Thursday, 24 September 2015

[] These foods may cause impotency


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While we know that dark chocolate and almonds are great aphrodisiac, there are certain foods that can have just the opposite effect on your mood. It is important for you to know about the foods that can naturally ruin your sex-drive and harm your reproductive health as well. So, take a look at some such foods that you should strike-off from your menu, when you are in the mood to spice-up your sexual appetite!

#1. Artificial Sweeteners

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Artificial sweeteners contain aspartame, an ingredient that causes trouble for your body's happy hormone (serotonin), without which your mood and libido tends to suffer. Not only this, aspartame has other side effects as well, such as headaches, irritation, anxiety disorders and insomnia. So, next time when you are out getting your groceries, pick up some natural sweeteners like honey or jaggery, to keep your health and sex life on right track.

#2. Corn flakes

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The anti-aphrodisiac qualities of corn flakes might come as a surprise to many. Did you know that Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, made this cereal as a part of a bland diet to lower people's sex drive? So, whether you are planning a romantic breakfast in bed or a quick snack before your bed-time, it is best to stay away from corn flakes.

#3. Cheese and more

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The dairy products that you get in the market these days are not natural, anymore. The high-fat dairy products, such as cheese, can cause a lot of damage to your body. Overconsumption of such products will induce toxins that will interfere with the production of the natural, mood uplifting hormones like oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Collection of such harmful toxins in your body, can also cause sexual dysfunction in extreme cases. 

#4. Crispy delights

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A pack of chips by your bedside is enough to damage the tissues and cells of your body, along with your libido. These potato chips and crispy snacks are prepared in rancid oils and heated at very high temperatures. Hence, the combination of bad fats and high temperature can genuinely interfere with your mood for love.

#5. Coffee

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A cup of coffee in the morning can induce a happy mood but too much of it can spike up stress hormones, such as cortisol, in your body. Too much caffeine can cause stress and hormonal imbalances. So, if you are in mood for some romance and love, it is best to decrease the coffee intake from your and your partner's diet.

#6. Soy

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It is healthy and a good replacement for meat. But, soy contains phytoestrogens that competes with the male sex hormone. It is enough to cause fertility issues, male breast growth and body hair loss, it is a strict no-no for men.

#7. Aerated Drinks

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Consuming regular sodas and flavoured beverages can cause fluctuations in your weight and your mood. Such drinks can cause a number of health problems like obesity, dental cavities, diabetes, and more. It is quite obvious that if you start suffering from these health issues then it is harmful enough to even dip your libido levels. 

#8. Mint

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Think before you pop another gum into your mouth! While it benefits the digestive system and gets rid of that bad breath, it can also have adverse effects on your libido. Mint produces menthol that cools down the sex drive. So, stick to brushing your teeth or consuming natural herbs to get rid of that bad breath.

#9. Alcohol

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You might feel relaxed after a few drinks but alcohol can actually make you feel drowsy and less sensitive to your surroundings. Now can you feel romantic with a person who is falling all-over the place? It is because alcohol induces a chemical reaction that hampers the production of testosterone. Next time, if you are planning to get cosy with your partner, it is best to steer clear from alcohol.

#10. Fried and junk food

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Fried food, like French fries and hamburger, are serious romance killers! The hydrogenated fats lowers your testosterone levels, and can also cause low quality and abnormal sperm production in men. If you are in mood to impress your partner with take-out dinner, stay away from all fast food joints, especially if you are planning something romantic.

So, if you are in the mood to get cosy with your partner then it is best to kick these anti-aphrodisiac foods away from your platter.

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Yes, it almost look like a trial and error medication. I had an experience of this with my mothers varicose vein. As she was frightened of allopathic treatment she went for homeopathy on some peoples advice. She was satisfied for a few months because whenever the swelling goes away she was happy and whenever it comes back she goes to him for more madicines or change of madicines.

After a few months them of liquid from the swelling started. The homeopathic doctor said 'now it is a good sign. All water will go now and the illness will be cured completely. I was watching her all the time. At one point i forcibly took her to a allopathic doctor. she also didnot resist too much as she was not able to walk then. The doctor said her leg may have to be amputed if whatever medication he is going to try on her is not show any resultes after a few days. Luckly for us she got recovered partially after one month of hospitalisation.

This is not an isolated case. I have seen this with many people. Still people go for homeopathy. May because it is cheap, it doesnot involve any operations.

On 25 Sep 2015 04:18, "hari kumar [Keralites]" <> wrote:
U take Aloe Vera juice of Foreverliving product. Mail me if interested

Regards  Hari

From: [Keralites]
Sent: ‎24-‎09-‎2015 20:53
Subject: Fwd: [] HOMEOPATHY
Pl I am suffering from constipation for many years . I have got got of mild form of piles. I have started taking Kayam chuvam one tab at night . It's working for me . But I was told it's not good for health to regularly take it. Can anybody know more abt this tab and it's side effects if any.
Also pl suggest any other way to avoid constipation . I am taking fruits and veg and enough water daily.
Pl give ur comments from ur experience pl

Begin forwarded message:
From: "♣ ♣ ♣M.D. HEGDE♣ ♣ ♣ [Keralites]" <>
Date: 23 September 2015 8:29:44 pm IST
Subject: Re: [] HOMEOPATHY
HOMEOPATHY is basically trial and error method.For each ailment , there are 5 to 10 medicines.If all the symptoms match, then only it will suit the patient.The doctor should go through all the symptoms and then only he can prescribe.For Arthritis, there are more than 5 to medicines.Principle of Homeopathy is Cure the Patient, not the disease

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From: " [Keralites]" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September 2015 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: [] HOMEOPATHY
Can any member comment on effectiveness of homeopathy or it's side effects.people go for homeopathy only after trying allopathy and also to avoid side effects .i have seen many taking homeopathy for rheumatism and arthritis pain. Pl give ur views or testimony
J john

On 22-Sep-2015, at 1:09 pm, "♣ ♣ ♣M.D. HEGDE♣ ♣ ♣ [Keralites]" <> wrote:
Poorva Chavan source;HEALTH SITE Homeopathy is widelypractisedin India, and many of us swear by it. If I say one word against it, many would say that I have been paid by pharmaceutical giants to talk against homeopathy or that it is a propaganda. However, I believe logic is the way to decide what one should follow. Herearesome facts about homeopathy that one should be aware of, and I hope it will make you think twice before resorting to homeopathy or at least check the credibility of the homeopath you visit.
  1. It is not an Indian science
    Many people aren't aware homeopathyis a German science and was created by a doctor named Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Since, it is widely and blindly followed in India, many believe that it is an Indian science. Homeopathy came to India only in 1810, when a French traveler named Dr. John Martin Honigberger, a student of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, came to India and treated patients. In 1839, on his second visit to India, he treated the then ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjeet Singh, suffering from paralysis of the vocal chords. His medicine cured the Maharaja, and he was so impressed that he made Honigberger the chief physician of his court. After the Maharaja's death, Honigberger moved to Calcutta where he began his practice and hence began the advent of homeopathy in India.
  1. Treatment differs from person to person
Homeopathic treatment is also highly individualized and differs from person to person. The properties of the medicines are very similar to the condition or the disease a person is suffering from. Also, homeopathy not only takes into account the signs and symptoms of the diseases but also considers the patient's physical build, temperament, personality and other genetic factors.
Homeopathy works on the principle of 'like cures like'. It means that a substance responsible for causing illness in a healthy individual can be used to treat patients suffering from the same illness. Allopathic medicine, on the other hand, uses active pharmacological agents or physical interventions like surgeries to treat, cure or suppress the symptoms of various diseases and conditions.
  1. No studies prove that homeopathy is effective in treating diseases
Many of you must have had first-hand experiences and will not think twice before resorting to homeopathy again or even suggesting it to other people. But as a matter of fact there is no properly documented proof that homeopathy has been effective in treating various diseases. Although there are a few studies, that claim that homeopathy is effective, most of them have serious design flaws or have not been properly documented.
  1. Many countries have warned its people against using homeopathy
Various countries have warned its people to think twice before resorting to homeopathic medicine. After the House of Common in The UK called homeopathy 'no better than a placebo' in 2010, The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia, too recently deemed it ineffective. It has reservations against using it to treat serious conditions as it is a slow process and not getting appropriate treatment immediately could actually make the condition worse and prove fatal.
  • Homeopathy medicines could be as good as placebos
    Homeopathy also works on the principle of minimum dosage. The medicines are thinned with either alcohol or water and at times are diluted so many times that only a trace of the active substance remains. Homeopaths claim that this trace quantity of the active substance is enough to invoke a healing response in the patient. However, the doses are so low that the pills become as good as placebos (medicines that have no active ingredient in them). Placebos are known to be effective as some people do respond to them. It is important to note that modern medicines are tested on the basis of how well they outperform placebos. This fact has given rise to the exploitation of homeopathy and many quacks nowadays simply hand you a little jar of white sugar pills.
  • Not all medicines are diluted
    However, not all medicines are highly diluted and some of them contain the active ingredients in enough quantities to cause side effects. Hence it is best to visit a credible homeopath and use medicines under his/her guidance.
  • It has no side effects
    Highly diluted homeopathic medicines taken under the guidance of trained doctors are usually safe. It could also be because, to invoke a side effect, a medicine or drug first has to contain an active ingredient. The dilution in some homeopathy medicines is so high that many claim it has no effect at all to invoke a side effect. However, some medicines can be concentrated and un-monitored use and self-prescription can be dangerous.
  • You should not replace conventional medicines with homeopathy
    If you are suffering from a health issue, get it first diagnosed and treated using conventional medicine. Do not delay treatment because of homeopathy. It is a comparatively slower process and your condition can worsen if not treated at the right time.
[The entire original message is not included.]


Posted by: Krishnan K <>
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