Friday, 15 March 2019

[] Saptapadi


Saptapadi (Seven Steps) in Hindu Wedding significance.
Saptapadi is a Ritual taken from Rig Veda which is followed in gruhya sutras mainly in majority. But there are some variations too.
Vows (pratidnya) of the bride
The bride takes the following consecutive seven vows, one at each step.
· 1. त्‍वत्तो मेऽखिलसौभाग्‍यं पुण्‍यैस्‍त्‍वं विविधै: कृतै: । देव ! संपादितो मह्यं वधूराद्ये पदेऽब्रवीत्‌ 
।।Meaning: O Lord! I have had the good fortune of acquiring you due to the various types of merits acquired by me in various births.
· 2. कुटुंबं पालयिष्‍यामि ह्यावृद्धबालकादिकम्‌ । यथालब्‍धेन संतुष्‍ठा व्रते कन्‍या व्दितीयके 
।।Meaning: I will look after your entire family, from the infant to the aged and will be happy with whatever I get for my sustenance.
· 3. मिष्‍ठान्नव्‍यंजनादिनी काले संपादये तव । आज्ञासंपादिनी नित्‍यं तृतीये साऽब्रवीव्दरम्‌ 
।।Meaning: I will always abide by your directives and will regularly cook delicious food, vegetables, etc.
· 4. शुचि: शृंगारभूषाऽहं वाङ्‌मन: कायकर्मभि: । क्रीडि ष्‍यामि त्‍वया सार्धं तुरीये सा वदेव्दरम्‌ 
।।Meaning: I will embellish myself with clean attire and will indulge in sexual play with you through acts with the mind, speech and body.
· 5. दु:खे धीरा सुखे हृष्‍टा सुखदु:खविभागिनी । नाहं परतरं यामि पंचमे साऽब्रवीव्दरम्‌ 
।।Meaning: I who face sorrow bravely and remain pleased in happiness will share both your happiness and sorrow and will never indulge in adultery.
· 6. सुखेन सर्वकर्माणि करिष्‍यामि गृहे तव । सेवा श्वसुरयोश्चामि बन्‍धूनां सत्‍कृतिं तथा ।। यत्र त्‍वं वा अहं तत्र नाहं वञ्‍चे प्रियं क्‍वचित्‌ । नाहं प्रियेण वञ्‍चा हि कन्‍या षष्‍ठे पदेऽब्रवीत्‌ 
।।Meaning: I will happily perform all your household chores. I will also serve my in-laws and will respect other relatives. I will stay wherever you stay. I will never deceive my beloved (master) and will never get deceived by him.
· 7. होमयज्ञादिकार्येषु भवामि च सहाय्‍यकृत्‌ । धर्मार्थकामकार्येषु मनोवृत्तानुसारिणी ।। सर्वेऽत्र साक्षिणस्‍त्‍वं मे पतिर्भूतोऽसि सांप्रतम्‌ । देहो मयार्पितस्‍तुभ्‍यं सप्‍तमे साऽब्रवीव्दरम्‌ 
।।Meaning: O master! I will assist you in the rituals of sacrificial fires (hom-yadnya), etc. and will obey you with regard to Righteousness (Dharma), wealth (artha) and desire (kama). Here, in the presence of the deity of fire (Agnidev), the Brahmans, my parents and relatives you have become my master and I have offered my body unto you.
Vows (pratidnya) of the groom
The meaning of the mantra to be chanted by the groom with each step is as follows
o 1. 'इष एकपदी भव-सामामनुव्रताभव-पुत्रान्‍विदावहैबहूंस्‍तेसंतुजरदष्‍टय: 
।।Meaning: O bride, you have walked one step with me, so we have become friends; hence you be my provider of food. Help me to fulfill my vowed religious observances (vrats). May we have many sons and may they have a long life.
o 2. उर्जेव्‍दिपदीभव-सामामनु० 
।। (The rest should be chanted like the mantra at number 1 and the same should be repeated when each mantrais chanted.)Meaning: O bride, you have walked two steps with me; hence may you become one who will give me strength.
o 3. रायस्‍पोषायत्रिपदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: O bride, since you have walked three steps with me, may you become one who will increase my wealth.
o 4. मायोभव्‍यायचतुष्‍पदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: Since you have walked four steps with me may you increase my happiness.
o 5. प्रजाभ्‍य: पंच‍पदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: Since you have walked five steps with me, may you give birth to children.
o 6. ऋतुभ्‍य:षट्‌ पदी भव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning: Since you have walked six steps with me may you give me pleasure in all seasons.
o 7. सखासप्‍तपदीभव० ।। (Rest as No.1.)
Meaning:You have walked seven steps with me, hence our friendship (relationship) has become strong.
From Groom to Bride :
ॐ एकमिशे विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव। 
- Be my Home's Annapurna.
ॐ द्वे उर्जे विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव। 
- Make all family members powerful.
ॐ त्रीणि राय्स्पोशाय विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव। 
- Be Wealth increaser.
ॐ चत्वारि मायोभवाय विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव। - Make our home cheerful.
ॐ पञ्च पशुभ्यो विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव। 
- Your presence makes our animals protected.
ॐ षड रुतुभ्यों विष्णु: त्वा नयतु । सा माम अनुमृता भव। 
- In all seasons, our married life remain cheerful.
ॐ सखे सप्तपदा भव । सा माम अनुमृता भव। विष्णु: त्वा नयतु ।
Inline image 1
The various vedic traditions use slight variations of this mantra for the saptapadi. ISHA EKAPADI BHAVA IS TO follow the Rig veda tradition. It is found in the ashvalAyana gRhya sUtra. The krishna yajur veda has it's variant in the taittiriya brahmana (though the context given by sayana is completely different). It is also found in the taittiriya mantra-prashna (ekagni kanda) in the marriage context.
The basic construction is "विष्णुः त्वा अन्वेतु (एतर्थम्)". अन्वेतु = अनुगच्छतु. There are 7 such items that we request Vishnu to bestow on the bride.
VISHNU TVA NAYATHU IS ANOTHER VERSION FOUND IN ANOTHER GRUYA SUTRA. There is a slight change combining both as the 3rd version. East, west and south almost follow Rig concept , while there is variation in North.
Saptapadi (Seven Steps) in Hindu Wedding significance. :-
This is the most important rite of the entire ceremony. Here the bride and the bridegroom take seven steps together around the nuptial fire (Agni) and make the following seven promises to each other :As per the Vedic rituals, the bridegroom sings the following : With God as Our Guide, Let Us Take,
1.The first step to nourish each other
2.The second step to grow together in strength
3.The third step to preserve our wealth
4.The fourth step to share our joys and sorrows
5.The fifth step to care for our children
6.The sixth step to be together forever
7.The seventh step to remain lifelong friends,
The perfect halves to make a perfect whole. 
After the seventh step he makes her remain where she is and says: "With seven steps we become friends. Let me reach your friendship. Let me not be severed from your friendship. Let your friendship not be severed from me."
The Saptapadi ceremony concludes with a prayer that the union is indissoluble. At the end of this ceremony, the bridegroom and bride become husband and wife.. In some communities such as Gujarati, instead of seven, only four steps, signifying Artha, Dharma, Kama and Moksha are taken.
According to Indian Civil Law, this ,the taking of the 7th step signifies the defining moment of a Hindu marriage
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[] Live Purposefully


Live Purposefully,,,,
If you don't live life on purpose you live life by accident. Why do some days feel like a motorway pile up? It's because you haven't sorted out your purpose yet. The highest purpose is always giving, or serving others, without wanting anything in return. This is why relaxation is always impossible if we are always 'on the take'. There is an overall purpose for your life, and each of the many scenes which fill your day are opportunities to serve your purpose. Take time to think deeply, listen to your intuition, and with patience, the reason why you are here, and what you uniquely have to give, will occur to you. Then you can live your life 'on purpose'.
Meditation simply means the management of your thoughts. It is to have
the ability to think of what you want and when you want, without
interference from other thoughts. Meditation is to develop the ability
to concentrate on a particular subject without being attracted and
influenced by the five senses, the five vices and the five elements.
Yoga, which is associated with meditation, simply means to have union
or make connection with some object, subject, person or God. However,
yoga is usually associated with spirituality. Yoga is to have
connection and to have dialogue or sweet conversation with the divine
source of inspiration, whom many call God. Meditation, therefore is a
prerequisite or condition that assists spiritual seekers to have
unbroken, undisturbed and continuous access with divinity and this
experience is called yoga, another form of prayer.
Practical Positive Response Training To The Mind (cont.)
If I believe that I am just the physical body and that my thoughts are simply results of chemical and electrical processes in the brain, and not something I can consciously control, I let go of the key of taking charge of what is going on inside my mind. In meditation, my intellect recognizes and realizes that my thoughts are my own creation, of me the soul and not the body and that I, the soul, using the intellect, which is also a part of the soul, can make choices about them.
When I realize that my natural state is to be the master of my mind and not to be dictated by it or dictated by the brain, I start taking charge of what is going on inside. When I practice being a master of my mind repeatedly by practicing meditation regularly, the new habit of creating only positive thoughts settles inside me and my habit of responding negatively with a negative state of mind to negative situations, begins to change over a period of time. I start responding positively even to negative situations. So, meditation is a major transformation process of the habit of thinking negatively, which then has positive results on my personality and behavior.
Tomorrow we shall further clarify the process which has been explained in today's and yesterday's message, with an example.
Soul Sustenance
Experiencing God's Presence
I need to understand that God is a person (although the Supreme Person), like us, and not some formal or non-personal energy, with whom we cannot communicate and have a relationship. If I know God's form, location and sanskars, I can direct my thoughts towards that One and immediately start experiencing the connection. The sentiment expressed in the phrase, 'O God, wherever I am, you are with me', indicates the closeness of the soul and God. It expresses the experience of the presence of God, in a similar way to two lovers who carry each other in their hearts. In this way God's presence is a spiritual experience that I can have wherever I am. It doesn't mean literally that the Supreme Being is present in everything. It's a feeling and not a fact. The sun is the source of our physical necessities. It purifies the water, makes the plants grow to produce food and oxygen and provides a suitable range of temperatures for our life here. To give life it doesn't need to be present in every particle. Its effect in the form of light and heat is felt throughout the solar system. In the same manner, for the effective practice of Raja Yoga meditation (as taught by the Brahma Kumaris) God is seen as a sun of perfect sanskars, the source of spiritual qualities and powers and, as such, doesn't need to be present in everything. Even though His residence is the soul world, God can be with me since the sense of closeness is beyond physical dimensions. One thought and I can experience Him in the soul world and be in His presence!
Message for the day
Concentration on positive thoughts brings power and growth.
Expression: Whatever thoughts are concentrated upon, those thoughts become powerful. It is like the growth of a seed. When a thought, a positive thought, is planted in the mind and it is concentrated upon, it becomes like sunlight adding energy. The more the concentration on them these thoughts begin to grow.
Experience: When I am able to create a positive thought, each morning and water it with attention throughout the day, I am able to find myself becoming more and more powerful. Negative circumstances or people with negativity do not influence me but I become a powerful source for finishing that negativity. I am able to maintain this positive thought under all circumstances.
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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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