra). All joint secretaries (Tarun Bajaj, Anurag Jain and AK Sharma get a salary of Rs 1.7 lakh).
  • Next in line are information officer Sharat Chander (Rs 1.2 lakh), officer on special duty to prime minister (Rs 1.1 lakh) and public relation officer JM Thakkar (Rs 99,434).
Rs 20
  • Average salary of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of private companies at top listed companies in India as of 2016.
  • Two years ago, the amount was Rs 10 crore.
  • Highest paid CEOs in 2015-16 are Larsen and Toubro's AM Naik (Rs 66 crore per annum), Vishal Sikka of Infosys (Rs 48 crore) and Deshbandhu Gupta of Lupin (Rs 44 crore).
  • CEOs of banking sector lay at the bottom with Chanda Kochhar of ICICI earning Rs 6 crore; Aditya Puri of HDFC earning Rs 9 crore and Arundhati Bhattacharya of State Bank of India getting only Rs 31 lakh.
  • However, salaries of Indian CEOs are just one-sixth of average CEO salaries in top listed companies in the US - which is about Rs 130 crore.


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