Moving 150 Years old Oak tree
The Berard Team was commissioned to move this 800,000lb, 150 year old oak tree in Iberia Parish Louisiana. The tree stood in the way of a new service road being constructed and plans were made to relocate rather than remove it. The Berard Team with hundreds of on lookers watching, the tree made it's one mile journey down Hwy 90 to its new home. The Berard Team was honored to be included in this history making event...
Urban Dance Camp Choreographers
Top International Choreographers "Urban Dance Camp" is the world's prestigous dance intensive education. The annual international workshop event has become after many years the best summer intensive for studio-styles (choreography) as well as streetdance-styles, with the highest standard of teaching and unique talents from around the world. Dancers, teachers and choreographers from more than 44 countries participate each year.
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