Wednesday, 29 May 2019

[] Sagar Raskar and his friend Pankaj Shelke from Ahmednagar have come up with a cylinder-shaped fireball that can douse fire within three to ten seconds.-


Sagar Raskar and his friend Pankaj Shelke from Ahmednagar have come up with a cylinder-shaped fireball that can douse fire within three to ten seconds.

Sagar, an MBA, has worked in the safety department of a private firm in the past and Pankaj owns an agricultural equipment firm.

After the tragic 2018Bhima Koregaon stone pelting that resulted in the burning of shops and vehicles, the two friends decided to come up with a quicker and easy-to-use-solution that could prevent fire tragedies.

The duo researched endlessly and came across fireballs that are made in China. Since most of the people in India import them, the pair decided to develop a similar model. Having prior experience in fire extinguishers proved a boon for Sagar.

Christened as Redmatic, the fireball container was sent to National Testing House in Mumbai for trials where it was cleared and given the ISO certification. Once the accreditation came in, the duo started their company, Ocean Fire, to sell the product.

The automatic cylinder-shaped containers are filled with monoammonium phosphate powder that can be thrown into fire. The heat causes them to explode, spreading the dry chemical that extinguishes the fire.

The automatic firefighter is equipped with fire sensors that activate immediately in case of a fire. The material used to create Redmatic is harmless and safe for users. The exploding power has been accurately calculated according to safety standards.

On coming in contact with fire, the container will explode, making a sound of 120 decibels to caution people.

Redmatic can be installed anywhere like above a circuit box, supermarkets, hotels, homes, industries, offices, gas stations, cars and even vehicles.

Priced at Rs 3,900, the container weighs 1,100 grams and has to be installed 30 cm away from a possible fire source, the effective area being three cubic meters.

There is no specialised training or skill required to operate the firefighter. With a product life span of five years, it does not require inspection and maintenance, "It requires no manpower to operate, and hence it can be kept in an unmanned area too," says Sagar.

The company has, so far, sold over 3,000 fireballs across India including to the Police Force. The Kolhapur Range Force has purchased around 500 such units and installed them in the patrolling vehicles.     website

full article in the link below


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[] Sri ManMangaladevi Temple


Sri Mangaladevi Temple
The place name Mangalapura ( now Mangalore) owes its origin to the temple of Mangaladevi. Situated in Bolar about 3 kms from Hampankatta ( the heart of the city), the temple has its roots into the ninth century. The ardent devotees even today believe that the worship of Mangaldevi brings them prosperity and happiness.
In Tulunadu, Kundavarma, the most famous king of Ahepa dynasty was ruling. At that time there came two holy saints of the natha cult named Machendranatha and Gorakanatha from Nepal. They reached Mangalapura, crossing the river Nethravathi. The place were they crossed the river came to be known as 'Gorakdandi'.
They chose a place near the bank of Netravathi which was once the center of activities of sage Kapila. He had his hermitage there and it was a great center of education.
Hearing about the arrival of the two saints the king came to meet them. Introducing himself as the king of Tulunadu he pid them his respects and offered them all help and patronage. Pleased with the humility and virtues of the king they bought tohis knowledge that his kingdom was a hollowed place and it was sanctified by the activities of holy saints abd sages in the past. They requested him to grant them land so that they could build teir hermitage and make it a center if their religous activities under his protection and patronage.
Goddess Mangaladevi
For Kundavarma it was really a surprise to know that his land had such a hoary history. It was from these saints he came to know that once upon a time there existe a temple in his land dedicated to mother Mangaladevi. From their own mother he heard the story of Vihasini and Andasura, Parashurama and the temple built by them. The two saints took the king to the olaces where all these historical events had taken place. They asked the king to dig the place and relieve the linga and the Dharapatra symbolising Mangaladevi and install them in a shrine along with Nagaraja for the protection.
Kundavarma carried out the advice of the two sages. A grand shrine of Sri Mangaldevi stood on the hallowed place. The two sages themselves guided and supervised the execution of the work. The temple attained special significance as Mother Mangaladevi granted special favours, especially on maidens, pious maidens who worship the goddess observing Mangaladharavrata (Swayamvara Parvathi) will have their wishes fulfilled. They get husbands most suited for them.
Even today the two temples Mangaladevi and Kadri have maintained their connection. The hermits of Kadri Yogirajmutt visit Mangaladevi temple on the first days of Kadri temple festival and offer prayer and silk clothes.
Various pujas and rituals are performed by vedic brahmins on a regular basis. During Navarathri (dussera) special pujas are performed on all the nine days. On the seventh day, Godess Mangaladevi is worshipped as Sharadamba and on the eight day the goddess is worshipped as Maarikamba. On this day Aayuda puja is performed. All the weapons and tools are worshipped as the day marks the slaying of the cruel demons by the goddess Durga. On the ninth day also known as Mahanavami, a large number of devotees participate in the Rathothsava. The decorated godess in mounted on the grand chariot and pulled with thick ropes. the procession goes to Marnamikattte where the goddess is worshipped.
The temple is easily accessible by city buses, autorikshaws and taxis. To get there take the City Bus No. 27, 27A, 29A.
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[] Philosophy Of 70 %


*The day we pass away, our money will still be in the Bank.
*When we are alive, we feel we don't have enough Money to Spend.
*When we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent".
*A Chinese tycoon passed away. He left for his widow $1.9 billion in
the bank.
*** The widow remarried her young Chauffeur.
*** The Chauffeur said, "All the while I thought I was working for my
Now only I realize that my boss was all the time working for me!"
The Moral?
It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth.
• Strive to have a strong and healthy body.
• In a "'High End'" mobile phone, 70% of the functions are
• In an expensive car, 70% of the Speed is not needed.
• In a luxurious villa, 70% of the space remains unoccupied or
• In a whole Wardrobe of Clothes, 70% of them are seldom worn.
• Out of whole life's earnings, 70% stays behind for other people
to use.
• 70% of talent is not utilized.
*** So, How to make full use of our 30%.
• Go for medical check-up even when you feel fit.
• 'Let go' you're Ego, whenever you can.
• 'Give in' even if you are 'Right'.
• Be humble even if you are very powerful.
• Be contented even if you are not rich.
• And Drink more water even if you're not thirsty.
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