--- On Sun, 9/30/12, mini sekhar <miniamma@gmail.com> wrote:
From: mini sekhar <miniamma@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Harthaal
To: "Keralites" <Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Date: Sunday, September 30, 2012, 6:06 PMdear friends,
when will our state improve? we must stand unitedly against such evils of society. it is not enough to voice our concern on net alone .
how many read such mails ?
have more such forums like anna hazare did / a crusader against corruption....iam sure lot of people will support thats the only way to save this so called gods own land
regards mini
On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Saraschandra Bose <bosekolleril@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Friends,
Like bhand, hartal also is to be banned for assuring a peaceful life of the common public. Hartal is a terrorist activity, because it is force on the unorganised public by creating a terrifiing atmosphere deploying goondas by the parties declaring the hartal. It would be worth remembering that all of us including political parties were in full agreement with the idea of banning bhand. The ban essentially has to be extented on to the present day hartal, which obviously has all the evils and anti social elements of a bhand.Onrganisations and political parties have every right to protest; but that should not be an illegal intrusion into the privacy or rights of a citizens assured by the constitution. Unless the word 'hartal' is removed from the modes of protest, the general public will continue to suffer from the evils of hartal. Let us resort to other peaseful means of protest to make our social life a safe and peaseful experience in our country.
With love and regardsBose--- On Fri, 9/28/12, M. Nandakumar <nandm_kumar@yahoo.com> wrote:From: M. Nandakumar <nandm_kumar@yahoo.com>
Subject: [www.keralites.net] Harthaal
To: "Keralites" <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, September 28, 2012, 2:20 PM
ÙVJÞW È¿JáKÕæø Ø¢¸¿ßÄÎÞÏß èµµÞøc¢ æºç‡I ¥ÕØí@:æ¼.Ìß.çµÞÖßÉJÈ¢ÄßGD ÙVJÞW È¿JáKÕæø Ø¢¸¿ßÄÎÞÏß èµµÞøc¢ æºç‡I ØíÅßÄßÏÞæÃKá ÎÈá×cÞÕµÞÖ µNß×X ¥ÇcfX ¼ØíxßØí æ¼.Ìß.çµÞÖß. ÙVJÞÜßæa çÉøßW µÞGßAâGáK çµÞdÉÞÏBZ ÎÈá×cÞÕµÞÖ Ü¢¸ÈÎÞÃí. ÙVJÞÜáµÞæø ¼ÈBZ èµµÞøc¢ 溇áK ØíÅßÄßÏßçÜAÞÃá µÞøcBZ ÈàBáKÄí. ºßÜV Ø¢¸¿ßÄÎÞÏß ÎÈá×cÞÕµÞÖ Ü¢¸È¢ È¿JáµÏÞæÃKᢠ¥çgÙ¢ ÉùEá.
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