Thursday, 23 May 2013

[] Khatte-mitten khabhrain from around the world for 24/5/13


CSK players linked to probe; its CEO who happens to the son-in-law of BCCI chief, summoned by police for questioning.
(Me: Since cricket is such a fortune raker, everyone who is someone in India want a huge slice of the pie; and the larger the mega money-spinner anything, business, contracts or sporting spectacle, the bigger scam. Gawaskar criticized the Indian politicians who talk about the cricket scandal, for being crass hypocrites; he is no great symbol of virtue, either: because he gets crores as a BCCI official commentator, he has to defect the board, true to be worth his salt. Greed may be one of the vilest of all human emotions; we Indians particular excel in it. Incidentally, Gurunath Meiyhappan, the CEO cum s-i-l, is the scion of the AVM, the premier and most successful film studio in the South)
Tongue very much in cheek…
"No ghost was ever seen by two pairs of eyes" – Thomas Caryle.
I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company" – Mark Twain.
News from around the world…
Germany rated the most positively viewed nation in the world.
Pakistan in top 3 'negative' nations, India stands at 12th. Some consolation this...
Weird world…
Samsung sparks fury after sexist TV ad targets men.
Washington: A new advertisement for Samsung televisions portrays men as dirty slobs, flatulent, dirty, couch-bound, unkempt, and unevolved – and it now has members of the male specifies up in arms. Outraged men vented their anger through the social media.
US man held for dialling 911 more than 100 times... One of his weird complaints for seeking the 911 help – The government is sending satellite signals directly into his body, thereby causing him severe pain and anguish.
(Me: All the high-decibel ballyhoo raised in Mumbai about radiation from cellphone towers isn't much different)
Groom jailed for looting club hosting his wedding reception.
A groom locked up for looting the club where his wedding was held will become a dad in jail. Christopher R, 25, and his friends stole booze, computers and DVDs worth nearly Pounds sterling 25,000 and caused 24,000 in damaged during the burglary (total Rs.50 lakhs in Indian currency). Just six months back, the club boss Catherine M. gave him and partner Bridie Sparks a half-price champagne buffet as the couple were broke. Now Catherin, 34, said she was so ''tortured' by the betrayal she tried to kill herself. "It's shaken my belief in people and I hope I'll be a better judge of character in future."
Line Maro
Am I dead, Angel? Cause this must be heaven!
(Me: all hallucination coz it is actually hell)
From the world of science…
New oral diarrhea vaccine developed.
Researchers have developed a new oral diarrhea vaccine which in a clinical phase I-study has shown promising results to combat the disease that kills 300,000 children per year in the developing world. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) bacterial are the primary cause of diarrhea in children. Currently, there is no ETEC vaccine available on the market. The novel oral ETEC vaccine has been developed in Sweden.
Exercise makes you smarter...
A recent research conducted in the US says 30-minue exercise a day can make you a genius.
Cheddar cheese contains a complete protein, providing all the essential amino acids your body needs.
Litchi is a rich source of copper and manganese which strengthen brittle bones.
Cartoon quip on Phaneesh Murthy, the hotshot techie, has been sacked for the second time sexual harassment of a woman subordinate in IGate
Some answers to 'how' to spell 'Phaneesh'...
A young lass: "He's living life like it's kinda FUN-ish...
A middle-aged woman: "He's done wrong… PUN-ish"
A management consultant: "His career is over… FIN-ish
A sexologist: "It's a medical condition… PEN-is"
(Me: The case against Phaneesh is that he pressured his subordinate lady assistant into a relationship – and impregnated her – saying her career depended on it. He also pressured her to have an abortion. The lady gave in as she was dependent on her continued employment for her basic living expenses.)
Man to financial consultant: "I have a great retirement plan. I'm going back to college to live off student loans until I die."
A guy asks a lawyer what his fee is. "I charge Rs.10,000 for three questions," the lawyer says.
"That's awfully steep, isn't it?" the guy asks.
"Yes," the lawyer replies, "Now what's your final question?"

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Re: [] അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ: -തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം

This proposal is only on the paper, to make it real, there are a hell of humps and dumps. In India, most of the cities are connected with metro rail in few years and Kerala being a rich state is still backward with low quality transportation facilities. Now the opposition with get a chance for HARTHAL on this gorund..same like ARANMULA AIRPORT, this also will remain as a sweet dream

From: Shabeer Ali <>
To: "Keralites@yahoogroups com" <>; "" <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 May 2013 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: [] അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ: -തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം

Mr. Joseph is absolutly s going to reach in that level...this s common promis for all politicians..
this project will b n real, if our CM stand strongly with out any other sources involvment and gv full support and power for the consultant and contractor to complete wth n deadlone period.
there are politicians and other business magnet looking for makes money as a commision behind the particular project. Moreover, there are somany people are fighting against the development including oposition parties... reason behind the labor groups and parties. politians need to keep their interest rather than developing. then only they hv chance to come up for next election...
BR, kerala vikasanam agrahikkunna oru kasargodukaaran
Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Abraham P.c. <>;
To: <>;
Subject: Re: [] അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ: -തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം
Sent: Wed, May 22, 2013 7:55:47 PM

Be Positive. Never under estimate the modern precast construction technique and fast project completion. Either Road or rail once done, it is 10 times difficult to widen it, because the development on either side takes place fast with buildings and roads and land cost shoot up.. Giving compensation to such development will be huge. Where as if we do the same and freeze the sale and development on either sides, it will cost less in later development. Some are still in the embryo stage. They want the National High way width only 30 meter and all over India it is 60 meter. Sri Achuthanandan asked why there is so much width leave between the 2-ways? He ignore the safety norms and the convenience of U turn etc.. Some feel such roads separate Kerala in to two. If we keep away these people, our development will be faster. Let us hope for the best and pray. Abraham  

From: Joseph Varkey <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 May 2013 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [] അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ: -തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം


I read with interest the news about High speed railway in Kerala.  You can say it is a dream project because  we could not make double line from Trivandrum to Ernakulam after 40 years of the single line become broad guage. So many Kerala chief ministers have been trying for years but could not succeed.  Even the previous LDF governemnt also made some announcements and it will be ready within one or two years, nothing materialised.  All empty promises but no real action.  In this case also, maximum you can expect a inagural stone may be laid somewhere in a corner for the memory of this high speed railway.   

From: Abraham P.c. <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2013, 18:19
Subject: Re: [] അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ: -തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം

Saving time is good for the commuters and the government. Working people can earn money form the travel time saving, People from Kasarkodu can work in Trivandrum. Railway can use the same train (all infrastructure)  6-7 times by saving time. The major part of the amount mentioned is going to the public for land. A state with extra long land shape need such travel means. Good luck to the project. I had this vision long back and a proposal was given to Mr. Mathew ( Oommen Chandy) when they were ruling party last time. Unfortunately they lost in the following election. Hope this time they will start. Abraham

From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2013 2:03 PM
Subject: [] അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ: -തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം

എ.എസ്‌. ഉല്ലാസ്‌
തിരുവനന്തപുരം: സംസ്‌ഥാനത്ത്‌ ആരംഭിക്കാനിരിക്കുന്ന അതിവേഗ റെയില്‍വേ ഇടനാഴിക്ക്‌ ഒരുലക്ഷം കോടി രൂപ നിര്‍മാണച്ചെലവ്‌. തിരുവനന്തപുരം മുതല്‍ കാസര്‍ഗോഡ്‌വരെ നീളുന്ന റെയില്‍പാതയില്‍ പത്തു സ്‌റ്റേഷനുകളുണ്ടാകും. ഇടനാഴിക്കായി 794 ഹെക്‌ടര്‍ ഭൂമി ഏറ്റെടുക്കേണ്ടിവരും. സ്‌ഥലമേറ്റെടുക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ജനവാസ മേഖലകളെ പരമാവധി ഒഴിവാക്കുമെന്നു ഡി.എം.ആര്‍.സി. സര്‍ക്കാരിനു സമര്‍പ്പിച്ച റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ടില്‍ വ്യക്‌തമാക്കി.
മണിക്കൂറില്‍ 300 കിലോമീറ്റര്‍ വേഗതയില്‍ ട്രയിനുകള്‍ക്കു സഞ്ചരിക്കാന്‍ കഴിയുന്ന പാതയാണു വിഭാവനം ചെയ്‌തിരിക്കുന്നത്‌. തിരുവനന്തപുരം, കൊല്ലം, ചെങ്ങന്നൂര്‍, കോട്ടയം, കൊച്ചി, തൃശൂര്‍, തിരൂര്‍, കോഴിക്കോട്‌, കണ്ണൂര്‍, കാസര്‍ഗോഡ്‌ എന്നിവിടങ്ങളില്‍ സ്‌റ്റേഷനുകളുണ്ടാകും. ട്രയിന്‍ പരമാവധി വേഗത്തിലാണെങ്കില്‍ തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കാസര്‍ഗോട്ടെത്താന്‍ രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂറില്‍ താഴെ സമയം മതിയാകും. തിരുവനന്തപുരത്തുനിന്നു കൊച്ചിയിലെത്താന്‍ 53 മിനിറ്റ്‌ വേണം. ഓരോ സ്‌റ്റേഷനിലും രണ്ടുമിനിറ്റ്‌ ട്രയിന്‍ നിര്‍ത്തും. എട്ടുകോച്ചുകളാകും ഒരു ട്രയിനില്‍ ഉണ്ടാകുക. ഓട്ടോമാറ്റിക്‌ സംവിധാനത്തിലാകും പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുകയെങ്കിലും എഞ്ചിന്‍ ഡ്രൈവര്‍ ഉണ്ടാകും.
ടിക്കറ്റ്‌ നല്‍കാന്‍ പ്രത്യേക യന്ത്രസംവിധാനമാണ്‌ ഉദ്ദേശിക്കുന്നത്‌. അതിവേഗ തീവണ്ടിയിലെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയര്‍ന്നക്ല ാസില്‍ ജനശതാബ്‌ദിയിലെ എക്‌സിക്യൂട്ടീവ്‌ക്ല ാസില്‍ ഇപ്പോഴുള്ള നിരക്കിന്റെ ഒന്നര ശതമാനം ഇരട്ടി ഈടാക്കും. എക്‌സിക്യൂട്ടീവ്‌ക്ല ാസില്‍ ബിസിനസ്‌ക്ല ാസിന്റെ ഇരട്ടി നിരക്കാകും ഉണ്ടാകുക. തിരക്കുള്ള സമയത്ത്‌ പത്തുമിനിറ്റ്‌ ഇടവേളകളിലായിരിക്കും സര്‍വീസ്‌. തിരക്കില്ലാത്ത സമയങ്ങളില്‍ അരമണിക്കൂര്‍ ഇടവേളകളിലും. ആകെ ചെലവിന്റെ 80 ശതമാനം വായ്‌പ വഴി കണ്ടെത്തണമെന്നാണു നിര്‍ദേശം. ശേഷിക്കുന്ന തുക സംസ്‌ഥാന-കേന്ദ്ര സര്‍ക്കാരുകള്‍ തുല്യമായി വഹിക്കണം. തിരുവനന്തപുരം മുതല്‍ കൊച്ചിവരെ 242 ഹെക്‌ടറും കൊച്ചി മുതല്‍ കാസര്‍ഗോഡ്‌ വരെ 552 ഹെക്‌ടര്‍ ഭൂമിയും വേണ്ടിവരും.
സ്‌േറ്റഷനുകളില്‍ സൗകര്യം ഒരുക്കുന്നതിനു മാത്രമേ കൂടുതല്‍ സ്‌ഥലം വേണ്ടിവരൂ എന്നും സര്‍വേ നടത്തി തറക്കല്ലിടുന്ന സ്‌ഥലങ്ങളെല്ലാം പദ്ധതിക്കായി ഏറ്റെടുക്കുമെന്നത്‌ തെറ്റായ പ്രചാരണമാണെന്നും പദ്ധതി നിര്‍ദേശത്തില്‍ വ്യക്‌തമാക്കി. 2021-ഓടെ 1,53,000 പേര്‍ അതിവേഗ ട്രെയിന്‍ ഉപയോഗപ്പെടുത്തുമെന്നാണു പ്രതീക്ഷ.

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Re: [] Transport Bus Drivers.


All lines, patterns, words and colours applied on or attached to the road surface or kerbs are road markings. These are meant to direct, guide and regulate the road users. They are, in fact, the languages of road.

Centre Line: This white broken line divides the road into two, separating opposing stream of traffic. This line can be crossed if overtaking is essential provided the oncoming carriageway is clear

Double White/Yellow Lines:
These divide the road into two and overtaking/crossing these lines from both side and U-turn is strictly prohibited.
White less than and greater than signs: This indicates to slow down and proceed carefully. This road marking is generally found on roads near a school, college or hospital.

Small Broken White Lines:These demarcate the lanes on a road. Vehicles are supposed to move in between these lines. The left most lane is for buses, heavy vehicles and slow moving vehicles. The middle lane is for LMVs, scooters & motor cycles & the right most lane is for overtaking & turning right.

Parking prohibited Lines:Continuous single yellow/white line at the edge of the carriageway indicates that no vehicle can be parked but vehicle can be stopped along such a road. Continuous double yellow/white lines indicate that both parking and stopping are prohibited.

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