In this step you focus upon the identification of all items in a workplace which enables you to distinguish between the essential and non-essential items.
Set – The workplace in order:
In this step you identify the best location for each item, placing essential items in assigned locations. All non-essential items are removed from the work area in question.
Shine – The work area:
In this step you focus on creating a best practice approach to keeping the workplace clean and tidy at all times. The principle requires that you ensure that regular housekeeping activities occur continuously during any given shift.
Standardize – Activities:
In this step you work to identify with the process employees the best procedures to use to ensure effective and safe operation. These procedures become "law" and are applied diligently time and time again.
Sustain – The 5S system:
In this step you focus your energies to ensure that all activities and changes which have been implemented stay implemented. Actions such as continued cleaning of the workplace, the identification of potential non-compliant activities and the reinforcement of approved activities are required to ensure the 5S activity remains beneficial.
Source: Unknown