Thursday, 24 September 2020

[] 25-09-2020 திருச்சி நா.பிரசன்னாவின் இன்றைய குறுந்தகவல்


Subject: 25-09-2020
திருச்சி நா..பிரசன்னாவின் இன்றைய குறுந்தகவல்


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25-09-2020  திருச்சி நா.பிரசன்னாவின் இன்றைய குறுந்தகவல்


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திருச்சி நா.பிரசன்னா





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Trichy Prasannam

Trichy, Tamil Nadu




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It is basically wrong that two sides viz. superstitious or mythical and moral. At least this does not apply to Hindu.

Vedic Hinduism is based on Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharat. This is also not correct. Ramayana and Mahabharat may contain moral and it may also not contain moral, just like some other book.

Hindu religion is based on how the Cosmos behaves, the Cosmos which a Cosmic set. It also narrates as to what is the purpose of life. As for a common mass, Bhagvat Geeta (which does not totally tally with Vedas in philosophy) is ok. But for Brahmins (Brahmin means who has selected the branches of knowledge of ultimate truth and classical sciences) is Vedas, Upanishads and Shastras.
There is nothing like Non-Vedic Hinduism. All are Vedic God who were worshipped in more or less proportion under geographic areas. Fire God is main God who has two forms Rudra and Shiva. But some also thought Fire has three forms, viz. Producer, Sustainer and Destroyer (Bhava, Sharva, Rudra). But every where the Cosmic God has three eyes Sun, Moon and Fire. This is a symbolism. Hindu scripture is full of symbolism. On every topic related with Hinduism a big book can be written.


On Wednesday, 23 September, 2020, 09:03:01 am IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:

All religions have two sides - the superstitious or mythical side and the ethical or moral side. 

It is in the superstitious or the mythical side that one religion differs from another.Thus Vedic Hinduism is based on the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabhaaath etc. Non-vedic Hinduism is based on the myths of Shiv, Subramanian, Ganesh etc. Christianity is based on the Biblical myths which arose in Palestine. Christianity then splintered into about 50000 sects based on the different interpretations of the same Biblical myth. Islam and its denominations are based on the myths propagated by Mohammad in Arabia. The mythical side of religions is based on the myths compiled about 2000-2500 years ago in books such as the bible or the Ramayana and each myth is limited to a particular geographical area in which these myths had their origin. Some of these myths become extinct with time and along with them the religions based on them also become defunct such as the religions of ancient Greece and Egypt. Since these myths are based on ancient stories they remain the same until they become defunct.

Then there is the ethical side of religions consisting of ethical and moral codes such as codes against violence and dishonesty. All religions as well as atheism have common ethical codes in that all human beings are agreed that we have to be peaceful and honest for progress and prosperity. Thesee codes keep changing with the times in tune with the demands made on them. Thus we have modern laws such as traffic laws, cyber laws and thousands of other laws which had no relevance 2000 years ago when our religions took their present shape.

Our myths may promote ethical codes. But most if not all myths describe gods or divine entities promoting unethical codes. Thus in Bible, the Biblical God promotes Genocide in the Book of Numers chapter 31 as well as in the book of Joshua. Similarly, in Vedic Hinduism we see unethical practices such as Brahma the supreme god raping his own daughter, and incarnations of Vishnu engaging in deceit such as Vaman taking undue advantage of Mahabali and Parasuram setting out on a genocidal mission against the Kshatriyas including women and children.

The mythical side of religions propagate the practices of societies 2000 or more years ago which propagated these myths. They have no relevance in modern societies. Instead these myths are the cause of all the religious violence we see in this world.

In contrast all humans agree upon the ethical side of religions such as the necessity to be honest and peaceful in our dealings. You may call these codes dharma or whatever. They have been practiced by our primate ancestors before we even evolved into humans. So the claim that dharma had its origin in Hinduism is a preposterous one. 

In the past ethical codes were often carved into rock tablets such as the Codes of Hammurabi or on stupas such as by Emperor Asoka. These codes remained the same for hundreds of years.. On the other hand our world is changing fast by the day and we have to formulate new laws or amend old ones with each new discovery and change. Consequently the laws formulated by our ancestors 2000 years ago when our world and its customs and perceptions remained much the same for hundreds of years are no more relevant in our fast changing world. This is especially so, since we have the capabilities and institutions such as the parliament and assemblies to make new laws in tune with our fast changing world.

The problem with religions is that they mix up the mythical and ethical sides of their own religions. Subsequently they boast as if only their own religion has an ethical side while all other religions do not have any ethics. If you agree to disagree with the mythical side of other religions and agree to the ethical side of religions then there is no cause for conflict between religions. Unfortunately we are conditioned from childhood that our  religion alone is the true one and all others are diabolic. If we can set aside this prejudice against other religions, there will not be any conflict between religions.

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 11:05, vasudeva rao [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:


          Buddism, Jainism are all religions founded by some people All religions have their  roots in Dharma  and Vedas are the roots of all Dharma,  Dharma has vast meaning but suffice it to say that one which brings prosperity [physical, material etc] in the present life and also  ensures salvation in the next life [ Freedom from the cycles of birth and death and enjoying bliss for a considerable time period]  is described as Dharma. They are called Abhudaya and Nishreyas in Sanskrit,  To ensure that man gets these things it is necessary that he follows noble code of conduct. Dharma in short is the depository of all good and noble.  So in all religions  these items are present in varying degrees. Vedas have been there long before religions were founded,  Buddha, Mahaveer who founded religions after their names have all praised Vedas in good measure.
           Now coming to  Krishna not being aware or present during the dice game. it is our stand that Krishna was like any other human being however having noble qualities in ample measure, He is called  Arya Shiromani, meaning he sits at the top of all noble characteristics of an Arya meaning noble. Yet he is NOT god.  The Geetha that you quote is the attribute of God but not Krishna was not a god at all.  God taking the form of a human form  is opposed to the teachings of Vedas. There is no God incarnation theory in Vedas. These incarnation concepts gained prominence when Christians called Jesus as the son of God and Mohamed being the messenger of God. Hindus have gone further and declared that God takes human form and Krishna being such one,  I belong to Aryasamaj and  Swami Dayanand while quoting Vedas  declared that the theory of God taking human form and shape is anti-Vedic besides being irrational.
                I repeat  Krishan was not aware of the dice game and the incident of  Drupadi subjected to disrobing are  purely subjective in order to boost Krishna as being God
                Mahabharath originally had 10000[ Ten thousand ] Slokas. Later it became 20,000 and now it has around 2 lakhs Slokas. Interpolations are done massively in order to project   Krishna as God. Otherwise  Mahabharath war could have been prevented had Krishna being God himself. In fact   when the efforts of Krishna to stop war failed,  the latter exhorts that he could do what was humanly possible and  things are left to God later,  This disappointment to stop war shows that  Krishna was a human being although being best, 
              In the subsequent period,  Puranas which are purely fictional gained credence, And  Puranas being anti Vedic and imaginary in character  have gained popularity and people have lost the capacity to  judge what is correct and truly historical and what is imaginary and fictional
On Thursday, 17 September, 2020, 10:54:39 am IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:


Anyone can boast ad nauseam as long as evidence is not provided. You say "... It will be seen that all religions, past and present, incl "Patriarchal Abrahmic Monotheism"etc , have their roots in Sanatan Dharma" What evidence do you have to substantiate this claim?
 According to available knowledge, writing originated in Sumer and that the first codes or Dharma were written by Hammurabi on stone tablets long before the Vedas or other Hindu books were written. I know you will refute it. But refuting without evidence is not admissible. What is more you have not defined Dharma though I have asked for it dozens of times. In addition, there are many dharmas such as Buddhist dharma, Jain Dharma etc which vary from or at odds with each other. What do you have to say about that?
You also boast that Krishna was not present when the gambling took place. In the Geetha Krishna boasts that he knows the past, present and future equally well. If so, why did he have to be present at the table to know that they were gambling and to prevent the gambling. The MB goes on to say that Krishna prevented Panchali from being stripped right after the gambling.. Obviously he was present at the gambling also. 
Also, if Krishna could work a miracle to prevent Panchai from being stripped, he could have worked other miracles to ensure that neither side won in the gambling. All myths are full of cock and bull stories and I do not see why educated people like you swallow them without questioning. If you can believe in your myths, you can as well believe in Harry Potter stories.

On Wed, 16 Sep 2020 at 20:22, vasudeva rao [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:


Vedas forbid gambling. It exhorts men not to play the game of dice and instead resort to work and earn a livelihood by a right means.  But then  Pandavas and Kauravas never cared the Vedic dictum and played the game of dice to invite disaster. It is not Vedas that to be blamed but men who wantonly flout the dictates of Vedas { Rigveda10.34.13 ]
     Krishna, was not present during the game. When Pandavas were wandering in the forests Krishna visits them and tells that since he was preoccupied he could not prevent the games from being played.  He also  says that he would have intervened and prevented the game from being played  and would have attended even uninvited,
        So,  don't blame Vedas  for the stupidity of somebody,

On Sunday, 13 September, 2020, 06:51:41 pm IST, Xavier William [aryayouthgroup] <> wrote:


"CAN WE RETURN TO THIS SYSTEM (Dharma)  TO BRING BACK DISCIPLINE AND CIVILIZATION VALUES TO THE WORLD" If and when we return to your system we will have men gambling of their homes and wives as the Kauravas did and then we will have the biggest war ever known to man in which out of millions of soldiers only eighteen came back alive.

On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 14:09, Deva Sarran Samaroo [TheBecoming] <> wrote:



Our Gods were recognized by the names of their wife's.

Sita var - Lord Rama,

Uma Pati - Lord Shiva,

 Lakshmi Pati - Vishnu,

Saraswati Pati- Lord Brahma

In historic and macro context the clash is just one:

Patriarchal Abrahmic Monotheism vs. Matriarchal and polytheistic Sanathana

Hindus are worshipers of the Hiranya Garbha, the WOMB, the UTERUS, the AADI SHAKTI, the "MOTHER" of this UNIVERSE:






"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymous

A man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!

The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover


"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymous

A man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!

The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover


"All new ideas good or bad, great or small start with a one-man minority" - anonymous

A man without god is a man. A God without man is nothing!!

The greatest knowledge is the knowledge that there is so much more to know and the greatest discovery is the discovery that there is so much more to discover


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[] : How to Keep Your Bones Strong


     Disclaimer : This is General Health Advice.Consult Family doctor

     Disclaimer : This is General Health Advice.Consult Family doctor

How to Keep Your Bones Strong
The base on which our whole body is built is the skeleton, from which we get our stability, our ability to move and function. Our bones are also a factory for manufacturing red and white blood cells. It's extremely important to keep bones strong and healthy, especially in more advanced ages, when calcium seems to drain away.

A little about bone depletion:
Bone depletion, or osteoporosis, is a disease that occurs as a result of dwindling bone mass and a decrease in the levels of calcium. Along our whole life, our bones are in a continuous process of construction and destruction. However, at a young age, there is more construction than destruction. Things even out as we grow older until, in our fourth decade, destruction finally overtakes construction. As a result, our bone density drops and our bones become more prone to fractures. When this process happens in an extreme way, it is known as bone depletion. It's important to note that losing calcium also makes the bones more sensitive, even if it happens slowly. At an older age, when our balance is not what it used to be, the danger only gets worse. 

Becuase women start with a bone density that is already about 30% less than men's, and because they produce less estrogen as they grow older, they must face a bigger risk when it comes to bone depletion.

What is the recommended calcium amount?

The process of bone depletion in the body is a natural one and cannot be prevented. But it can be minimized in volume and influence, by maintaining our bones and building bone mass through correct nutrition.  

The daily calcium amount recommended for the general population is 1000 mg a day. For adults it is 1200-1500 mg a day. In addition, vitamin D is also important, as it helps the calcium absorb in the body. So if you want to keep your bones strong, you should also consume vitamin D rich foods. You can get it from the sun or from food, but it's important to have.

10 Tips to Keep Our Bones Strong

1. Consume milk products - Every child knows that milk is rich in calcium and is essential for strengthening bones. This goes for all milk products, including cheese, yogurt and alike. If you don't like cow's milk, try soy milk enriched with calcium.

2. Add nuts to your diet - Although milk has the highest ratio of calcium to volume, it is not the only source. Some nuts and seeds have handsome amounts of calcium. A 30 gram course of almonds contains 75mg of calcium, 30 grams of sesame seeds contains 37mg of calcium and sunflower seeds have 33mg of calcium.

3. Eat dark green vegetables - Broccoli, Chinese cabbage, arugula, parsley, lettuce and others are excellent sources of calcium, and contain many additional health advantages. This will help you to also diversify your sources of calcium, which is important to maintain your health.

4. Take the right Vitamin A - Vitamin A appears in two forms. The first is retinol, which appears in animal products, such as the liver. The second is beta carotene and it is the way the vitamin comes from plants, especially orange vegetables like carrot, squash or sweet potato. Studies have found that consuming too much of retinol vitamin A raises the risk of bone fraction, while vitamin A in its plant form, Beta Carotene, does not damage the bones.

5. Strengthen your bones with Vitamin K - This vitamin helps activate 3 essential proteins that are crucial for bone health. As in the case of calcium that comes from green vegetables, vitamin K also comes from the same sources. Two daily helpings of green vegetables a day give the body as much as it needs.

6. Physical activity strengthens the bones - Sorry, you knew this was coming and its of very little surprise. When we carry out a physical activity, we create pressure on our skeleton. While it is bad to overdo it, a moderate pressure is actually very health, as it sends the body signals to create more bone cells, increase the density and make it stronger. Operate the body with moderation, and don't go to far with it.

7. Eat fish - 100 grams of sardines contain an amazing amount of over 400mg of calcium! It's recommended to consume the fresh fish of course and not the canned variety. The little bones are also edible and contain a lot of calcium. Sardines, like the salmon, are also a great source of vitamin D.


8. Reduce your consumption of carbonated drinks and treats - The acid that exists in some of the popular carbonated drinks  raises the amount of acid in the blood. To compensate, the body uses the body's minerals, including calcium. If the calcium is not readily available in the blood, the body will take it from the bones and this will hard the density and strength of the bone. There is no problem drinking them once in a while, but if they are a daily habit then you can do a lot of damage to your bones over time.

9. Avoidance measures - Like a lot of other health problems, we return to smoking. Studies have shown that smoking harms bone density, as well as over consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

10. Resource allocation - We must carry out our calcium consumption in a smart way. Our body absorbs calcium best when it is no more than 500mg at one time. So, if you are planning on consuming a large amount of calcium rich foods or drinks, try to perhaps divide the meal or eat again later, to make sure the body is able to absorb all you are giving it.


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