"Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart" – Haruki Murakami
Quote of our times…
"How is it that bills and committees that have money involved find this 'consensus', but never the ones about the welfare of the people?" – Ranvir Shorey, Actor, on consensus among politicians.
(Me: No one has a clue, either..)
An old's gold humour…
Two friends are walking through a forest. All of a sudden, a giant bear jumps out and scares them. They run for their lives but suddenly one of them stops, opens his backpack and laces up a pair of tennis shoes. His buddy looks at him and says, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? You can't outrun the bear!"
His friend replies: "I know, all I have to do is outrun you!"
A riddle…
"Is man one of God's blunders? Or is God one of man's blunders?" – Friedrich Nietzche
(Me: One would second the second: It's man's BIGGEST blunder!)
This 's bizarre!
Woman allergic to green vegetables..
Charlotte Jefferson, 25, has a rare condition which doesn't allow her to eat green vegetable and many other food items extremely dangerous. Her throat swells up so much she struggles to breathe if she consumes a pear or a tomato, and she has been hospitalized several times as a result of her bizarre condition.
Health info..
Which tea is better: tea bags or loose tea?
Loose tea, which can be purchased in tea shops, is FAR superior to tea bags, because tea bags usually contain "dust" or "fannings.". The inferior leftovers from tea leaf processing. Leaves used for loose teas are of a higher quality. The highest quality leaves are those at the end of the stem.
(Me: That is the PREMIUM, both in terms of cost n ill-health, you pay for convenience!.
This is of course true of all convenience foods…)
Wife: I dreamed you bought me a mink coat and a diamond ring.
Husband: Go back to sleep and wear them.
Woman to husband: "Your horoscope says: 'Start the new year right. Go back to bed. Stay there until June."
(Me: Not a joke really: this is how most of the forecasts are worded if you were to read them carefully… haha)
War is fear cloaked in courage..
Tongue in cheek…
I asked God for a bike, but I know it doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness…
Line Maro
Would you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?
(Me: But I hv no desire to touch a witch, even with a barge-pole…)**
"No woman should let age get in the way of romance" – the 61-year-old yesteryear screen siren, Zeenie baby (aka Zeenat Aman) on her impending marriage to a 30+year old bizman)
(Me: Agree, wholeHEARTEDLY….)
Health tips…
Get rid of your pain the natural way. Cherries, berries, turmeric and ginger help relieving arthritis pain..
Only in India…
90-year-old Col (Retd.) Jaswant Singh appointed as honorary secretary of the National Rifle Association of India.
Weird world…
Tattooist inks his name on girlfriend's face in first meeting.
Moscow: Some men buy their women jewellery to show how much they love them. But Russian Toumaniantz tattooed his name in five-inch high letters across his girlfriend's face – less than 24 hours after they met. Amazingly the woman, known only as Lesya, says she is happy to have 'Russian' in giant Gothic script on her mug. She said: It's a symbol of our eternal devotion. I'd like to tattoo every inch of my body."
Incidentally, the guy has earlier been sued by his previous girl for tattooing 56 stars across her face….
(Me: hmmm. Love isn't just blind, it is nonsensical, too, some might conclude…)