Does the Multiverse Really Exist?+

Physicists aren't afraid of thinking big, but what happens when you .

Themultiverseas a scientific concept — part II
- Does the Multiverse Really Exist?
The idea that reality or 'Creation' may contain multiple worldsis an old one. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and numerous other religions have been contemplating the concept of multiple planes of existence in their own ways for millennia, often with regard to life before and after death.
AsDanish scholarHelgeKragh points out, evenpre-Socratic philosophers likeAnaximander and Anaximenes were hashingthese kinds ofideas out.Later generations of heavyweight thinkers (like Thomas Wright and Immanuel Kant, to name a few) have continued exploring the concept.
The actual term "multiverse" was coined in 1895 by American philosopher William James, but with a somewhat different meaning from the one it holds now.He described a world he found to be "all plasticity and indifference" and seemingly controlled by multiple forces.
Today, physicists, cosmologists, and philosophers use the word (in very broad terms) to identify the possibly infinite number of universes that exist as full-fledged manifestations of every possible variation, circumstance, and so on in the whole of time and space, right down to the quantum (think subatomic) level. Meaning everything that could occur or exist does exist in at least one universe—maybe even fairies.
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