Vitamin A Vitamin A, or the carrot vitamin, is traditionally noted for its abilities to improve and sharpen vision and for its cancer fighting abilities. Yet recent studies show that vitamin A cannot successfully combat cancer and may in fact have dangerous side effects likenausea, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite and dizziness, among others. Research at the National Institutes of Health in the United States actually found that smokers who consumer vitamin A in pill form dramatically increased their chances of contracting lung cancer. So, instead of popping a pill, we recommend eating crisp and crunchy carrots whenever you can! Multivitamins The "one-a-day" vitamin was introduced in America about 60 years ago as a way to make up for vitamins and nutrients that were missing from an average person's diet. They usually contain about 10 vitamins and 10 minerals, besides calcium, and claim to do amazing things like build up your immune system, prevent chronic diseases, and act as a supplement for those that don't eat a full serving of fruits and vegetables each day. However, there are many hidden additives, like titanium dioxide and magnesium stearate, in these multivitamins that could actually darken your bill of health.  In a 1986 study on 38,772 Japanese women, scientist Jaakko Mursu found that the risk of death actually increased with the long-term use of multivitamins. Laboratory tests found that multivitamins contain more artificial ingredients and coloring than they do actual vitamins, as well as sugars and other dangerous preservatives. But besides the fact that the pills have been proven to be unhealthy, they are ridiculously expensive! Some of the cheaper brands cost up to 30 dollars, and many others up to 200 dollars. Vitamin C This is the most popular vitamin supplement because it is believed to give our immune systems an instant push. However, this is a myth that needs busting. In 1970, Linus Pauling concluded in a famous study that huge doses of vitamin C could prevent the common cold. This assertion has been proven false over the years, even in cases when individuals consume 2000 milligrams a day. The only thing that vitamin C can really prevent against is scurvy, once a common disease among seamen that were cut off from fresh fruits and vegetables. So unless on navigating the seas for a month, you really don't need that daily vitamin C supplement. Vitamin E Vitamin E is another infamous anti-cancer agent that has become increasingly popular. In a recent study on 35,533 men, it was found that taking vitamin E actually increased the occurrence of prostate cancer. Also, in a review of John Hopkins University it was shown that in general the risk of death is higher in individuals who too vitamin E. With studies like these, it is best to toss any vitamin E supplements into the trash. Avocadoes, sweet potatoes, and more are all delicious, natural sources of vitamin E. Vitamin Bs We are always hearing about supplements for meat andfish for those that don't get enough of them in their daily diet. But these vitamins are some of the most dangerous out there because, in their artificial forms, they can cause the most serious and long-term damage to our health. In a report by the National Institutes of Health it was found that you cannot get too much vitamin B6 from food, but when it is consumed in supplement form for a year or longer, it can cause serious nerve damage and possibly even cause individuals to lose control of their bodily movement! That said, make a point of eating fish or meat at least 3-4 times per week and you will be better off without a B6 supplement. |