Monday, 18 March 2019

[] Unusual Uses Of Coffe


More ways to justify your addiction to caffeine.
Can you imagine life without coffee? We'd all stumble around like drones for hours every morning, lost without our precious fix. We love coffee for its flavor, its aroma and of course its pick-me-up, but there are at least 20 more compelling reasons to stay stocked up. These tips will give you surprising and unusual uses for fresh coffee beans or grounds that have gone stale, the pounds of used grounds you toss out every week and the dregs at the bottom of your cup.
Kill fridge odor
Wouldn't you rather smell coffee than two-week-old leftovers, half-rotten produce and spoiled milk? If your fridge is a nightmare of foul odors, place a bowl of fresh, unused coffee grounds inside and leave it for a day or two. The coffee will absorb the odors and you'll crave a cup whenever you open the door. This odor-killing trick works for practically anything else as well – just place the item in a sealed plastic bag along with an open can of coffee grounds and bye-bye stank.
Reduce cellulite
Pricey cellulite creams almost always have one major ingredient in common: caffeine, which supposedly enhances fat metabolism, reducing the appearance of these fatty pockets under the skin. To make your own coffee cellulite treatment at home, mix warm used coffee grounds with coconut oil and rub it onto your skin in circular motions for a few minutes before rinsing.
Erase smells on your hands
Garlic, salmon, cilantro – there are some things that smell delicious when cooking, but aren't so pleasant hours later when they linger on your hands. Get rid of them by rubbing a handful of used coffee grounds on your hands and rinsing with warm water.
Make rich compost
There's a reason so many gardeners swear by adding used coffee grounds to compost. The grounds are rich in phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and copper, they release nitrogen into the soil as they degrade and they're a little bit acidic, which is great for certain soils. If you compost on a large scale, you can get used grounds for free at your local coffee hot spot or mom-and-pop cafe.
Get shiny hair
Who doesn't want shiny, healthy-looking hair? Coffee is often recommended as a simple, natural treatment to make hair extra-glossy. Brew up an extra-strong pot, let it cool and apply it to your dry, clean hair. Leave it on for at least twenty minutes, then rinse. Keep it up once a week or so for best results.
Natural dye
The natural pigments in coffee make it a great natural dye for fabric, paper, Easter eggs – even your hair. Brush paper with strong brew and let it dry, or soak fabric items in hot coffee. The results won't be color-fast, and may bleed out onto other items, so it's best to use this on items that won't be washed very often if at all. Using coffee as a hair shine treatment, as previously mentioned, may temporarily lend a rich, dark tint to your hair.
Reduce fireplace mess
Want to clean your fireplace without causing a dust storm? Wait until the embers are cool, sprinkle damp coffee grounds all over the ashes , let them sit for about 15 minutes and then scoop out the whole mess into a metal ash can. The coffee grounds cling to the ashes, so they don't spew dust nearly as much as they would otherwise.
Pin cushion filler
Dried, used coffee grounds are the perfect filler for homemade pin cushions. Just wrap them in some scrap cloth, tie it off with a rubber band and place the cloth in an egg cup or other small container. The grounds will keep your pins from rusting, too.
Exfoliate skin
The same properties that reportedly enable coffee to reduce the appearance of cellulite can smooth and tighten your skin, and the texture of ground coffee will buff away dead skin cells, too. Make your own coffee-based scrub by combining a tablespoon of coffee grounds with half a tablespoon of olive oil and, optionally, a drop of your favorite essential oil.
Repel ants
Sprinkle dry, used coffee grounds in problem areas where you notice ants in your home or yard and they might just pick up and leave. To tackle huge ant mounds, pour an entire pot of brewed coffee right on the mound.
Fertilize plants
Acid-loving plants will thank you for sprinkling your used coffee grounds around their roots. Azaleas, blueberry shrubs and rhododendrons are just a few of the plants that flourish when treated with coffee thanks to all those nutrients. You can also dilute the leftover coffee in your mug and pour it right into your potted plants (as long as you don't use cream and sugar, of course!)
Keep cats out of your garden
To you, that little garden in your yard is a beautiful source of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, but to seemingly every cat in a five-mile radius, it's a giant, irresistible litter box. Just use the trick mentioned above, sprinkling used coffee grounds on the soil, and cats will want nothing to do with it.
Scrub all kinds of surfaces
Mildly abrasive and acidic, coffee grounds are great for scrubbing surfaces like countertops, cooking ranges and refrigerators. Use them alone or mix them with a little dish soap.
Auto air freshener
Next time you accidentally spill coffee grounds on the floor, don't just sweep them up and toss them in the trash. You can use them to make an all-natural DIY air freshener like this one at Instructables. Try to use an old ripped pair of pantyhose and spare string to make this an even more eco-friendly project.
Grow mushrooms
Used coffee grounds are an ideal medium to grow many kinds of mushrooms, including oyster mushrooms. You can actually purchase mushroom-growing kits from a company called Back to the Roots which includes reclaimed coffee grounds, mushroom roots and a mini spray bottle. The kit can produce up to 1.5 pounds of oyster mushrooms within 10 days.
Repel fleas
Rub used, damp coffee grounds through your pet's fur after bathing to repel fleas without questionable, likely-toxic chemical treatments. If nothing else, it will at least improve that post-bath wet-dog smell that gets all over your furniture.
Pretty vase fillers
Stale or dirty coffee beans are still a thing of beauty. Use them as vase fillers, or in cups or jars full of pens and pencils. Not only are they pretty, they continue to smell good for quite a while, too.
Start vermicomposting
Red wriggler worms, the sort used in vermicomposting systems, love coffee almost as much as we do. It's not really clear why, but if you want a thriving community of worms to devour all of your kitchen waste (and those nasty little things really are amazingly efficient), be sure to add used coffee grounds to their bedding on a regular basis.
Secret recipe ingredient
Just a little hint of coffee can be the ingredient that becomes your undisclosed "magic touch" in foods like chili, ice cream and chocolate cake. Use a little bit as a marinade for steaks and not only will it make them unbelievably tender, it'll also provide a hint of deep, smoky flavor.
Touch up furniture scratches
Scratches on wood furniture disappear almost instantly by simply rubbing in a little bit of instant coffee dampened into a paste with hot water. Repeat if necessary until the scratch matches the surrounding wood.
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[] Reason why You can't Lose Weight


 The Number One Reason Why You Can't Lose Weight
Everything we do stems from our belief systems. Your self-image is responsible for all that you do. Take a step back and think about how you feel about yourself and then take note of how you live. Can you see how your deepest thoughts and feelings are reflective in your life experiences?
If you see yourself as"fat" then your body will manifest that which you believe, resulting in wanting to eat more and exercise less. It's your perception of yourself that keeps you where you are. If you struggled with your weight last year you probably are this year too, because your self-image is that of being overweight.
Everything in your life is an expression of how you see yourself within your mind's eye, including your body. Your self-image reflects back in all that you do: the actions you take, the choices you make, and even how you dress.
False Beliefs Create a False Self-Image
Many of us have false beliefs about ourselves that create a false self-image. These limiting beliefs stem from the environment we were raised in or by circumstances and events throughout our lives, such as a difficult divorce..
When you see yourself a certain way, no matter how much you want to change, your self-belief will keep you where you are—unless you change your perception of you.
Can you see how your world mirrors your beliefs? Your life and body as it is right now was created by your self-beliefs and pattern of thought.
Your mind is your most powerful tool of creation—what you think about most you bring about—including your body shape and size.
For instance, when you think about your weight, do you tell yourself "I need to lose weight; I'm too fat"? If so, then your self-image is that of being "fat." Your body then takesaction to become what you believe.
If you think "I haveto lose weight" and try all the latest fad diets, any weight you lose will come back because your body is always a perfect expression of your self-image, which is being overweight.
Change Your Pattern of Thought
To change your body you must first change your self-image from that of being overweight to being the ideal body weight you desire to be. Rather than focus on needing to lose weight, focus on being "lighter, thinner, and fit." The subconscious mind doesn't like deprivation so rather than focusing on "lose" focus on "thin." Your body will then begin to let go of fat easier. You will start to crave healthier foods and exercise as a way to manifest what you are thinking about most—being healthier and weighing less. 
To shift yourself-image, begin by changing your inner dialogue and patterns of thought. You deserve to have the body of your dreams. Claim your heath today, starting by thinking kindly of yourself. Express love to yourself when you look in a mirror. Stop putting yourself down when you make a mistake. Changing your pattern of thought will shift your mindset from having doubtful, unloving thoughts to having empowering, "I can do this!" thoughts that will enable you to accomplish your goals and dreams.
Begin today to take focused action in the direction of your goals. Love everythingabout yourself. See yourself healthier, thinner, and happier as if you have already accomplished your desired weight-reduction goals.The more you think lovingly of yourself the more you will believe that you really can achieve your ideal bodyweight and the happiness you want.
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[] Health Benefits Of Consuming Dates


1) Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. 
Dates are rich in vitamins and minerals.
2) They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber and rich in 
vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 along with vitamin A1 and C.
3) It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble 
and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids.
4) Dates are great energy boosters as they contain natural sugars 
like glucose, sucrose and fructose. To get more advantage add 
dates to milk and make it a very nutritious snack.
5) Dates are very low in calories and are extremely suitable for 
health conscious people.
6) Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate 
a healthy nervous system. Researchers have revealed the fact that 
potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke.
7) Dates also help in lowering of the LDL cholesterol.
8) Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. 
The patients can eat many dates for better advantages.
9) Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.
10) It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and 
take it along with water to have added advantage.
11) Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from 
over slimming problem.
12) Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication. Cures abdominal cancer.
13) It also helps in improving eye sight and helps in curing night blindness 
as well.
"The best thing is that it does not have any side effect on the body and 
is completely natural as well as it works better than medicine."
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Whatsapp Group+91 98450 81888

Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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