Saturday, 10 November 2018




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How to Improve the Memory According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda has the cure for all disease. It is a complete and approved system of medication. The medicines made out of rasa (essence), bark, fruit, and leaves of different plants may appear to be useless, but they have the capacity to cure many incurable diseases. Today's modern life style has influenced the human brain to a great extent.
Busy schedules and hectic work has resulted in our memory power becoming weakened. Foreign companies are coming up with new medicines and polluting the bodies environment at a time when we are trying to cope up with stress and tension. It is not sure whether such polluting medicines improve memory power or not, though it is certain that these medicines have adverse effects on the body.
Our brain has three parts. There are the conscious, subconscious and unconscious aspects of mind. All three forms are associated with memory. The conscious mind is the part of contemporary memory. The subconscious mind is related to those memories which can be remembered with great difficulty. The memories, which have been forgotten and the person is unable to recollect in spite of his best efforts are included in the unconscious mind. The memories and incidents which are a part of this mind sometimes appear in the form of dreams or a rare incident.
Important Yogic Remedies from Ancient Indian Scriptures:
1. 29th chapter of Agnipuran contains a medicine, which grants longevity to a person. According to the text, consuming 240 mg to 500 mg of Brahmi powder with milk every morning is very beneficial. It also increases the memory power.
2. Ayurvedic scriptures like Charaka and Sushruta say that consuming 3 gm of green vegetable soup (made form Brahmi) increases the memory power. Brahmi leaves are tasty just like the tamarind leaves.
3. Bhav Prakash includes the importance of Shankhpushpi for good memory. Consuming 3 to 6 gm of Shankhpushpi powder with milk is extremely beneficial for increasing memory. It also plays an important role in improving the functioning of the brain and its overall development.
4 .Beshajya Ratnavali is a famous Ayurvedic literature. According to this book, regular consumption of Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, almond, etc. strengthen the brain cells and provide coolness to the brain. They are helpful in improving memory power and curing nervous related problems.
5.An Ayurvedic literature called Chikitsa Chandrodaya mentions the importance of Brahmi in the form of a chemical. Regular consumption of Brahmi improves the capacity to think and understand. It also includes a simple combination to improve memory power. It says that almond and sugar candy 'Halava' (sweet dish) is very healthy to strengthen the brain cells and improve the memory power.
6. Add one gram of black pepper in ten grams of honey and consume this mixture twice a day. This combination is very beneficial for increasing the memory power, improves eyesight and stops premature graying of hair.
7. A Greek literature 'Ijajul Gruba' mentions that consuming fiber in right quantity is extremely beneficial. Almond and pomegranate squash are very useful sources of fiber food. Whichever squash suits the body, should be taken regularly in the summer season. This book has cautioned that the best way to improve the memory power is to keep the mind cold and the feet warm.
8. Ayurvedic books have paid utmost attention to massage. Massaging the feet and head with rapeseed oil is beneficial in improving the memory power. Regular massage of the head increases the blood flow and also improves the memory power. It also relieves headache and improves the eyesight.
9. A simple tip can improve your memory power many times. When you go to bed, lie down straight, close your eyes and memorize all the activities, which you did throughout the day from morning to evening. Practice this tip everyday and you will notice that the memory power has improved to a great extent.
10. People who sleep with their head towards the East or South direction have very good memory power.
11. According to Guru Pushya Yog one should always keep Apamarg herb, this increases the memory power.
Diet for a Healthy Brain:
Necessary vitamins for the brain:
Vitamin B -1: It is necessary for the brain. The main sources are-sprouted cereals, green-leafy vegetables and groundnuts.
Vitamin B-2: This is also very important for the brain and is found in milk, cheese, green vegetables, tomato and apricot.
Vitamin B-6: The brain needs this vitamin and is mainly found in whole grains, yeast, dried beans, potato, fruits, and green vegetables.
Vitamin B-12: It is very important for the proper functioning of the brain. Its main sources are milk, curd and cheese.
Vitamin-C: It keeps the brain healthy and the main sources of this vitamin are tomatos, melons, myrobalan, lime, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, strawberry, and turnip.
Vitamin-E: It gives strength to the brain and the main sources of this vitamin are tomato, dried beans, pulses, grains, spinach, and green vegetables.
Mineral Salts are Very Important:
1. Calcium keeps the brain healthy and is mainly found in beans, grains, and pulses.
2. Our brain requires sodium and can be obtained from pulses, cheese. It is normally found in all the edible items and common salt is also sodium..
3. Our brain also requires iron, which is found in green vegetables, pulses, beans, groundnuts etc.
4. Potassium also strengthens the body and pulses, green leafy vegetables, beans, cereals, milk, fruits especially banana and orange are good source of potassium.
5. Zinc keeps the brain in proper condition and can be obtained from beans, cereals, and pulses. These items should be included in our daily diet..
6. Magnesium strengthens the mind. It is found in soyabeans, milk, green vegetables, pulses, well water etc.
7. Fluoride gives the brain the ability to think and understand. Fluoride is found in tea, coffee, soyabean and drinking water.
8. Copper is very essential for the brain and the best sources are cereals, mushroom, green peas, beans etc.
9. Selenium refreshes the mind and makes it strong. Selenium is found in whole grains, milk, cheese, vegetables etc.
Sun Heated Oil:
1. Oil made under the sunlight cures diseases related to the brain. This oil is known as 'Asmani' oil, which means the oil made under the sky. To prepare this oil you require a blue colored glass bottle and black sesame oil or rapeseed oil or coconut oil. Fill the bottle with any one type of oil and keep it under the Sun for at least three months. Do not keep the bottle on the floor rather place it on some wooden plank.
2. Cover the bottle with cotton and change the cotton everyday.
3. This oil makes the mind active, cool and makes the hair healthy.
4. This oil works very well in all diseases related to the brain. Massaging the body with this oil increases the strength of the body.
5. This oil reduces burning sensation in the eyes, hands, legs and nervous weakness.

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रूमाना सिद्दीक़ी


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[] Meaning, Purpose - Neurosis


Meaning, Purpose---Neurosis...
What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning and purpose of life? What is the meaning of meaning, of meaning of meaning of meaning of meaning of meaning....on and on. We can continue in this line on purpose, on meaning and purpose, on and on, and on...
When we were born, these questions did not occur or bother us. Because we were yet to grow up ... into the lunacy. When we were just two or three months old, we simply developed spontaneous smiles and our parents adored those meaningless and purposeless smiles. Left to ourselves we filled the house in spontaneous raptures. Our great forefathers and mothers, had great plains,meadows,forests,lakes,waterfalls...wonderful nature to subsume into, life was very leisurely, no big books but nature itself to perceive...and continue their one year old infant mind of sheer innocence and the continuous smiles of new discoveries, in FEELINGS OF SONGS,DANCES,MUSIC....THE BOONS AND BOUNTIES FROM GOD. Unfortunately Satan entered, he said, analyze, analyze and analyze to death, you become the sceptics, rationalists, scientists and stop your blind belief.
The simple fact is when you enjoy you stop analyzing. When you analyze you stop enjoying. Analysis and enjoyment can never happen at the same time. You stop your Subsumation in nature as nature when you analyze. When this disease takes you over completely, you disconnect yourself from nature and dissect and dissect and dissect nature, the butchery of rationality. Catch hold of cats, dogs, deers, bulls, rabbits, frogs...cut their entails open to know their engineered structures, cross them to create your own mutations, cut those mutations..., analyze and analyze. You call them machines not different from the scooters and you want to know the meaning and purpose of life of those scooters. In that great search, you create new and new machines and also mutations among the bio entities. Now every new technology kills the old technology and now we have the rat's race for new and new models.
In your analysis, you found that everything is a composition only and that there is no final indivisible thing. But out of sheer bout of uncharacteristic irrationality you divided everything into Leptons or Bosons, created the standard model, asserted that those fields are 3D entities (they became entities because you noticed them and pulled them away from their super positional or wave state according to Quantum Physics).So you noticed not to enjoy but to pull it away from the Universe as a wave, and you are angry that you are not able to arrest those particles long enough to dissect and analyze. They escape, you either know where they are at a micro second of time or the direction where they are going into to vanish but you can never know both—position and direction of movement.
As scientists we have become the champions of entropy completely and we find no books on syntropy. Syntropy needs nature, and creates the non-analytical rapture filled arts. You have to subsume in nature, get enthralled, and realize that you are the Universe and not an independent observer of the Universe. Universe is very eager to subsume, but you dread it, call it death, and just cannot realize that it is Subsumation into the Universe
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Ayurveda, Knowledge of Life has, described the numerous effects of ghee…

1. Action On the Brain
Brain is one of the main sites that ghee acts. Only Fat Soluble substances and alcohol soluble substances can cross the blood brain barrier. Ghee is a fat. Hence it can cross the Blood Brain Barrier. Ghee acts on the brain and increases the receptive power, cognitive power, remembering power. Brain development takes place mostly during the childhood. So giving 1 teaspoon of ghee everyday especially during this age, will enhance the intellectual power of brain. The effect is multiplied a 100 times if medicated ghee like Brahmi Ghritam, Saraswata Ghritam etc is used.
Wonderful effects have been seen in children whose mile stones of development was retarded. In Brain development retarded cases ghee like Kalyanaka, Paishachika, Brahmi Ghrita brings good results. If given in normal children, it will enhance the growth of brain, thus making, child sharper, smarter and with good memory.
Ghee also has immense effects on the psychatric complaints. People with psychatric complaints like mood disorders, schizoprenia etc have good results with Kalyanakam, Paishachika, Maha Kalyanakam, Mahapaishachikam Ghritam etc depending on condtion of patient.
2. Action on the metabolic pathways
Ghee is said be Agni Vardhaka. Agni is that factor which does bio-chemical transformations in body. It may be hormones, enzymes or co-factors. Daily taking 1 teaspoon of ghee on empty stomach in normal healthy state will result in proper production of Agni, thereby making the bio-chemical transformations proper.
3. Action on immunity
Ghee is said to be Bala Vardhaka. Bala is the resistance power of a person. When ghee is given to a person, his immune power increases thereby preventing him from common colds and other diseases. This has especially been seen when Indukantham, Amruthaprasham Ghritam etc is given.
4. Action against allergy
Ghee is a best anti-allergic substance. It has been found that people who were given Indukantham Ghritam, Mahatiktakam Ghritam etc where found to have very little allergic reactions of any kind like excess sneezing, itching around the eyes, allergic asthma, allergic dermatitis etc.
5. Action on GIT – Gastro-Intestinal Tract
Ghee smoothes and nourishes the mucosa thereby preventing the formation of gastric ulcer. It also heals the ulcer in stomach. This also reduces hyperacidity and prevents the burning sensation in chest. Ghee is also good for people who have constant gas formation due to the persistent gastritis. It also makes the digestion normal and increases the quality and functions of the gastric and pancreatic juices thereby providing complete digestion and thus prevents disorders of digestion.
6. Action on Male Reproductive System
Ghee acts on the reproductive system, especially on male reproductive system. Only Fat soluble substances can pass the blood testis barrier. Ghee increases the sperm count, increases the seminal fluid amount and increases the active motility of sperms. In many infertility cases where the reasons is due to the defects in male part treatment with medicated ghee like Phala Sarpis, Kalyanakam Ghritam, Dadimadi Ghritam etc have brought good results.
7. Action on Female Reproductive System
Ghee also has immense action on the female reproductive system. It is usually the medicine of choice in common gynecological conditions like menstrual abnormalities, infections of uterine tract, inferltility, repeated abortions, uterine prolapse and hormonal imbalance induced uterine and vaginal complaints etc. Usually used medication are Phala Sarpis, Dadimadi Ghritam, Satavaryadi Ghritam, Kalyanakam Ghritam depending upon the condition..…..
Ghee is also of special importance during pregnancy i.e ante-natal care. Vaginal deliveries are in decreasing trend and ceserean sections are increasing. Ghee medicated with certain medicinal plants are to be used in the three trimesters of pregnancy for a full term normal vaginal delivery.
8. Action on eyes
Another important site of action of ghee is the eyes. Daily intake of 1 teaspoon Triphala Churnam + 1 Teapsoon Ghee + ½ Teapsoon Honey will prevent all the eye diseases especially the refractive errors like myopia, hypermetropia, ambylopia. Usually in cases with eye complaints, Ayurveda advises to do Netra Tarpana i.e. making the ghee stand on eyes for some times with Jeevantyadi Ghritam, Triphala Ghritam, Satahwadi Tarpana Ghritam etc depending upon the condition of the patient. This has brought good result in a lot of people helping them to improve their vision.
9. Action on throat
Ghee is good for the throat. It is especially good for making the swara i.e. voice good smooth and tuned. It is especially indicated for singers. It also prevents fatigness of throat especially for those who talk for a long time.
10. Action on cuts and burns
It was in earlier times a practice that when ever there is a fresh burn people would immediately apply ghee. The results were very fantastic….they wouldn't even get a single boil or scar…..the burning sensation and the scar was also absent……similarly in a small cut ghee with honey are applied to the cut area. It would heal the area very fast. In long standing ulcers like venous ulcers application of Jatyadi Ghritam + Honey has proven results..This Jatyadi Ghrita is also an anti-microbial. It prevents the secondary bacterial attack……….It is also used in fissures and fistulas for healing of the wound.
11. Action on the toxins that enters the body
Man is now a constant eater of a lots of toxins and poisons that are harmful to the body….the fruits and vegetables that we get today are covered with lots of insecticides and pesticides…..all the food that we eat are now adultered… meats especially there are lots of hormones in high quantity that causes hormonal imbalance to the body…These all may be compared with gara visha in Ayurveda and ghee is one of the best remover of visha. It will detoxify the body. Tiktakam, Maha Tiktakam, Kalyanakam Ghrita are best among them.
12. Action on Fevers
Each and every day, newer types of fevers are emerging. There are many people with getting attacks of fever repeatedly every month. Main reason for the increased susceptibility to fever is decreased body resistance. Ghee has a very special and important role…Ghee enhances the immune power, increases the body strength and prevents the person from getting recurrent fever. In this context, Indukantham Ghritam is very special.
13. Makes very thin people healthy
Ghee has a special property of increasing the Mamsa dhatus in body. So this is especially good in people who are very thin and weak….Ajamamsa Ghritam, Indukantham Ghritam, Amrithaprasham Ghritam can be used accordingly with milk to increase health.
14. Action on Joints
Ghee lubricates the joints and makes them functionally good. In treatment of osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis ghee is important. It strenghthens the back bone, knee joint etc thereby reducing pain and other complaints….
15. Actions as an anti aging agent
Ghee is a good anti-aging agent…a person who consumes ghee daily will have all aging changes very late and that too in decreased rate….It is good when applied to face along with pure Tumeric Powder. It brings brightness to the face. But should not be used by persons who have oily skin.
16. Action on preventing hair fall and premature greying
Ghee also helps in strengthening the hair roots, thus preventing the excess hair fall….Ghee also prevents and reduces the pre-mature greying of hairs….Indukantham Ghritam, Amrutaprasham Ghritam, Ajamamsa Ghritam, Kalyanakam Ghritam etc can be used according to the condition.
17. Action for making the respiratory system healthy
Ghee especially acts on the respiratory system and prevents the chances of lung disorders like asthma and other diseases. Indukantham Ghritam, Maha Tiktakam Ghritam, Amrutha Prasham Ghritam, Kalyanakam Ghritam etccan be done based on the condition of the patient.
Many people come to us and say that we have taken medicated ghees for many months but there has not been any result….
Ghee should be only taken after the digestive process of our body is good and our Kapha in the body has been decreased….if ghee is taken in this condition, it will get digested well and will act like a Nectar or Amrut.
In Contrast…..
If ghee is taken during the acute infections or when there is high temperature or when there is no or less appetite with increased Kapha, it will not get digested and will act like a poison…..Either there will be aggravation of the condition or there will not be any affect on the system…..
This has been very well mentioned in Ayurveda….
All the medicines prescribed above should be taken only after an expert medical advice from an Ayurvedic Doctor.
As seen in the link below.
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