How to Enjoy Life (The Illogical Way)
There are better ways to live your life than let your mind control every single move you make.
Think about all those things you've wanted to do, but never did, because you thought they were silly. Have you noticed how that approach is slowly sucking the enjoyment out of your life?
There are better options.
Following Your Procrastination
Recently I read a really, really good article over at Steve Pavlina's blog on How to Fall in Love with Procrastination. I find it interesting how often Steve's articles are synchronistic with what I'm experiencing.In the last two months I've immersed myself in language learning, specifically Spanish. I'm a forward thinking person, and I have a tendency to want to get things done as soon as possible.
This leads to doing tasks that aren't fun. In language learning that would be studying grammar, word lists and what have you.
Instead of doing that I've started watching TV-series and movies in Spanish. I've also started listening to Spanish podcasts, reading Spanish books and chatting with Spanish natives.
The problem with only doing something to reach a goal is that there will always be more goals to reach.
Blogging has taken a back-seat, because I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor. I've spent the last few years building up passive income streams online so I can live a life of freedom and do what I want.
Don't worry though. I will keep blogging and sharing my experiences. When I say blogging has taken a back-seat, that just means that I'm not guest posting or doing anything other than writing my own posts.
As I've let go more and more, I've realized that I can take breaks. I can take a day off and watch 12-hours of Lost in Spanish (I know, I have problems, but hey, at least I'm learning Spanish! ;))
How Much Fun Are You Having?
It doesn't matter if I'm learning a language, learning to paint or just sitting and talking to somebody. There are always lessons to be learned.In the last few months of immersing myself in language learning I've grown more patient and started focusing on having fun instead of working myself to death.
Learning another language has helped my English as well. I've become more aware of intonation and pronunciation. I've started looking at speaking as a way to practice languages as well as connect with others.
I used to look at everything as a means to an end. I was always looking to reach my latest goal.
As time passed, I've come to realize that enjoying the current moment is more important than reaching any goal. If I'm not enjoying what I'm doing, then why keep going?
There's a big obstacle to all this though, and it will hold you back if you let it, and it's this: What you feel like doing won't always make logical sense.
The truth is that you never know if your short dabble in learning Spanish will lead to something else. Maybe you'll meet someone who knows someone and things start rolling from there.
Are You Aware of the Adventure?
I work best when I can immerse myself in something for an extended period of time. For example, I immersed myself in blogging for 6 months and did almost nothing else during that time. Now I'm easing up on it and experimenting with something else.I've learned to follow my heart and trust the process. I've been following my own path for over half a decade. I've trained myself to listen to my heart, even if it sometimes doesn't make sense.
I've received many e-mails from people asking me advice on what they should do with their life. The answer is always the same: follow your heart.
We've been taught to look for validation, but when you realize that all you have to do is listen to that thing in your chest, everything becomes much more fun.
You start looking forward to what's going to happen. I have no idea what I'll be doing in six months. I'm excited to see what I come up with, where I end up and what I'll be doing.
[Note: It's been over a year since I wrote this post, and I'm in Finland right now, enjoying the cold, family, and friends I have here.]
I Just Love What I Do …
The last few years of playing poker, I just held on, because I was afraid of letting go. It was familiar and it was the only way I knew how to make a living.My heart was telling me to play around with websites, but my mind was full of fear.
"It can't be done! You can't do it" my mind said to me.
In early 2009, I finally let go. I started building websites and I did what I felt like I wanted to do.
I worked day and night on my early websites, because I loved it. Many have commented on my work ethic, but I don't see myself as an incredibly hard worker, I just love what I do.
The income from my websites and this blog are what allow me to take months off to study Spanish, take a swim in the pool and walks with the missus.
This is what life is about. Life is about freedom. Life is about doing what you truly feel like doing, even if it doesn't make any sense at all. Life is about being a child and doing whatever you want.
Have you ever wanted to learn a language, but never felt like you could?
There's a reason you feel drawn to do the things you want to do. If you don't start following your excitement today, when will you?
Stop pushing away the things that bring fulfillment, enjoyment and happiness to your life. Start following your hunches and start playing. |
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