Of all the sacred texts of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita commands a pre-eminence. Hence we can boldly and emphatically assert that it is " the heart of Hinduism". The Gita is the crest-jewel of the Mahabharatha. The Gita is a scripture which tries to integrate the personality of the individual student and make him capable of facing dynamically all the challenges in his life.
There are many occasions in our lives when we are caught up in the rat race and we do wonder about its relvance in the grand scheme of things. The Gita helps us perform our duties irrespective of the grand scheme of things.In the Gita, we see the most successful mentoring relationship between Krishna and Arjuna. On seeing close relatives and friends in the Kaurava army, Arjuna became depressed and got into a trauma. Arjuna stands for the younger generation. Their mental problems such as their restlessness, impossible aspirations, unending desires, utter disillusionments, suffocating despairs, depressing dejections and self-deluding sense of materialism in life are all depicted in Arjuna. Krishna reminded Arjuna of his role. He was the leader, manipulator, motivator, mentor and influencer, all rolled into one. Krishna's psychological treatment for him is the main theme of the Gita
The Gita way of life can accomplish the miracle of making man stand up even against odds and come out successful in the end. Gita expounds a science of reconstructing one's personality. It makes our inner personality whole and strong, gives us a new-found confidence to meet any problem and we feel, certain of success and sure of victory. It is our blessing that Gita is ready and willing to lift the young hearts from a state of confusion.
Gita gives us a motherly embrace and helps us solve our problems. It gives us total security, which, we are not sadly aware of.The mental and physical debility of the modern man, though called today's problem is not new to the history of mankind. The same problem has already been discussed in the Gita and the solution is also given.Gita indicates in detail, the ways of tuning up our personality all by ourselves. The Gita is a practical philosophy, which teaches how people can live with equanimity, composure and ease, and thus most effectively come to meet always their own personal, social and national problems. The Gita elaborately explains them all.
Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah.(- RIG VEDA)
"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions"
Miss.Shaija Vallikatri Bhaskaran