Saturday, 4 May 2019

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[] Home Remedies For High Blood Pressure


Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious health problem that can lead to heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 mm Hg or above is considered high.
high blood pressure systolic diastolic
Hypertension usually is diagnosed when a person has a sustained high reading over a certain period of time
systolic and diastolic pressure for high blood pressure
Common causes or contributing factors of hypertension are obesity, genetic factors, excessive drinking, high salt intake, lack of aerobic exercise, stress, birth control pills, pain relievers, kidney disease, and adrenal disease.
Medication is often prescribed for hypertension. You can also help control it with simple natural remedies.
home remedies for high-blood pressure
Here are the top 10 home remedies for high blood pressure.
1. Lemons
Lemons help keep blood vessels soft and pliable and by removing any rigidity, high blood pressure will be reduced. In addition, you can help lower your chance of heart failure by consuming lemon juice regularly, due to its vitamin C content. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals.
high blood pressure cure
Simply drink a cup of warm water with the juice from half a lemon added to it each morning on an empty stomach. For best results, do not add salt or sugar.
2. Watermelon Seeds
Watermelon seeds contain a compound called cucurbocitrin, which helps widen the blood capillaries. At the same time, it also helps improve kidney functioning. This in turn reduces blood pressure levels and also helps a lot with arthritis.
Also, a 2010 Florida State pilot study found that watermelon can help lower blood pressure due to its vasodilatory effect.
Grind equal quantities of dried watermelon seeds and poppy seeds (khus khus). Take one teaspoon of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and again in the evening.
Alternatively, add two teaspoons of gently crushed, dried watermelon seeds to one cup of boiled water. Steep it for about an hour, then strain it. Take four tablespoons of this water at regular intervals throughout the day.
3. Garlic
Several studies have demonstrated blood pressure lowering effects of garlic. Both raw and cooked garlic help control high blood pressure and at the same time reduce cholesterol levels. Garlic helps relax blood vessels by stimulating the production of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide.
Eat one or two crushed garlic cloves daily. You can simply crush them with your hands. Crushing garlic cloves creates hydrogen sulfide, a compound that promotes good blood flow, removes gas and reduces the pressure on the heart. If you do not like eating raw garlic or if it causes a burning sensation, then take it along with a cup of milk.
You can also mix five or six drops of garlic juice in four teaspoons of water and take it twice a day.
4. Banana
Bananas are one fruit that people with high blood pressure can eat regularly to control it. Bananas are a rich source of potassium, which lessens the effect of sodium.
So, try to eat one or two bananas daily. Along with bananas, you can try dried apricots, raisins, currants, orange juice, spinach, zucchini, baked sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and winter squash.
5. Celery
The high level of the phytochemical 3-N-butylphthalide present in celery greatly helps control high blood pressure. Phthalides help relax the muscles in and around arterial walls, thereby creating more space and allowing the blood to flow in without difficulty.
At the same time, it can help reduce the stress hormones that constrict blood vessels, which contributes to high blood pressure.
Try to eat one stalk of celery along with a glass of water daily. If you prefer, you can munch on celery throughout the day.
6. Coconut Water
People with high blood pressure must keep their bodies well hydrated. It is a good idea to drink eight to 10 glasses of water daily. Coconut water is particularly beneficial for lowering blood pressure.
A 2005 study published in the West Indian Medical Journal found that coconut water, being rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamin C can help decrease systolic blood pressure. Along with coconut water, you can also use coconut oil when cooking.
7. Cayenne Pepper
cayenne pepper
Those suffering from mild hypertension will benefit from eating cayenne pepper. It helps smooth blood flow by preventing platelets from clumping together and accumulating in the blood.
You can add some cayenne pepper to fruit or vegetable salad, or add a pinch to a bowl of soup. Because cayenne pepper is quite spicy, you only need to use a little bit.
8. Onion Juice
Onions have also been found to lower your blood pressure due to the presence of an antioxidant flavonol called quercetin.
Try to eat one medium-sized, raw onion daily.
You can also mix one-half teaspoon each of onion juice and honey and take it twice a day for one to two weeks.
9. Honey
Honey can reduce pressure from the heart and it also has a calming effect on blood vessels, hence it can be helpful in reducing high blood pressure.
Eat two teaspoons of honey on an empty stomach each morning.
You can also mix one teaspoon each of honey and ginger juice with two teaspoons of cumin seed powder. Eat it twice a day.
Another effective remedy is to mix basil juice and honey in equal amounts and have it on an empty stomach daily.
10. Fenugreek Seeds
fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds are an effective ingredient for lowering high blood pressure due to their high potassium and dietary fiber content.
Boil one to two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water for about two minutes, and then strain it.
Put the seeds in a blender and mix it into a paste.
Eat this paste twice a day, once in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening. Follow this remedy for two to three months to notice a significant improvement in your blood pressure level.
In addition to using these natural remedies as part of treatment for high blood pressure, it is essential to follow your doctor's medical and dietary advice and go for regular checkups.

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[] Rare Pearls & Diamonds



Worth remembering

NEVER share your secrets with ANYONE…
This can be self-destructive.

NEVER tell your problems to ANYONE…
20% don't care, and
80% are glad that you have them !!

Life is similar to Boxing game..
Defeat is NOT declared when you fall down;
It is declared when you refuse to 'Get Up'!

Always WRONG persons teach the RIGHT lessons in Life!

Everything is valuable only at 2 times:
1. Before getting it; and
2. After losing it !!

Two things bring happiness & success in life:
1. The way you MANAGE when you have nothing, and
2. The way you BEHAVE when you have everything !

Two places are MOST VALUABLE in the world:
1. The NICEST place is to be in someone's Thoughts, and
2. The SAFEST place is to be in someone's Prayers..

One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness.

Faith is taking the 1st step, even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Keep your face to the Sun,
And you will not see the shadow!

A Deaf child says: "For all of you, I am deaf;
But for me, all of you are dumb…"
Moral: Life differs in each perspective. Live the way you want to.

It is always good to check once in a while,
And make sure that
You haven't lost the things that money cannot buy..!!

Attitude at its best:
My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL..
Kindly say on my FACE.

Ego is the only requirement to destroy any relationship.
Be a bigger person; skip the "E", and let it "go"..!!

One good thing about Egoists:
They don't talk about other people!

What is SUCCESS?
It is when your photos are uploaded on GOOGLE,
Instead of FACEBOOK..!!

Do you know why God didn't give us the gift to read others' minds?
So that,
We could have the chance to "TRUST",
And privilege to be "TRUSTED"!

As long as we don't forgive people who have hurt us,

Always keep hoping for good.
Keep a green tree in your heart.
The singing birds will automatically come..!

God always likes to know again and again what you want…
It is not that He forgets your Dreams & Prayers;
But He loves to check your passion towards your desire..!

We have solutions to all the problems,
When they are not ours !!!

I asked God: "If everything is already written in Destiny, then WHY should I pray?"
God smiled and said: "I have also written- CONDITIONS APPLY…"!!!

Empty pockets teach millions of things in life…
But full pockets spoil us in million ways !!!

No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth.
Everybody is afraid to face the consequences after the truth is told!

Getting angry is punishing yourself for the mistakes of others!

Trust is like a STICKER.
Once it is removed, it may stick again,
But NOT as strong as it holds when you first applied it..!
Always take care of relations.

Everything about the future is uncertain,
But one thing is sure:
God has already arranged all our tomorrows…
We just have to TRUST HIM TODAY !!

NEVER win people with Arguments, rather defeat with your Smile!
Because people who always wish to Argue with you, cannot bear your Silence !!!

The search for happiness is one of the main source of unhappiness.

Diplomacy is an art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that
they tend to ask you for directions..!!

If a drop of water falls on a Lake, its identity is lost;
If it falls on Lotus leaf, it shines like a Pearl.
Drop is the same; but the company matters.

Our HOPES should be like Hair & Nails.
No matter how many times they get cut,
But they never stop growing.

"F-E-A-R" has two meanings:
1. Forget Everything And Run…
2. Face Everything And Rejoice..!
Choice is ours..!!

If you walk the way guided by humans, you will find hopeless end;
& if you walk the way guided by God, you will find endless hope.

Memories are always special…
Sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried;
And we cry by remembering the days we laughed…!!!
That's Life!

Sea is common for all…
Some take pearls,
Some take fishes,
Some come out just with just wet legs!
World is common to all; what we get, is whet we try for!

To smile without condition,
To walk without intention,
To give without reason, &
To care without expectation,
Are the beauties of any Relation!

Life is very complicated…
When you have standards, people call it ATTITUDE;
When you are simple, people try to CHEAT you; &
When you cheat others, people call you SMART!

All communication problems are because
We don't listen to understand;
We listen to reply…!!!
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Hands that serve are Holier than Lips that Pray


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[] Home Remedies For Hypothyroidism


Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland is underactive. It affects the body's metabolism rate, which is controlled primarily by the thyroid gland.

Some of the common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, muscle cramping, sudden weight gain, depression and brittle fingernails and hair.
Many natural remedies can help control this health problem.
home- remedies for hypothyroidism
Here are the top 10 home remedies for hypothyroidism.
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that help improve thyroid functioning. It will also stimulate metabolism and boost energy. Plus, it will help raise the basal body temperature which is important for those those dealing with low thyroid function.
Use coconut oil for cooking. Always use extra-virgin organic coconut cooking oil.
You can also add two tablespoons of coconut oil to milk and drink it in the morning along with your breakfast every day. You can also add it to your smoothies.
2. Kelp
Kelp is a brown seaweed rich in iodine and other minerals. It is useful for those suffering from hypothyroidism due to iodine deficiency. However, this remedy is not recommended for those suffering from autoimmune thyroid problems or else it may worsen the condition.
So, do consult your doctor before taking kelp supplements to check if it is suitable for you and find the correct dosage specific to your condition.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar may also help deal with this thyroid disorder. It is believed that it aids detoxification, restores acid alkaline balance, facilitates weight loss, and helps regulate hormones and improve their energy metabolism.
Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial for other health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and others.
Add two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water.
Mix in a little honey.
Drink this solution daily on a regular basis.
4. Fish Oils
Fish oils are considered good for increasing thyroid hormone uptake and maintaining healthy thyroid function. Being rich in omega 3 fatty acids, they also fight inflammation and increase immunity.
Take fish oil supplements after consulting your doctor, especially if you are taking blood thinners. The general dosage is up to 3 grams per day.
5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with several autoimmune diseases, including thyroid disease. Exposure to early sunshine is a good way to generate the vitamin D required by the body.
So, expose your body to early morning sunrays for about 15 minutes daily. This will also help maintain healthy immune function and calcium metabolism.
Those suffering from hypothyroidism can make it a habit to wake up in the morning and do some healthy exercises (stimulates the thyroid gland), such as walking outdoors. You'll get the early sunshine as well as benefit from the physical exercise.
6. Guggul
Guggul comes from the gum resin of an Indian tree called Commiphora Mukul. Research indicates that its active compounds called guggulsterones may help in the treatment of hypothyroidism by stimulating thyroid function. Plus, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity and cholesterol-lowering benefits.
You can take this herb in supplement form after consulting your doctor. Generally, it is taken in doses of 25 mg three times a day. When taking this herb, be sure to monitor your T3 and T4 thyroid hormone levels as it stimulates the conversion of T4 into its more active T3 form.
Caution: Guggul may interfere with estrogen, birth control pills, beta-blockers and other medications.
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