Monday, 18 May 2020



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12 Kinds of Food That Could Harm Your Dog.

If your dog is anything like mine, then whenever you sit down to eat he will be right there, begging for any leftovers. It's very important to know what you can and can't feed them to keep them healthy and happy.. Many kinds of human food, even those that are good for us, are bad for your dog.
The following are 12 foods that your dog should most definitely avoid. Keep in mind that not all dogs are the same, the size and breed of the dog can determine how it will react to the food. That being said, even if your dog has eaten something from this list before and was fine after, it's better not to feed it to them again to be safe.
Avocado contain a toxin called persin that can have toxic effects on dogs, depending on the breed. A dog that ate an avocado might develop various problems such as an upset stomach, breathing difficulties and fluid buildup in the chest. The pit of the avocado is especially dangerous, it's often slippery and can be accidentally swallowed whole by the dog.
bad dog food
Yes bacon is meat, yes bacon is delicious, and no you should not give it to your dog. Bacon, and other fatty foods, can lead to pancreatitis in dogs, and you don't want that. It's a disease that causes a series of problems with digestion and nutrient absorption.
bad dog food
Yeast dough:
If bread makes us a bit fat and puffy then you know it's even worse for your dog. Raw yeast dough from making bread can ferment in a dog's stomach and after some time, it will become toxic. In addition, yeast dough can also expand in your dog's stomach or intestines and create a large amount of gas in the digestive system. This will be very painful for your dog and might even lead to a ruptured stomach.
bad dog food
While all dogs drink milk as puppies, the milk we buy and drink is very different. Also, much like humans, some dogs can suffer from lactose intolerance. The consumption of milk could lead to vomiting and diarrhea, while it's not life-threatening, it can contribute to serious bacterial exposure and is unpleasant for both you and the dog.
bad dog food
Chocolate is well known for being bad for dogs; it contains caffeine and theobromine which are dangerous for many animals, including dogs. If eaten by a dog, chocolate can cause vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pains, severe agitation and in extreme cases, death.
bad dog food
While onions are not too friendly to humans, they can do a lot more than just give your dog watery eyes. They contain compounds that can be harmful to dogs and might damage their red blood cells. If a dog eats enough onions, a blood transfusion might be necessary to give him some healthy blood back.
bad dog food
Grapes and raisins are extremely toxic to dogs and the results of consumption can be devastating. The biggest risk is rapid kidney failure after eating, vomiting or diarrhea.. Death from kidney failure may occur within three to four days, so don't take any risks if you love your dog.
bad dog food
Don't share coffee with your dog, just don't. They have such a relaxed life and so much natural energy they really don't need it. Coffee contains a stimulant known as Methylated Xanthine that stimulates the nervous system in dogs. This can make the dog restless in a bad way, and may lead to vomiting, heart palpitations or even death.
Apple core:
An uneaten apple core thrown on the ground or in the trash can be a real danger to your dog. The apple core, and many other fruit cores, contain cyanogenic glycosides, also known as cyanide. It may cause dizziness, struggling to breathe, seizures, collapsing, hyperventilation and shock.
bad dog food
Macadamia Nuts:
Macadamia Nuts are a part of a recent discovery of foods that are great for us but bad for our dogs. The specific chemicals are still unknown, but they cause a toxic reaction to dogs if ingested. Look out for symptoms such as weakness and an inability to walk, vomiting, depression and tremors.
bad dog food
Just like milk, cheese has sugars and fatty components that dogs don't have the necessary enzymes to break down. Symptoms like gas, diarrhea and vomiting are all possible if a dog eats too much cheese.
bad dog food
When it comes to garlic, consider your dog a vampire and keep it away from him. Garlic is much like an onion for a dog, only much more dangerous. A few days after eating some garlic, the dog will seem to be tired and reluctant to move. Another good way to detect this is if the dog's urine will be orange to dark red in color. Like eating onions, a blood transfusion might be required in severe cases.
bad dog food


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9 Ways You Can Stop a Migraine Before It Starts

Migraines are often underestimated by many. 'It's just a headache' some would say. Well, they probably never experienced a full blown migraine attack before, one that is not only terribly painful, but can also lead to nausea, hallucinations and other debilitating symptoms.
Migraines are serious business and these days they are more common than ever. The best way to handle a migraine? Avoid it to begin with. Here are nine ways in which you can stave off that migraine before it even starts!
1. Sensory over-stimulation can lead to debilitating migrains.
Loud sounds, flashing lights and other overpowering sensory information can be triggers for an attack. Sometimes it's hard to avoid such places - you want to go to the beach, you have to keep your eyes open while driving under the flashing street lights - these are causes of migrains.

The answer is not to avoid completely but to reduce the exposure time. Don't sit and stare at the TV or the computer screen for too long without taking a break and resting your eyes and mind. Make sure the brightness level on those is dimmed, as well. Sometimes, it's important to stop and look around you, are you flooded in sounds and lights? Often we don't notice this is the case.

wine2. Pay attention to what you choose to eat and drink
Food can have a heavy impact on the likelihood of getting a migraine. Foods to watch out for are chocolate, red wine, processed meat, sweetener, cheese and dark colored alcohol. If you are prone to migraines, be careful when eathing or drinking alcohol or caffeine, which are common triggers. Limit the amount.

3. Whenever you get a migraine, record it.
Recording and being able to track what times of day, duration, condition you were in and other factors that surrounded your migraine might be the best way to avoid repeating those circumstances again, and perhaps build a pattern that says: "This is what I must not do if I want to avoid migraines.'


4. Women: Watch out for hormonal changes
This one is for the ladies, who probably already know that their hormones can play a large factor in whether or not they will suffer migraines. It's no secret that women tend to get more headaches during menstrual cycles. During that time, it would be advisable to be careful about what you eat and how much you exercise. Rest, liquid and avoidance of triggers will reduce the risk substantially. Some women find relief when switching to another birth control method.

5. Take some supplements
To stave off migraines, medicine is not always enough. It's crucial to also watch your nutrients. If you are lacking in some important nutrients, it is advisable, as many are already doing, to take supplements and make up for the shortage. Taking a daily supplement may reduce attackeds.

cold6. Be aware of the weather
It may be hard to believe, but a change in weather can definitely affect your chances of having a migraine. Humidity and heat are some of the most well known triggers of migraines, so it is important to dress accordingly and be aware of what you'll have to deal with when stepping outside. Cold wind in your unprotected face and your ears can also cause a migraine attack, so if there's cold wind outside, you better protect these areas.

7. Try to keep a regular sleep and meal schedule
Adhering to a fixed schedule and avoiding times of great hunger can help reduce your migraines. If you skip meals and let your hunger last, you may cause yourself a migraine. This is especially true if you don't drink enough. Dehydration is one of the biggest migraine triggers there are.

8. Avoid Stress
Stress can affect every part of our health, and this goes double for migraines. It's hard to control how we react to stressful situations as they occur, but every day stress can have a terrible effect on your health, and your migraines especially. Try to meditate and relax as much as you can each day, you'll see how you feel better all over.


9. You knew it was coming - Exercise, but in the right way.
I'm sure you knew this advice was coming, but what can I do? Exercise will always be a staple of healthy living. However, spending too much energy and power in the gym can also cause you headaches, especially when lifting heavy weights. Take some anti-inflammation pills before such an intense workout can help reduce the risk. Try not to put too much stress on the body, and do lighter exercise.


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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray

 Gulkand (Rose Petals Jam) And The Health Benefits Of Gulkand
Homemade Gulkand

About Gulkand (Rose Petals Jam)

"Gul" means rose and "kand" means sweet.
Thus, Gulkand is a sweet preserve made of rose petalsIt can be called Rose Petals Jam as well. Gulkand is native to India and Pakistan. It is an Ayurvedic tonic and a delicious and healthy food that can easily be prepared at home.
Gulkand is one of the ingredients used in Paan - the traditional Indian mouth freshener and digestive. It is a fact that, like wine, it becomes better as it ages.
Traditionally, gulkand is made from the rose petals of the desi or the wild rose plant. However, due the predominance of the hybrid rose varieties, it is diificult to find the desi variety everywhere. Not to worry, it can be made from the hybrid variety of roses too. But the traditional one is the best.
The flowers of the wild roses are red or pink and neither as big nor as showy as the hybrids though they exude a unique smell which is deep and sweet.

Rose petals being separated for making gulkand


Method To Make Gulkand At Home

Making gulkand at home is not difficult at all. Just ensure the roses are pesticide free or organic. If you cannot get the desi variety of roses you can use the hybrid roses. Use only dark red or pink roses for their petals. Also, ensure the petals are fresh and tender.
  • 1 part Rose Petals, washed and dried overnight.
  • 1 part Granular sugar or candy sugar.
  • 1 sterilized and dry wide mouthed glass jar with lid.
  • Put a layer of petals about an inch thick and top it with equal quantity (by weight) of granulated sugar.
  • Keep adding a layer each of rose petals and sugar, till the jar is full.
  • Close the lid tight and keep the jar in full sun. In the evening keep the jar inside.
  • Every morning keep the jar in full sun the whole day and take it inside in the evening. Shake the jar well once a day.
  • Carry on this process for a week to two weeks till the entire mixture has become one mass with a corresponding darkening of color.
  • Since the rose petals disintegrate due to heat, the amount of time in which gulkand gets ready will depend on the how strong the sunlight is.
  • In colder areas with weak sunlight, pounding the rose leaves before putting them in the jar will help disintegrate the petals faster and complete the process sooner.
Note - Optional Additions
  1. "Vark" or thin edible silver leaves found at Indian grocers.
  2. Praval pishti - processed coral, which is a heart and brain tonic.
  3. Cardamom powder - good for urinary, respiratory and stomach problems.
  4. Godanti Bhasma - a natural form of calcium
Added to increase the benefits of Gulkand.

Health Benefits Of Gulkand

  1. Gulkand is cooling so is beneficial in alleviating all heat related problems like tiredness, lethargy, itching, aches and pains, reduces burning sensations in the soles and palms.
  2. It treats mouth ulcers, makes teeth and gums strong and also reduces redness and inflammation of the eyes.
  3. It reduces women's problems like leucorrhea and heavy menses.
  4. It improves appetite, betters digestion, corrects digestive issues.
  5. It is an excellent tonic, reduces stress, strengthens the heart, liver and central nervous system.
  6. Gulkand reduces acidity and reduces heat in the stomach, treats ulcers and swelling in the intestine.
  7. It corrects skin issues like pimples, blemishes etc.
  8. It corrects sperm defects in males like less or weak sperms.
  9. It protects from sunstroke, controls nose bleed in summer. Eat 2 tsp gulkand before going out in the sun.
  10. It is a mild laxative and strengthens the 7 dhatus (fundamental elements or tissues, namely, plasma, blood, muscles, fat, semen, bone and bone marrow) of the body.
Normal dose of gulkand is 1 tsp 2 times a day, morning and evening.
Gulkand can be taken on its own or added to milk, lassi or juices. It can also be added to rose tea.
However, since it contains sugar, those with diabetes should consult their doctor before consuming it.


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